
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Meeting Orochimaru

After they had waited in the forest for about 3 hours, Shinohara finally rushed back and came back with a 3 man team at the same time to relieve them of their duties.

After seeing the people, Junrei looked at Keita first, Keita saw them with the Byakugan, nodded and said, "It's them!"

"Shinohara, what did you got told by Lord Orochimaru?" Junrei asked.

"Those who have had encounters with Sunagakure ninjas are forbidden to speak about it, Lord Orochimaru told me he wants to see you." Shinohara said gasping for breath.

"Understood!" In response to these words, Mekka Junrei turned his head and looked towards the 3 Konoha Ninja who were gonna succeed him, nodded and said: "Please take care of things here. The Hidden Sand Village may have some secret plan, so be careful."

"Relax! Leave things here to us!"

"Let's go back!"

At the Konoha camp.

Since the war had started, Konoha has established an unified camp. All ninjas stationed on the frontline listen to Orochimaru's orders and receive their missions here from Orochimaru.

But to be honest, Junrei at first thought that this so-called Shinobi World War was gonna be the same as the Fourth Shinobi World War in the Anime. The two villages sent out their ninjas and found an open place to battle. Then the two sides just fought for their lives.

However, this was not the case on an actual war.

The Five Great Ninja Villages know each other's bottom line. They have to maintain the absolute status of the Great Ninja Villages ruling over the Shinobi World, and they must subdue other Ninja Villages, so a Shinobi World War has always been a very ambiguous thing.

For any of the Ninja Villages, in addition to supplies, the so-called benefits are more missions.

The powerful Ninja Villages can earn more trust from their clients and get more missions. And on that way you can get more natural resources from your Daimyo.

Such things are open view secrets. Those who want to understand it will naturally understand it on their own, and those who don't understand it will never get told.

If the two villages decided to just go all in into a battle with each other, the casualties would be too great, and no Ninja Village would choose to do such a thing.

The war between the two villages is more about information, destruction, assassination, small-scale ninja battles and so on. Unless two villages play on an open field, they will never fight with each other.

"Lord Orochimaru!" Junrei saluted, walking into the Leader's camp.

"Well!" Orochimaru faintly responded: "Junrei, these days have been hard on you, and all of your missions have been completed to a very satisfactory level."

The words of Orochimaru made Junrei feel a little overwhelmed with the so called "favor from a direct superior". In his position, it is definitely a great honor to get told "You been doing a good work" by Orochimaru's, one of the great Sannin, but Junrei was also feeling the cold sweat behind his back.

Looking up at Orochimaru, he noticed that there were several people standing beside Orochimaru.

"Lord Jiraiya is here too." Junrei slightly nodded as he gestured, glancing at the person behind Jiraiya.

Blond hair! It should be Minato Namikaze!

"Didn't expect he was also at the frontline." He thought

"Well! I heard you kid did a great job and completed several missions." Jiraiya admired.

Unlike Orochimaru, Jiraiya's words made him feel very comfortable, and the feeling of tension on him just disappeared.

"Let's speak business!" Orochimaru said in a husky voice, "Junrei, what did you find during this mission?"

Mekka Junrei said: "In fact, there was nothing but the attack of an small team. However, compared with the previous patrol missions, the number of Sand assaults on our position has increased significantly, so I suspect that Sunagakure should be having some thoughts about our area."

"Well! The village also got information that Hidden Sand Village seems to be planning something, so I came to support Orochimaru." Jiraiya held Orochimaru's shoulder, and said with a laugh: "Orochimaru, thank me for my life saving grace. Come on! "

Orochimaru ignored Jiraiya's joke at all, and asked Mekka Junrei, "From your intuition, what do you think about this."

Junrei did not immediately answer Orochimaru's question, but instead asked, "What information did the three Sand ninjas had on them?"

Orochimaru glanced at him with interest, put out his tongue and licked his lips. "Their mission is to kill our patrol team, and then the Hidden Sand Village will secretly send Elite ninjas to attack our Medic Team. Except for your team, many of our patrol teams were attacked by Sunagakure. "

"Assault our Medic Team?" Junrei quickly discovered the problem, and frowned said, "If that's the case, and they managed to succeed on this conspiracy, our situation will be very difficult. But the process of getting the information this time is going too well, don't you find any weirdness in it. "

"How is that? Except for attacking the Medic Team, they did not attack it anywhere else!" Jiraiya twitched his face with a embarrassed expression upon hearing Junrei's words.

Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya, with disdain: "Only people who have nothing in their heads will believe this information is true."

"Orochimaru! What are you saying?" Jiraiya hearing this angrily said.

"Then what do you think the goal of the Hidden Sand Village is?" Orochimaru ignored Jiraiya again and continued to ask Mekka Junrei.

To be honest, such a difficult question, Orochimaru even asked him, a small character, which made Junrei very confused. Maybe Orochimaru is optimistic about him, or maybe he wants to probe him, Junrei has no way to judge for the time being.

However, since Orochimaru has already asked, Junrei cann't help but answer: "The purpose of Sunagakure has not been determined for the time being, but we cannot rule out the authenticity of this information. Maybe they want to make us think this information is false to relax the protection of the Medic Team."

This is the destiny of a nobody. In order to implement certain plans, village will not take care of the life and death of these commoners. Just like this time, in order to provide Konoha with false information, Hidden Sand Village sent a large number of cannon fodder ninja to certain death.

Whether or not Sunagakure's plan is successful in the end, no one will remember the names of these cannon fodders. At the end of the reports, it's always the elite ninja's name the one that appears as the one who completed the plan.

"Fortunately, after all these years of hard work, I have left behind the destiny of being a cannon fodder." Junrei thought silently.

"Look! Orochimaru! Junrei also says so." Jiraiya hearing this immediately taunted to Orochimaru: "Junrei is right, maybe the Hidden Sand Village just wants us to think that information is false?"

It's true to say it, but it is okay for you to agree with what a little character said so fast?Junrei saw that Namikaze Minato had a little embarrassment on his face after hearing Jiraiya's words.

"It's really a bit tricky," Orochimaru thought for a moment, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He looked up and said him, "Junrei, go down first, and I will have a new mission for you tomorrow."

"Yes Sir!"

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