
Chapter 59 Taking the Sky

Naruto and his team landed on a hill with brilliant flowers and scented grass. They passed across a wooden bridge into a whispering grove. They then made there way to a stone bridge into a the city gates of Celephais. Celephais was unusual the moment Naruto and his team walked in. The sight of a strange man who appeared to have a birds beak was the first part of the unusualness. Two twins who were mirror images of each other sat apart from each other. Each were near identical to each other the only difference was ones hair was parted to the left, the other to the right. One held a pen in his left hand and another in his right as they flipped a coin. No matter what it always made it's way on it's side, showing neither heads nor tails. They seemed to be recording their results.

Ignoring the strange populace Sasuke looked at the city itself. It looked new, as if only recently built, seeing this made the idea it was not effected by time somewhat comprehensible. There were no signs of age, the marble wals were a pure white without the faintest hint of discoloration, and the statues were beautifully polished. They walked past a group of men who were vaguely rat like, they carried buckets filled with leeches, which caused some unpleasant memories for the three ninja. They made their way through the street of pilars to the seaward wall where large ships took of to where the sea met the sky. It was breathtaking. The sea sparkled in ways no words could describe. They looked at the sight for quite some time.

"I would love to live here", said Sakura.

"The Dreamlands has many gorgeous and unheard of places, and it also has horrors beyond the wildest imagination. If you are going to get used to the terrors that waits in the shadows in the waking world, you have to experience it unlike most. The Dreamlands was the perfect place to do that", said Naruto.

"Where are those ships going", asked Sasuke.

"The cloud city, The ships sail to the horizon where the sea meats the sky. The ships instantly change from the sea to the sky where rose-colored clouds adorn the sky you sail on. You would be able to see strange lands and rivers and cities beneath. Then they stop at Serannian, the pink marble city of the clouds. Once we are done in Celephais we will take a ship to the cloud city", said Naruto.

They gazed at the city as a violet colored gas somehow bumped into Sasuke.

"Pardon me", said the gas as it floated away.

It was quiet for a moment as Sasuke processed a talking cloud.

"Did that cloud just talk", asked Sasuke.

Naruto nodded.

"Rare to see something like that, I hear that Kuranes met a gas like that once when he searched for Celephais. It's an old tale", said Naruto.

Naruto smiled and turned to Sasuke.

"Still think this city isn't more surreal than walking on a cloud", asked Naruto.

"Not anymore", said Sasuke.

They looked as a man walked up a wall using only his hands and no feet. Naruto snickered at the memories of the Treewalking exercise. They explored the city where it's inhabitants went about there unusual business.

"How long have we been sleeping", asked Sakura.

"Not sure. But I told Xel to keep us asleep as long as possible until I give him a signal. He is reading my mind waiting for it", said Naruto.

"So we could be here forever", asked Sasuke.

"Don't worry, if Xel leaves we simply wake up. We have equipment attached to us so we won't die of starvation or dehydration", said Naruto.

They shrugged. Naruto looked to a tall building and smiled before turning to his team.

"So who want to meet Kuranes", asked Naruto.

Back in the waking world the clones had made record time getting to the hidden sky village. They kept a careful eye out as they made there way there. They felt good about their chances. The lead clone hid in the trees outside the ruins where the guards and soldiers stood by the entrance. There were little over a dozen guards patrolling the Ruins of the Hidden Sky Village. One clone turned into a bird and was giving information on the information to the others from above.

"So, how do you want to do this", asked a clone to the squad leader.

The Squad leader scratched his chin.

"Well, we have two choices, we can sneak past them and take out reinforcements and gun them down when they walk in, or we could go in guns blazing", said the clone leader.

"Want to flip a coin", asked the clone.

The leader shook his head.

"No, Here is the plan. We send a small squad to sneak in, while inside keep in radio contact. Once the soldiers inside are dealt with send a message and we attack head on. You need to be hiding when that happens. Secure the Zero Tails, maps show it's in the lowest level. Take the canisters and start chopping it up. We'll take care of the gards", said the leader.

The clone saluted and another dozen shifted into mice. They snuck in easily. The clones outside waited for a message through the radio. After fifteen minutes the bird clone landed.

"All set", asked the clone still as a bird.

"We wait for the signal. Get us some cover", said the leader.

After the bird nodded and flew off it landed atop the ruins. Once it was out of sight it shifted back to normal.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu", spoke the clone.

Near instantly the area was surrounded by a thick mist that made it difficult to see your hand in front of your face. The Squad leader got on the radio.

"Thermal vision up"

The eyes glowed a dim red as the clones could now see the mist surround the confused Guards. Each aimed their Kunai Launcher at a target. They did not fire. They whispered through the radio which target was in their sights. Then they kept on them. Not a moment passed when the radio started.

