
Naruto: Merchant in the Shadows

Oleg Orlov is a genius who has risen right to the top with the help of his trade. He became a new important figure in the established world. But the stupid mistake of the employees sent the young guy to another world, that's just... Only he woke up in a place where his life would hang by a thread at every step. The modern world has sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only a huge amount of knowledge. But with the system, Oleg has a chance to survive and not only...

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24 Chs

Chapter 7: There is something in common

Somehow they managed to persuade the little guy to let a stranger into his house. If it wasn't for my father's stories about Azumi, the secret genin of the village, he would have kicked them out right away.

Now Sora lived with the same young boy. But life here was not free, no one would leave freeloaders at home. Therefore, Azumi had to fork out for several tens of thousands of re on the condition that the guy would return them as soon as he started earning.

- What did my father look like?

Kakashi asked, sitting in a mask in front of his peer. He tried to read the person in front of him, as his father taught him, but it didn't work out very well.

- The hair is the same as yours, only it was long, tied in a ponytail. Tired, but at the same time not losing his grace face. Interesting, but in some situations just sadistic...

With horror, the guy recalled those moments when he suffered during those very movements. And these are only the first days of his life, which were filled with headaches. Who knows what awaits him next? But it will obviously have to suffer. Sora even thought about pain pills.

"Sounds like him.".. What can you do? Although I can see that you are weak, but it can't be that my father will just invite you to the village. Kakashi asked.

"Can I trust you?" Maybe in a few hours you'll go and tell someone about me.

Although Sora was well aware of the stupidity of his statements, he could not foolishly trust either. It would be suspicious of such an attitude towards strangers on his part.

- You can, but the information about you will be delivered to the Hokage anyway, and it will be impossible to deliver the above information.

- It makes sense... Sora paused, taking a deep breath for further narration.

More than an hour was spent on the whole dialogue, but they found out important information for each other and not very much. Kakashi was very surprised that the father picked up a child who did not remember anything and did not know. But his father's mind is still like the moon, so even though he was thinking, he didn't get hung up. But Sora learned important information about the current time for himself. In a few months, Kakashi's father's suicide should occur, and then drastic changes in his character.

He has time to develop to important plot twists. And you need to start somewhere. But why? He looked carefully at the boy in front of him, and found nothing in him for his development. On the contrary, it may only get worse. It's better to keep some kind of anonymity with him.

- You will sleep on the sofa in the hall, I will give you a blanket with a pillow, but don't count on more! - Before disappearing into his room, the boy took off his mask.

And Sora finally saw the legendary face of the boy, for whom all the girls of his world were just going crazy. And the girls of this world were no better, and in some places even worse.

- Thank you, Kakashi. By the way, why are you hiding your face? - He pricked the owner of the house.

- My appearance prevents me from moving quietly around the village.

- But you attract more attention to yourself this way...

- Tomorrow you will go out on the street and you will understand perfectly what I'm talking about.

Hatake grinned, which Sora was both pleased and surprised at. It's so exciting to see the hero from the series right in front of you, and even at a very young age, when the character was unspoiled by the situation with his father.

A few minutes later, Kakashi returned to the boy sitting on the couch. He smiled stupidly and looked at the current owner of the house.

- Listen, I haven't eaten anything all day... You can have something...

- You can take everything you need in the refrigerator yourself. But know the measure too... - The young genius warned when turning to his room.

- Can I get to your school?

Sora was interrupted once again by the departure of his new acquaintance. He stood in the middle of the corridor with a thoughtful expression on his face while he went to take care of the refrigerator.

- I don't think they'll let you in. We need connections and a trustee here. You're a refugee, as I understand it. And no one accepts such people to school. There are too many dangers such as you pose to the village.

In the refrigerator there was a simple salad of some vegetables and boiled meat from some animal. Here, in principle, a lot was different from the former in Sora's past life. It remains to understand the basics, and then it will be much easier. One language is worth a lot...

- I understand you, once again, thank you for your hospitality!

- Yeah...

Maybe they didn't notice, but there was already a connection between them that they hadn't noticed yet. Hatake was unaccustomed to communicating with his peers, but he communicated here for a long time and the topics for continuation only became more with time. Something clearly distinguished Soru from the ordinary children that Kakashi was used to seeing.

Sora also found it too easy to communicate with the genius of the generation of future juniors, who will take a direct part in all the storylines.

But the main thing is that both have found some common language. After all, it could also happen that Kakashi would simply start to have a negative attitude towards the roommate, which would turn the refugee's life into utter horror.

Hatake went into the room to rest while Sora finally consumed the food for the last time of his adventures. How he still stood on his feet, he certainly could not explain to himself. But I didn't want to eat for a long time until I got close to Konoha.

Having satisfied his first hunger with a salad with one sandwich from the system, he moved on to the next nutritious and high-calorie dish. The meat was somewhat similar to chicken, and perhaps it was. Well, he couldn't see in the dark, what could he do? And he just couldn't afford to behave as if he had lived here all his life. Even in the last world, his mother brought him up so that she would not be ashamed of her son's upbringing in front of society. So he still has the same habits.

After eating a hearty meal, he finally went to bed. There is no strength left for washing or anything else. Throwing off his already light clothes, he crawled under a warm blanket, which immediately pulled him into the depths of sleep, but to enhance the effect, he put his head on the pillow.


- Captain! Our plot is over, we can go home. - Konoha's shinobi was standing over the corpse of one of the enemy shinobi. They were already gradually showing their negative attitude, which is why they had to clean them out of the territory of the country of Fire in such small groups.

- It looks like it, although I wouldn't be so happy in your place. The information says that there were at least two dozen forces, but here it is barely ten. Sakumo besieged his subordinates and teammates. - Sensors better check our surroundings for ambushes or traps.

The man never stopped watching his surroundings for a second. On a dangerous mission, rest is an unacceptable luxury. And if there is such a crank who dares to relax his vigilance, then he will be killed on the next few missions.

- By the way, Captain, why did you let the boy get to the village? We don't know anything about him. And now is the time...

While some subordinates, having folded the seals, checked the area around. One of the closest to Sakumo asked a question. Of course, he did not dare to challenge the decision of the main one, but he wanted to know. Still, his captain is kind enough and loyal to his subordinates.

- I saw something in him, I haven't figured out what it is yet. But he's an interesting guy. Here you would, having no skills and strength, seeing a dangerous Shinobi, even most likely from another country, would be able to stand and talk easily about your death. He was ready for me to torture him, even death in his eyes is just a simple zilch. - Hatake bent down to the ground, running his hand over it, he looked at his partner. - He doesn't remember anything about his life, only how he woke up on the border. But his behavior betrays in him that he remembers something, but does not want to talk. What he went through to become like this. All in all, I decided to keep an eye on him.

- Ha-ha-ha, well, you give, Captain! Did you guys hear that? Sakumo wants to take custody of that guy! - The guy shouted into the distance to his comrades. "You can't even keep an eye on your little one. And here there will be two of them at once. Don't you think it's stupid?

- Maybe it sounds that way, but at least Kakashi won't be bored. Moreover, a good Shinobi will turn out of the Litter in the future! I saw it in him..." Hatake smiled.

- If he still lives to see that moment, you know... - The cheerful mood was replaced by a tense one. Everyone had already participated in the war and understood that the second one was right on the way.

- They're coming! A dozen Shinobi from the side of the stone are moving in our direction! - Shouted with long blond hair.

- So the help arrived, only they were delayed this time...

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