
Naruto: Merchant in the Shadows

Oleg Orlov is a genius who has risen right to the top with the help of his trade. He became a new important figure in the established world. But the stupid mistake of the employees sent the young guy to another world, that's just... Only he woke up in a place where his life would hang by a thread at every step. The modern world has sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only a huge amount of knowledge. But with the system, Oleg has a chance to survive and not only...

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24 Chs

Chapter 6: Shelter

In front of the guy stretched an entire village slightly larger than the usual suburban villages from the past world. But it wasn't the size that was important, but the place itself. It was all the same as in the series, causing exciting feelings that were dulled by the guy's future plans.

If you stay here and live among Shinobi, then of course you will have to take someone else's life more than once. And perhaps not only bad people will fall at his hands, which he did not want. No, he was for a world without violence. Although I understood that this was impossible. Harmony creates chaos, and in chaos, in turn, life is born. And so it was everywhere and in everything.

No, he had already had to hold in his hands a weapon with which he took someone else's life, but only for the sake of self-defense. For the attack, he had people who did not share his views. Now he will have to make a choice, abandon his principles and go straight over the heads of his enemies, which will be pointed out by the top of the village, or build his trade right here. As a merchant, people are important to him both from this side and from that side.

"That's the one... Beautiful, isn't it?

The girl asked, letting the boy in from her back. She wanted to ask something else, but she changed her mind and asked only this question.

- Really, especially those heads. Who is that there?

On a huge rock stretching across the village, the faces of some men were carved out of stone. Of course, Sora recognized them immediately, but he stuck to his story.

- This, my little friend, is the kage of the village hidden in the foliage. They're called Hokage here, maybe you've heard...?

- No, I haven't. In principle, I know very little...

- It looks like you used to live in the deep wilderness, where all the news comes with a terrible delay, if at all. Okay, let's go!

Descending with one leap from the branch, she pulled the boy by the hand, leaving the shade of the trees directly to the huge gate through which all people entering and exiting were recorded.

It was already a familiar thing for Azumi to walk calmly to the gate, which at first glance was guarded only by a couple of Shinobi. But there were worse forces lurking around, ready to risk their lives in any danger to the village in order to cut off someone else's.

- Oh, look who's coming! Is it really Azumi herself who decided to visit us at such a time?

One of the guards in the vest of a high-ranking ninja of Leaf village shouted. He waved to her with a friendly smile, secretly giving a signal just in case.

- Look, she seems to have brought her son with her. Have you decided to return to the life of a shinobi?

He was supported by the second, who was slightly larger, but he did not have the same rank as his partner. And Sora once again stressed to himself that you should not judge people only by their appearance. You may have an ordinary cute child or a decrepit old man in front of you, but each of them may hide a power that can take your life at any moment.

- Yes, yes, how witty you are here. Better sign us up and let us inside. And more...

Approaching almost in a tight one to the smaller one, she put the kunae right to the throat. Her attitude could be seen with the naked eye. A person will not like it if he is suspected of something that he did not even plan to do. Especially if this person has spent years of his life serving in the military, doing dirty work.

- If you react to my presence like that, I'll slit your throat, and then those who are hiding in the shadows. You seem to have forgotten who I was in the last war, how much effort I put into our victory while you were hiding somewhere in the rear. If you forgot, I'll remind you... Is that clear to you?

She pressed a little, letting out a thin trickle of blood from the neck of the idiot. Who froze in fear of the hidden power of the village.

- I'm sorry, he's just very excited today. Therefore, I made hasty actions. Tell me your names and I'll put you in the database.

A man hurried to the rescue of his friend, holding in his hands a whole magazine with a bunch of names, opposite which were dates.

- Azumi and Sora, we're going to the village to settle this kid.

- That's it, I've written it down, come on in... After making a few quick strokes, he rather let these two in. Already regretting their failed joke for the umpteenth time.

The girl smoothly put the murder weapon in the pouch, looking straight into the eyes of the nasty man. Inside there was a strong desire to spit in his face, but the woman's pride did not allow her to give vent to her feelings. They won't see her emotions today. Still, he is a high-class ninja who has experience when he had to hide his emotions deep inside himself.

- Why did you react like that?

Sora followed the whole situation, making his own conclusions. But to put the whole picture together, you need to find out the information firsthand.

- He may have entered according to the charter, but this very charter does not apply to me. I am one of the most devoted Shinobi of this village, but he is some kind of unknown freak, pretending to be who knows what...

Her words were saturated with negativity towards the stranger in the gatehouse. But this is no longer his business, so he smoothly moved away from this topic.

- Where are we going now?

- First of all, tell me who sent you to the village?

- Sakumo Hatake.

- He? That's a stroke of luck, man. I thought there would be some simple Jounin, but here is a whole hero of the village. Then we went straight to his house. If you're lucky, his son will let you in with them, and we won't have to find you a place to sleep.

Together with the girl, Sora moved along an unknown route. Here for him, in principle, everything was so strange and interesting. A couple walked through the night streets of a hidden village, exchanging words.

But it was already hard enough for the boy to be on his feet for so long. The sandals managed to rub the places right up to the blood. And if earlier he tried not to notice it, then the unpleasant feelings only intensified. The only plus is that I no longer had to walk on sand, in Konoha there were at least some paths laid out of stone.

Azumi watched the boy's suffering with interest. She was curious how long he could last. If he had asked for help, she would have responded immediately. But no, the guy was stubborn and even through the pain went where the girl pointed. It didn't even bother him that they were walking in circles. He did only what he was asked to do. Since at the moment he was powerless in front of any threat to life. And here, even with their cockroaches, but at least some protection.

After wandering for half an hour, they finally reached the hut of Hatake. After going into the courtyard, Azumi knocked on the door, after which she moved away from the door together with Sora in advance. Anything could be expected from the genius of a living hero.

A minute passed, the second, but no one opened the door. And just after the third minute, a guy the size of Soru appeared in the aisle. Half of his face was covered by a mask, which immediately attracted special attention to him.

- Who are you?

He had a kunai in his hands, making it clear to his detractors that he would not give up his life so easily.

- Are you Kakashi Hatake? My name is Azumi. Azumi asked.

- yes. - He answered dryly, not understanding what a girl and his peer need in the middle of the night.

Sora, on the other hand, was carefully examining one of his favorite characters. This future legendary copying ninja is now just a defenseless child. Although he was already able to beat some adult Shinobi at that age.

- Your father sent this kid to the village. Neither he nor I know your father's motives. But I think it won't be difficult for you to put it in your house.

- Why would I do that? Can you deceive me? I don't seem to look like someone who is so easily deceived.

The guy's reaction was similar. Who in their right mind would allow a stranger to come to them, who has implicated his father in his words? That's the thing, no one. So Kakashi was now carefully watching strangers.

- I know it sounds silly. I'm also a Shinobi and I understand you perfectly. But look at him, can he hurt you?

Azumi decided to use the boy's weakness. He was clearly no match for the genius of the Hatake clan. And now it could be used.

- No, he can't. But that doesn't mean I have to let him in the house.

- That's right, he shouldn't. But your father will be coming home soon, so you can keep Sora for now until your father returns...

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