"We're in the Zero Tails room. The leech is still in stasis, we are going to start getting him in the canister. We took out a few sleeping guards by biting their jugular as a mouse, light them up", spoke the voice on the radio.

"Fire", spoke the leader through the radio.

With skilled precision the guards dropped like flies. When the last one fell they advanced toward the ruins.

"Intel says there are about a thousand guards, so have fun", said the clones leader.

They stormed the ruins. Without the mist alarms were raised. Some clones smiled when soldiers they had missed ran toward them from outside. They were taken down quick and clean, but not until an alarm was raised.

"Move", said the leader.

Several dozen clones ran down the hallways. They shot at anything that was not wearing a gas mask. Though there were to many soldiers, and what was worse some were coming from behind them. The team leader smiled as he commanded his squad to get outside. They made a stand there. Though hundreds of soldiers were fireing at them from every direction. Due to their specialized Chakra armor, the clones were barely touched.

They shot back at the Soldiers as they waited. Near an hour had passed and no side was willing to waste much ammo, though they were also reluctant to leave their it was a waiting game for one side to make a mistake. The Squad leader counted on it. As the Sky Village ninja made their way to the clones the mist cleared.

The Squad leader smiled as he was surrounded on all sided by more clones that had stayed a bit back in the event something went wrong. The Sky ninja froze at the sudden increase in soldiers. This proved to be their undoing and they were fired at by a hail of kunai in a barrage.

"You took your sweet time", said the Squad leader.

The leader of their backup shrugged.

"We wanted to make an entrance"

The leader shook his head.

"I think we've been around Herbert to long", said the leader.

The increase in numbers would prove to be the Sky villages last days, they used Jutsu and Weaponry together to decimate the soldiers. Each clone had the memories of Naruto, and while they could not use his eldritch powers, they did posses the memories of Menma. Each soldier in the shadow clone army was practically an S-rank ninja because of this. The Sky village stood no chance and surrendered. Though the army of clones had their orders, The dangers of the Sky Village starting a war against the Elemental nations was to great. They showed no mercy or quarter. None of the sky ninja were to be left alive that day. Hours passed and thus far the Armor they wore proved to be the edge the clones needed against a force with superior numbers. They made there way through the Ruins, shooting every sky ninja in there path as they treked to their true target. While half the clones went to the Zero Tails, Their leader followed the map to head to the Throne room. They busted in the room And aimed their guns at an elderly man. They circled around him as the man looked at them intently. The man was elderly yet muscular, and had long black hair. The clone leader was wary of that, for this man almost matched the description of Shinno, yet he did not appear frail.

"Shinno, your plans for the revival of the Zero Tails and destruction of the Elemental nations is over. As an agent of the CDA you are to be captured and interigated. Any useful knowledge you have will be ours", said the Clone leader.

Shinno glared at the Clone.

"Who are you people, how did you find me. Wait don't tell me. I doubt that it is coincidence you are here while I am. I come here rarely, you had spies. I should have been more careful. It is on no consequence. I am outnumbered, and out gunned. I'll come of my own free will", said Shinno as he raised his hands.

The leader looked carefully at Shinno's face to see if he was possibly planning something. He saw nothing, though it was hard to tell if Shinno was either willing to come, or he was a really good actor. He kept that in mind as he motioned for another clone to go to him. Said clone slowly walked up to him, not taking his Kunai launcher off the man.

The faintest hint of a smile graced his face. He punched the clone. The Chakra armor absorbed some of the damage, but the clone flew back several yards away.

"You see, This is the power of Dark Chakra. It is not as much as I hoped, I'm barely seventy percent the power I was hoping to gain, but it should be more than sufficient against you", said Shinno.

They unloaded their launchers at Shinno. His smile did not fade as he was stabbed by hundreds of Kunai. The clones leader lifted his hands. The Kunai imbedded in Shinno's body slowly moved before falling to the ground. His scars quickly healed and he crossed his arms.

"Is that the best you've got", asked the man while he laughed maniacally.

In response all the clones dropped their kunai launcher. They lifted their hands. Within the hand of each and every clone was the Spiraling Ring. Shinno's face fell only slightly as they leapt toward him. Shinno proved to have impressive reflexes for his age. He was able to safely grab several clones arms and shove it at other clones. Using the Spiraling ring against them, Though he did not understand the power of this move. A huge force of Spiraling black chakra blew him back. The power of the spiraling ring was greater than he expected. His body was mangaled and twisted, yet his smile never left his face. His bones made a sickening snapping sound as they fixed themselves to their natural possition.

"I am the Sky Emperor, I am greater than any Kage. You'll have to do better than that", said Shinno.

