
Naruto: Mizukage Of The Mist

Translation FF Not mine Please subscribe to my p_atreon, your $1 means a lot to me I have sexual content on there p_atreon: p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun My name is Yudao and I was reborn in Kirigakure. As the First Mizukage, I never wanted to get involved in a squabble between Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. After all, they are both real cheaters. But the system thought differently, setting me the task of uniting the Shinobi world. I couldn't believe my eyes when these cheaters attacked two against one shortly after the first Five Kage Meeting! But even they were unable to kill me. So before sealing, I gave Madara and Hashirama the middle finger! Please give infinity Stones~~~~~~~

JoyBoy2 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 13

Hashirama Senju formed a series of hand seals and placed his palm on the ground under Orochimaru's control.


After which a huge lump of earth with a diameter of more than a hundred meters appeared in front of them with a loud bang.

There was no doubt that the lump was made of earth, but its surface shone like metal under the rays of the sun.

Not only did the earthball not have the slightest drop of chakra, but its strength was beyond the imagination of the Sannin and Mizukage.

– To do this with ordinary Cato and Doton... incredible! – Orochimaru opened his mouth in shock, touching the surface of the lump.

- Ao! – Mei exclaimed with hitherto unprecedented excitement.

"Right this second..." the experienced shinobi nodded and began to explore the lump of earth with the help of the Byakugan, until his shoulders also trembled with excitement. - Found! There is a wooden coffin there, but the seals prevent you from looking inside, I can only say that the coffin is made of solid wood!

– Heh, everything turned out to be easier than I thought! – Orochimaru licked his lips with undisguised excitement in his voice.

"Suiton: Water Shock Wave!" - Meanwhile, Ao, with a loud cry, made a seal and created a vortex flow of water around himself. Then the water vortex took the form of a huge wave, which violently swept over the huge stone lump in front of them.

But in the end, everyone was amazed that the Water Shock Wave not only did not destroy, but did not even leave cracks on the earthen coma.

– Is it really more difficult? – Sannin commented intrigued.

So what should we do now?

Orochimaru turned his gaze to the Fifth Mizukage.

- Disperse! – taking a couple of steps back, Mei exclaimed.

"Yoton: Mysterious Melting Technique!" - then she made hand seals and spat out a stream of viscous acid originating from volcanic mud from her mouth onto the flat surface of the earthen clod.

Even the surrounding air seemed to undergo an immediate, seething melting process.

Pshh! Pshh! Pshh!

A hissing sound came from the earthen clod.

Literally in a matter of seconds, acid depressions appeared on the smooth surface of the coma.

Then a chill ran down the spines of the Sound Four behind Orochimaru: "Frightening woman!"

But Mei herself was not only not happy with the result, but also frowned gloomily. At this rate, she will need a lot of time to dissolve the entire stone lump with a diameter of more than a hundred meters.

They don't have that much free time!

"I can see the location of the ancestor from here, so we can just dig a tunnel directly..." Ao suggested.

- Exactly! – Mei's eyes lit up in response to the simpler and quicker solution of the experienced shinobi, after which she unceremoniously turned to the Sannin standing next to her. - Hey, Orochimaru, you help too!

"As you wish, Mizukage," Orochimaru shrugged his shoulders carefree, but still approached the matter seriously, involuntarily wondering whether this rude woman is too much like Tsunade?

It was not difficult for Mei to choose the right direction to the wooden coffin under the guidance of the Assassin with the Byakugan.

Ao, who was responsible for the direction, did not allow them to deviate from the route, Mei, who was responsible for dissolving the soil, made a tunnel about a meter wide, and Orochimaru was on hand.

If the boss had to work, then the Sound Four certainly didn't sit idle. They had the hardest job of pulling the remnants of the molten soil out.

But even though everyone worked together, it took them at least an hour to reach the center of the clod of earth that Madara had painstakingly compacted.


After the destruction of the last layer of earth, a wooden coffin with many mysterious symbols on the surface was revealed to their eyes.

"It's finished, we found you, Yudao-sama!" – Mei exclaimed excitedly, looking at the wooden coffin at least two meters high.

Ao, standing nearby, was no less excited than his Mizukage.

Kidomaru and Jirobo then carried the wooden coffin outside under the strict supervision of their boss with hurt and tired expressions on their faces.

"Is this the same Fuinjutsu that Hashirama used to seal Yudao-sama?" – Shinobi Kiri said solemnly, peering into the mysterious black writing on the surface of the coffin.

"Who would have thought that Hashirama, who sealed Yudao-sama, would unseal it himself?" – Mei grinned sarcastically, looking at Hashirama under the control of Edo Tensei at a distance.

The Senju then calmly walked up to the Mokuton coffin and made a series of seals under Orochimaru's control.

After folding the last hand seal, countless black symbols began to rapidly evaporate from the surface of the coffin.


The wooden coffin immediately shattered into pieces and collapsed to the ground, left without the support of the sealing technology.


And after a short moment, a terrifying thirst for blood, which cannot be described in words, permeated the surrounding air!

Why did a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of bones appear before the eyes of everyone present, including even Orochimaru and Mei!

Death! Death! Death!

A bloodthirsty scream echoed in their minds.

All those gathered froze in place, rooted to the spot, and the Sound Four completely fell to the ground, drenched in streams of cold sweat.

Orochimaru, Mei and Ao were the first to recover with an expression of horror on their faces from the realization that a simple thirst for blood plunged them into Genjutsu.

Having come to their senses, Mei and the others cast solemn glances at the human silhouette that had been imprisoned for so many years.

In the midst of the fragments of the coffin, they saw a young man in clothing from the Warring States Era, which was torn to shreds and did not really cover even his shame.

Half of his body was missing, and the rest was covered with deep wounds; there was literally no living space on him.

But the young man stood proudly, straightening his shoulders and showing his middle finger with his surviving hand, despite the terrifying severity of his wounds.

From the outside it looked funny, but even Orochimaru, who used to be a Konoha shinobi, did not dare to laugh.

The picture unfolding before them fully conveyed all the mercilessness and cruelty of that battle through the decades!

"Yudao, Yudao-sama..." Mei whispered carefully with undisguised admiration in her voice.

Orochimaru's gaze flashed with greed mixed with fear and wariness. He couldn't shake the feeling that this seemingly lifeless corpse could wake up at any moment.

None of those present noticed that at the moment the seal was removed, many miniature black particles flew out of Yudao's body.


Suddenly an unusually quiet knock was heard.

But Orochimaru and Mei's gazes immediately simultaneously turned to Yudao's chest.


Then the First Mizukage's mutilated body rapidly regenerated under their distant gaze. Even the most severe wounds healed in a matter of seconds, as if they had never happened at all.

Yudao's nose smoothly inhaled the light scent of earth.

And the eyelids lazily lifted, as if waking up from a long sleep.

After which he raised his head to the fireball in the middle of the sky and slowly said: "I'm back!"