
Chapter 60 The Zero Tails

Naruto and company headed to the Temple of Nath-Horthath, a temple made of solid turquoise gems. Within its shinning halls would be Kuranes, the most powerful dreamer in these lands. Once within the temple they headed to the throne room where they hoped to meet with Kuranes. What they found within the temples halls were two men. One was Randolph Carter, dressed in his long weathered coat and suit. The other was dressed as an aristocrat, a new black suit and black cane. He fiddled with his bow tie as he spoke with Randolph. Naruto cleared his throat, Randolph recognized them, but said nothing. The other man turned and observed Naruto as if he were a museum piece.

"Excuse me sir, are you Kuranes", asked Naruto.

He Nodded ever so slightly as he walked around Naruto.

"I am he, and you who would you be who would interrupt my conversation with my dear friend Randolph", asked Kuranes.

Naruto gave a small bow.

"I apologize King Kuranes my name is Naruto Uzumaki, a dreamer much like yourself and Randolph here. These two are my friends Sasuke and Sakura", said Naruto.

Kuranes looked at Naruto's teammates while scratching his chin. Randolph seemed amused by this and opted to merely watch.

"Can they not speak for themselves, I am an old fashioned man Mr. Uzumaki. Please would you kindly ask your friends to introduce yourselves", said Kuranes.

While there was a slight pause Naruto turned his head to them and nodded they introduced themselves all the same. Kuranes nodded his approval.

"I see, this is my friend Randolph Carter", said Kuranes.

"Acctually, I believe we have met", said Randolph.

"We have, I have to say I am surprized to see you again", said Naruto.

"After meeting with my Ghoul friends I headed here to meet with an old friend for a chat", said Randolph.

"More friends Randolph, you seem to have a talent for making them, in fact you may be one of the few men I know of who has successfully befriend a ghoul", said Kuranes.

Randolf shrugged and waved Kuranes off.

"It's a gift of sorts, though it never hurts to have friends Kuranes", said Randolph.

"Indeed, speaking of fiends, Tell me Mr. Uzmaki, from where do you and your friends hail", asked Kuranes.

"We live in another universe that is somehow connected to the same Dreamlands as you, but we are from a Village called Konohagakure, or the Village Hidden in the Leaves", said Naruto.

Kuranes once again nodded while Randolph seemed to think on the name.

"Interesting name for a village, but who am I to judge. Many cities I know of are unpronounceable by the human tongue. This Leaf Village at Least can be understood. But enough talk, tell me what brings you to my humble city", asked Kuranes.

"Well my friends are just learning of the horrors the world hides, most notably Great Old Ones. I brought them to the Dreamlands to help them get used to it. So far I believe it is working", said Naruto.

"Entering the Dreamlands alone is difficult, to bring others more so. You must be a skilled dreamer to accomplish such a thing Mr. Uzumaki. Though your trip may be in vain. If you know of the terrible things that live in the worlds and stars you know full well that this trip of yours would not do much good. Some beings are so strange and horrible that nary a gaze and your sanity is forfeit. It matters not if you expect such a thing, it is merely an impossibility for the human mind to fully grasp the power and nature of such beings as the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods. Though do not let me stop you, if you believe it will help by all means do so. Though if I may speak freely I find your ideals are handled with romanticism when it comes to the boundaries of the hideous and unknown, I myself handle such knowledge with Realism, and always avert my gaze when I believe a being who's very nature is one of wrongness and mindshattering terror ", said Kuranes.

"And if at all possible run as fast as your legs will carry you", added Randolph.

Kuranes chuckled a bit Randolphs words before turning back to Naruto.

"But King Kuranes, did you not enter Azathoth's court and come back with both mind and sanity intact", asked Naruto.

"That I did Mr. Uzumaki, though that is the exception not the rule, and I cannot tell you how I did this", said Kuranes.

"What about you Randolph, you fooled Nyarlathotep", Said Naruto.

"I leapt off a Shantak while it flew, Nyarlathotep is a God, he does not always comprehend the possibility failure", said Randolph.

"Though the knowledge of the Crawling Chaos brooding has provided me with endless amusement", said Kuranes.

Naruto looked at his teammates and sighed.

"I expected that to be the case, though If anything I still hope it will help in some small way. Maybe we will be the exception to the rule as well", said Naruto.

"One can hope, and stranger things have happened, and will happen. Only the future will tell if this was but a hope or something more. I just hope you know what you three are getting in to before you realize your actions are not your own and you are powerless to change course. I never believed in fate, but when you are fighting against the beings that haunt our worlds you will find it very difficult to be free from danger when the existence of the human species in in jeopardy.", said Kuranes.

Kuranes turned his head to Sasuke. His face showed he was confused by something before he nodded.

" I have a sense of sorts with the strings of fate and destiny, or whatever you wish to call it. And I sense something with your friend ", said Kuranes

Naruto raised an eyebrow and looked at Sasuke who was now confused by Kuranes words as was Sakura, Randolph only listened intently.

"What do you mean", asked Sasuke.

"I sence what can only be described as a taint. It eats at you on a manner of speaking. It is often said that crimes that are atrocious enough is so powerful that it is passed down in blood, and I sense many crimes of that exact nature in you Mr. Uchiha", said Kuranes.

Sasuke was calm on the outside, but seething on the inside. Kuranes had brough up many memories Sasuke would rather forget ever happened. Especially now that he knew the truth of such matters. He was about to say something when Kuranes shrugged.

"Then again, as I said before I am not one to judge. I can see in your eyes you are haunted by a revenant past, and I did not mean to bring it up. You will have to forgive me. I have been in the Dreamlands for a long time, and my manners suffer for it", said Kuranes with a smile.

"Indeed, that is something I hope you will rectify in the future", said Randolph.

