
NARUTO: Matryoshka - Kokeshi (OC)

He was an ordinary weeb, dreaming of reincarnation, yet never actually wanting it. I mean, he would die in those animes. he's a normal person, maybe a bit cowardly, and definitely not a fighter "So yeah, I accidentally put you file into the reincarnation stack, sooooo... I sorta need to reincarnate you, or else the worlds collapse" ".....What!?" Get ready for a story of a coward becoming the 4th strongest ninja in the Naruto generation! and all through the power of..... Dolls? ____________________________________________ Sakura will be on a different team. She will become much stronger and better than regular Sakura, and much sooner. I will try to make most of the characters morally good or better than some of their counterparts. Try and be a bit nice if you find anything bad, I'm not a genius of Wrighting or the world's best author, I'll still try my best.

Cursed_Shaman · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Welcome to Ninja School PT.2





We fly back into the story, with our mc, Kokeshi, walking through a crowd of young kids. They were walking in the direction of the pineapple and Meatball duo.

Kokeshi //Mmmmm, pineapple on spaghetti. Now that's a perfect combo//

.....ugh. Sorry, I can't bear to see this after what you just said... or I guess, though. As he was trying to get to the duo, a whistle rang out from the front of the building, two adults, wearing standard Chunin attire, were trying to get the possible students' attention.

Both of them looked rather plain, and non-descriptive in any way. Browns, greens, grays. Not much variety. Both wore the headbands on.... well, their head! But one used it like an actual Headband, and the other had theirs like a hair net, Covering his head. A few strands falling through, but not much. Other than that, not much to them.

They were saying stuff, which while important to our MC, is not so important for us. It was just some inspirational and intimidating speech, as well as the whole 'Will of Fire' and a bunch of other stuff. They also said that since everyone was here, they would begin the test early, and with that, they ushered the kids into the building.

The first test that all the kids had to do was a simple questionnaire. since they did expect most of the kids to have the ability to read, they settled for speaking the questions and answers out loud to everyone, and we would write the answer we believed was written. with a simple 1-5 number for each answer. It questions were pretty low level in complexity and seemed to also be a partial personality test. Not sure how they mixed it, but I had a feeling with the kind of answers they had, and since multiple answers were written on some of them. Honestly, while a purely logical test Kokeshi could have passed, the psychological part made him quite hesitant to answer... so They ended up not answering a lot of the questions.

Next was the physical test, they brought all the kids out to the playground. The first was a punch, you would just need to punch the teacher, and they would catch it and see how strong it is. If you remember how skinny Kokeshi's body was, you can guess how weak his punch was, Even weaker than the civilians. You could even see a twitch of a frown on the teacher's face.

After that was a track race, where you would have to run as fast as you can, for as long as you can. Same as before, you could guess how slow our MC was, Being in the back of the pack, the only saving grace was the high amount of stamina, allowing Kokeshi to somewhat keep up and even reach the middle point near the end of the race. So now, we can see the test score results, and suffice it to say, they were pathetically low.

Written Test: 7/25 - Null Answers

Strength: F+

Speed: D-

Stamina: B+

Total Score: F+

Result: Failed

(Compared to Civialin Children)

Yes, our dear Kokeshi failed the entrance exam for ninja school... and it wasn't even that strict. However, it was not all his fault, blame his clan for having such a weak body, and outside endurance. Oh, and blame the test makers for making it also a mental exam for the students. Looking over at our pathetic MC.

Kokeshi //HEY!//

Kokeshi was sitting on the stairs, head hanging low, with his dejected face hidden behind the shadow of the hood, and the black genius covering it up. Groaning to Himself, Kokeshi looked up to the clouds, sighing before getting up and started walking away with a gloomy aura.

Kokeshi "I can't believe I failed that so badly, i could have passed if I just answered all the questions, the wording was so weird, it made me feel like I shouldn't trust it. like what kind of question is 'You have 13 apples, 10 are good and 3 are rotten. Will you 1, extract all 10 apples? or 2, destroy 3 apples.' like who uses that kind of word in a kid's test?"

Kokeshi continued to walk down the street, still bumped out until he looked up and saw a shop nearby. In the window, he could see that they had a limited edition mochi flavor for sale, at half price too. Kokeshi's mood immediately took a 180 at that, suddenly looking like the happiest kid alive, his amber eyes sparkling under the hidden effect of his parka, and a bright grin forming on his face and the shadows covering it.

Kokeshi "Maybe today isn't so bad!"

