
Naruto: Mizukage Of The Mist

Translation FF Not mine Please subscribe to my p_atreon, your $1 means a lot to me I have sexual content on there p_atreon: p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun My name is Yudao and I was reborn in Kirigakure. As the First Mizukage, I never wanted to get involved in a squabble between Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. After all, they are both real cheaters. But the system thought differently, setting me the task of uniting the Shinobi world. I couldn't believe my eyes when these cheaters attacked two against one shortly after the first Five Kage Meeting! But even they were unable to kill me. So before sealing, I gave Madara and Hashirama the middle finger! Please give infinity Stones~~~~~~~

JoyBoy2 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 12

Besides, he longed for immortality!

But Orochimaru was in no hurry to take everything for granted, because he had already met so-called immortals.

For example, the Akatsuki consists of two supposedly immortal Nukenin, but according to the Sannin, their immortality is far, very far from ideal.

He involuntarily licked his lips as he looked at Mei and Ao.

Almost sixty years have passed since the day Yudao was sealed in another dimension without a drop of energy. Is his immortality true? Does it have any defects? And if so, which ones? Nobody knows the answers to these questions in modern times.

In fact, Orochimaru decided to cooperate with Kiri more for the sake of insurance, and not for the reward he had already received. He needs Kiri's protection in case Yudao ends up alive.

After all, the legendary shinobi of the Warring States Era can simply kill the shinobi of another village without any questions asked.

So what if he is a savior? For shinobi of those troubled times, it was in the order of things to cut down any threats, even potential ones.

If Yudao is dead...

From this thought, a light of greed shone in Orochimaru's gaze. The Sound Four will delay Ao and Mei while he takes his body!

"Orochimaru, one wrong move and I will finish you off!" – the Fifth Mizukage said coldly, it is unclear when she managed to move behind her and put the tip of the kunai to the Sannin's heart.

- Orochimaru-sama! – the Sound Four reacted belatedly and surrounded Mei with drops of cold sweat on their faces. They didn't even understand how and when the Fifth Mizukage moved behind Orochimaru!

"Aren't you too tense, Mizukage?" Let's... - Sannin spread his hands with a slight smile.

But before the renegade could finish speaking, the impatient woman broke his back!

"Don't be smart to me here, Orochimaru," Mei said coldly, first briefly glancing at the Sound Four, and then at the ground nearby.

- Ke-ke-ke... did you notice? – then the unremarkable ground cracked, and Orochimaru deftly crawled out.

Seeing this, the Sound Four around Mei immediately put aside their alarm and lined up behind the Sannin again.

At the same time, Ao's figure moved from the tree branch behind the Fifth Mizukage after using the Body Flicker technique.

"Orochimaru, I hope you didn't lie, otherwise we wouldn't mind passing on interesting information about the Village of Sound to Konoha, and by the way, we've heard some interesting rumors about your rapprochement with Suna..." Ao's voice felt undisguised threat.

"Other villages will also be very surprised to learn that the Fifth Mizukage herself is hobnobbing with the pitiful Nukenin from Konoha," the lust for murder flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, but his voice remained as calm.

Mei and Ao's faces darkened sharply at the Sannin's words.

But neither side was going to go too far, since they were currently engaged in mutually beneficial cooperation.

"You already know that only Hashirama had the technique of summoning that strange dimension?" – then Ao asked with a smile on his gloomy face, but with doubt in his voice.

These words sharply defuse the tense atmosphere. Although at first glance the Kiri shinobi doubted Nukenin's abilities, in fact he simply got down to business for which everyone had gathered here.

In response to this, Orochimaru turned to the Sound Four and cast a silent glance at Jirobo.

Then the big man with an understanding nod took the huge scroll from his back, carefully unrolling it on the ground in front of everyone.


When he made the hand seal, a bound man with a gag in his mouth appeared right on the unfolded scroll from thick clouds of smoke.

None of those present even raised an eyebrow at what they saw. Shinobi gathered here, fully understanding what would happen next.

His job done, Jirobo respectfully returned behind the Sannin to the rest of the Sound Four.

Orochimaru himself with a cold exclamation made a series of hand seals, he was not going to pull the cat by the tail: "Summoning: Edo Tensei!"

Dust and dust then surrounded the bound victim, transforming his body into the summoned person. A few moments later, a completely different person stood in front of them.

Ao and Mei's eyes narrowed at first, and when they took a better look at the emerging figure, disbelief was reflected on their faces.

Senju Hashirama!

Neither the Fifth Mizukage nor her right hand Ao had ever seen Hashirama in person, but they had seen his portraits more than once. Not to mention the Hokage Rock in Konoha, which has the faces of every Hokage carved on it.

"This forbidden technique can summon the soul of the deceased!" – Ao and Mei silently looked at each other with the same thoughts.

Orochimaru is much more dangerous than everyone thinks!

– I didn't die, what kind of place is this? – he opened his blackened eyes and looked around in puzzlement at Hashirama, and then frowned, realizing his condition. – So Tobirama finally finalized it?

"Hello, Hashirama-san, I immediately apologize for calling your soul from the pure world to our mortal earth," Orochimaru said politely, but could not hide the excitement that overwhelmed him, despite what was said, there was not a hint of sincerity.

Meanwhile, Hashirama looked in bewilderment at the unfamiliar symbol on the forehead protector of the Sannin, a small shinobi village?

But his face changed dramatically when, turning his gaze to Mei and Ao, he noticed the forehead protector on the man's head!

The First Hokage instantly realized what situation he was in, only when he saw the symbol of the fog and the current state of the two shinobi.

"Once again, I apologize for disturbing you, Hashirama-san," then Orochimaru approached the resurrected First Hokage from behind and stabbed him in the head with a kunai with a special seal on the end.

After which Hashirama froze in his tracks, losing his identity.

- Well, let's get started! – Orochimaru exclaimed without hiding his excitement, after gaining complete control over the resurrected Hokage.