"Must you be insufferable Randolph", asked Kuranes.

"Manners are what separate man and beast, I hold them in high regard, though even I have my moments", said Randolph.

Sasuke was slightly confused but he quickly returned to his face of indifference. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Sakura who appeared worried.

"Are you ok", she asked with an undertone of fear in her voice.

In response Sasuke nodded.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me", said Sasuke as he tried to play it off.

Kuranes walked through his halls admiring it with Randolph Following him doing much the same.

" The Temple of Nath-Horthath, it is beautiful is it not. When I first came to this city I was awed by its beauty. When I woke and returned I searched far and wide to find this city once more. I have sworn never to leave after that day. The world is a horrid place, finding peace is one of the few things we as humanity can do. I have walked these halls many a time and it has never lost it's luster. One day, you may feel this way for something as I do for this city, I will depart now. Please enjoy your stay", said Kuranes.

And with those parting words Kuranes bowed to Randolph and walked off, the sound of his cane tapping the ground faded quickly. Randolph Put his hand in his pockets and turned to Naruto.

"So may I ask where you are headed to next", asked Randolph.

"Our next stop is the city of Serannian, after that I suppose we should return to the waking world", said Naruto.

Randolph nodded.

"I see, well enjoy your trip. I have some business to do elsewhere. Have a pleasant day", said Randolph.

Naruto bowed as he left the temple and headed to the docks to set sail for Serannian.

The Zero Tails, even in a weakened state was quite powerful. It snapped it's disproportionately large mouth at the clones as they amorphous it was resistant to most attacks, even the Spiraling Ring proved only partly useful. The Zero Tails created countless limbs and attempted to snatch up clones, at which point it would bring them to it's mouth and devour them.

"We can't keep this up. How do we catch it if it won't stay still", asked a clone.

One clone looked behind the Zero Tails, toward the machine it was still partly attached to.

"I have an idea", said the clone.

He took the canister in a single hand. While the Zero Tails was distracted The clone created a large Tentacle and flung it at the Machine. He wrapped his Tentacle Whip around a wire and swung to the top of the machine. Once he was above he turned on his radio.

"Keep that thing busy, I am going to need time to try something", said The clone.

He received an affirmative reply from the clones below. He opened the cannister and began creating hand signs. He pointed the canister at the Zero Tails.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Tunnel"

From the canister a tornado of sorts came from the canister. When it hit the Zero Tails It turned around. It fought against the gale force winds drawing it toward the canister, creating many arms to grab hold of something to Keep it situated. The clones below used their arm blades to slice at the arms so it wound not get situated. As pieces of it would be Drawn into the Canister The Zero Tails Lifted Its head to the sky. It opened it's massive maw. Though it wan not to roar or cry out in defiance. Above its mouth a black sphere of dark chakra appeared over its head. The ball of energy lowered into it's mouth. Then the Zero Tails looked toward the clone using the vacuum tunnel. It opened it's mouth.

A massive ball of Dark Chakra flew at quick speeds and incinerated the clone. Many of the other clones were shocked when their comrades memories hit their mind.

"It can use the Tailed Beast Bomb", said one clone with disbelief in his voice.

The Masked Leech smiled as it looked at the remaining clones. It was a disturbing sight.

that was when a volley of flaming Kunai struck the beast. The clones turned and to there relief the others were there with an imprisoned Shinno. The clone leader looked to them.

"How much do we have of the beast", asked the leader.

Several clones walked to him as armed clones took their place.

"Just over half", said the clone.

The leader nodded. He turned to Shinno.

"Does that thing have any weaknesses", he asked.

Shinno did not answer immediately. He stared to the Zero Tails for a moment.

"I do not know", said Shinno.

Their was a small smile on his face as the beast gave a thunderous roar. It looked down to the clones as it snapped at them with it's massive maw. The leader looked to the machine that it was attached to, it was destroyed by the Tailed Beast Bomb. but some tubes and wires were still attached. The leader nodded. He brought his hand to the radio.

The clones were having difficulties keeping the Zero Tails away from the others who were to tired to fight. One clone was grasped in one of the Zero Tails hands. He continued to shoot flaming kunai into it's mouth, but its grip never loosened. Then he heard static from his radio.

"Use Lightning style on the wires, lets get that thing sleeping", said the voice of the leader over the radio.

The clone who was being grasped by the beast looked around and saw many wires. While still shooting the beast he used a tentacle and grasped a wire and brought it tp him. He held the wire in his mouth and dropped his Kunai Launcher. He went through hand signs and held his hand out to grab the wire.

"Lightning Release Paralysing Palm"

He grabbed the wire. Instantly the Zero Tails shook and sputtered and it's movements became sluggish. Many of the Clones below were also shocking the beast through various wires. the Zero Tails was paralyzed. The leader grabbed an empty cannister while he and several other clones walked to the massive masked leech.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Tunnel"

As the massive amorphous leech was drawn into the canisters it tried to fight back but was unable to move. The Twisting gale of wind drew it into several canisters. With what movement it could do it tried to fight against the winds in vain. After only a minute the Tailed beast was now trapped in several canisters. They were all put off to the side.

"Took twenty canisters just to hold that thing, but I'd say this mission is successful", said the leader.

Shinno was at a loss for words. He stared at the spot where the Zero Tails once was before turning his head slowly to the clones. He looked at each of them as he gauged their skills.

"How, what are you", he asked.

The leader looked to Shinno.

"We are Legion, we never give up, and we never back down, we are the CDA", he said.

Shinno shook his head. He looked at the clones with a faint smile.

"You have bested me, and defeated a creature with the power of a tailed beast, you are powerful, of that I cannot deny and you are well prepared. Tell me could you use a doctor", asked Shinno with a smile.