He flew forward and fought the clones in Taijutsu. Though was surprized to see the clones were very skilled in Taijutsu. The clones dropped all thoughts of holding back and fought him using their memories of Menma's style. Though Shinno was able to keep up, if only barely.

The clones main problems proved to be the near indestructible nature of Shinno's body. Though they could damage him he would heal near cloned that stood back pressed a button on their masks and released clouds of poison. When Shinno breathed it in it looked like it had little effect, until he coughed while fighting. The clones fought him adamantly. Several released the drone on their gauntlets. Some were wrapping around Shinno, constantly shocking him. Blood trickled down his mouth as the poison destroyed his lungs, but they would undoubtedly be healed. They stopped using poison as soon as it became obvious it was in vain.

The clones used hit and run tactics. Sending in ten at a time while the others would wait. When the clones fighting Shinno got tired, they would leap back, while ten fresh clones would leap in. The plan was simple. Make Shinno run out of Dark Chakra. If Shinno tried to move away from the clones he fought, or tried to escape the clones would se spiraling ring to keep him in place. Though he could heal from almost any damage, over time his black hir turned a lighter color. Though it was obvious that it would take hours before Shinno would run out of his Dark Chakra, and in that event he could always fall back on normal chakra, though he would not be quite as dangerous.

"Stay Still", said Shinno as several clones ducked and dodged his attacks.

Shinno was surprised that every soldier he fought against fought so similarly. At first he believed them shadow clones, though the fact that they would not dispel made that unlikely. He had no way of knowing of the seal they used, nor did he know of the property of their armor.

"Tell me, what is the CDA you spoke of who could have so many fighters of such caliber", asked Shinno as he fought.

The clones said nothing.

"This fight will end with me victorious. So long as I have Dark Chakra, I can open all eight gates and not suffer any drawbacks. You havent a hope", said Shinno.

The clones had no reaction. They were trained well, and did not allow themselves to become distracted. Had it not been for Shinno's regeneration, he would have fallen long ago. While he was powerful, he was no where near S-rank. A-rank at the most. The clones were able to get into a rhythm of fighting and leaping back and sending in new fighters at Shinno. Shinno's predictable nature made it easy for them to follow this rhythm with no downside. He was still wrapped in chains that electrified him, while his arms were free it proved to be effective at keeping him in place for this rhythm they were in to work.

After seeing Shinno's hair turned grey, the clones all shifted their arms into swords, and extended them into Shinno. He was impaled on hundreds of blades that held him in place. He screamed in pain. His struggles caused him to loose dark chakra faster and he was unwilling to use too much so he could heal the stab damage when the blades came out. He stopped struggling.

The clones leader walked up to Shinno. He began marking him with chakra suppression seals. Shinno could not retaliate as each movement only caused the blades to go in deeper. The leader stepped back and the blades exited. Shinno fell to the floor. Using what chakra he could to heal his wounds.

"You're coming with us", said the clone leader.

Shinno looked up as several clones Tied his arms together. Some took off their masks to reveal they were clones. Shinno's eyes went wide.

"But, shadow clones dispel, not one of you did. What are you", asked Shinno.

"We are the CDA, we have our ways. Now while our team is containing the Zero Tails we have a few questions we would like to ask you, you will answer. Then we will take you to our base and thoroughly interrogate you. As of right now, you have no rights and your life is ours", said the leader.

He turned to the other clones.

"Set the demo charges, we don't need anyone else getting any bright ideas to rebuild this place. Collect any thing not bolted to the ground. Everything else I want us to start making schematics. We leave in three hours", said the leader.

He turned back to Shinno and began his interrogation.

Meanwhile down below the clones looked over the sleeping Masked Leech. One clone looked at the creature before him.

"I think these machines keep it in stasis. be careful that we take that part last", said the clone.

The others nodded. The sounds of fighting above them subsided and they realized the fight was over. They clones were using sword like arms and tentacles to chop the Zero Tails to pieces. They carefully placed it in the canisters. So far it was still in a form of stasis, sleeping in some strange amorphous mass. Thus far they had contained over half of the beast. They were careful not to leave any of the being behind.

As they put the pieces of the creature into the canisters something looked like it was going back through the wires toward the Zero Tails. It was black in color and looked like energy.

"I think thats it's chakra", said a clone.

Another clones eyes widened and he turned to the others.

"Someone was using it, ok cut it up fast this things about to wake and I want it small as possible once that happens", said the clone quickly.

They frantically chopped the pieces as the Dark Chakra leaked back into the Zero Tails it began to pulsate.

"Oh shit, call for help", said a clone.

They sealed the canisters and tossed them to the side. The Zero Tails was half it's original size, but as it put what remained of itself back together it roared and revealed an unaturally wide mouth. It lunged toward them.