Kokeshi then began happily walking towards the store, singing to himself 'Mochi mochi, Mo Mo Chi Chi, Mochi Mochi, I love mochi!'. He got close, and right when he was about to open the door, he suddenly vanished with a puff of dust and a swoosh of wind. Out of nowhere, he was kidnapped by a 'ROOT' Member and knocked out. Being taken to a hidden base, and old Orochimaru lab. Then taken to a hidden base inside that hidden base, which was one of Root's Enrance Basses. Then taken through a series of complex tunnels, to a 3 times hidden base, which was a training facility. THEN, taken to an isolated room in that base, and left on the bed, passed out.

Danzo //You can never be too hidden//

Kokeshi //Especially when you are more of a snake than Orochimaru//

Danzo //What did you say, brat?//

Kokeshi //Nothing, Sir.//

Skipping forward a few hours, Kokeshi slowly woke up, sitting on the halfway decent bed. it was at least a bit better than the orphanages. Rubbing at their head, as if they had a bad hangover and/or terrible headache. Kokeshi slowly stood up and looked around a bit annoyed, a bit disappointed, a bit confused, a bit afraid, and a bit curious.... maybe he was a bit of everything! But Mostly Confused, Annoyed, And Disappointed.

Kokeshi "Not only do I botch a kid's entrance exam, I also get kidnapped, and not even get to try that new mochi that nice lady makes! Today must be the worst day of my life"

Kokeshi //Or I guess, of this life. it's the second worst thing to happen to me all in all. though, it may become the third.//

Suddenly a click and creaking caught Kokeshi's attention, as he looked at the door slowly opening. it was solid metal, and 1 1/2 inches thick of pure steel, with only two openings, one for visual, the other for food. As the door creaked open, a man with a cane walked in. his right arm was covered in bandages with a sling, and his forehead and right eye were also covered in bandages, yet he didn't move like an old injured man. There was an X-shaped mark on his chin and a cold expressionless face that stared down at Kokeshi.

Kokeshi //My guts telling me this is bad news, it's also telling me this is very important. Either that or I'm just really nervous and scared... or it could be both, I think both are a good choice here.//

Old Man "Hello, Kokeshi Daichi. I hope you don't mind the sudden appearance here."

Kokeshi //What? No, why would mind being Kidnapped? It's not like we're in a war-torn world run by NINJAS!!!//

Kokeshi "May I know why I'm here, The last thing I know is one second I was going to get some mochi, and the next, I'm kidnapped by ninjas of some kind."

Old man "You are calmer than most kids your age would be, after being abducted?"

Kokeshi "Well, most of my other emotions are overwhelmed by the disappointment I'm feeling, so... sorry for not being afraid?"

Old man "No need, Infact, it makes this much easier. Since Working around such nonsense is quite tiresome. I only have 3 Questions for you. 1, what is your motivation for becoming a ninja? 2, Would you sacrifice yourself to protect this village? 3, If you were to die without fame or glory, how would you feel?"

Kokeshi looked at the old man, with a raised eyebrow and a tilted head. He was caught off guard by the questions but genuinely thought through them, getting their answers in place. with a deep breath, Kokeshi looked at the man, who gave him an odd feeling and spoke his answers, clearly on conscience.

Kokeshi "1 This world is nearly run by ninjas, I won't be a helpless bystander as they do as they wish, I will not be trampled over mindlessly. 2 Every time I thought of this, I felt two things, one is to not trust the village and the other is hope form it. I will fight and protect the village itself and what it stands for, but not the corruption it has. 3, I do not care for fame and glory, I don't need to be known by every man, woman, and child. I merely wish for a life of my own, one I can be satisfied with, or as satisfied as I can be."

The man stared at Kokeshi for a good while, before a smirk appeared on his face. He reached into his arm sling and pulled out a paper bag, tossing it to Kokeshi. Catching it, Kokeshi looked into the bag and realized it was a dozen of the limited-time mochi he was going to buy.

Old man "For the next 4 to 5 years, depending on your talent, you will be under strict supervision and advance ninja training. Food, equipment, medicals, and all necessities will be taken care of by my subordinates. Enjoy that while it lasts, it is unlikely you'll eat stuff like that in this facility. in about an hour, someone will come to pick you up and show you around the facility, as much as you need to know. If you fall too far behind, you will be disposed of, do you understand?"

Kokeshi looked at the bag and then at the old man who he was starting to remember a bit about him, like his name. Looking at Danzo, Kokeshi gained a serious look and nodded swiftly. before reaching back into the bag and pulling out one.

Danzo "Good, also. For Now, that jacket and doll will be of no use. You may keep it, but you won't be using it until the end of your time in this facility. By that time, I'll place you under the normal shinobi system."

Danzo turned around and left, closing the door behind himself. Kokeshi took off their hood, their long silver hair and amber eyes shone in the purely white illumination. they slowly nibbled on the mochi, a smile of satisfaction on their face as they ate.

Kokeshi //Hmmm, maybe this won't be too terrible.//


Total words = 1846