
Chapter 13 Mutation

Training with Anko proved to be effective if a little crude. While training was going smoothly Naruto's cheeks continued to itch, and itch a lot. Nobutoshi did not see anything wrong with them and suggested that the effects might be psychological. Naruto would accept this if his whisker like birthmarks didn't turn into scars. It was a strange thing to see. To wake up and have your birthmarks turn into scars. Luckily no one seemed to notice. Scratching his cheeks while reading a few more books Nobutoshi gave him Naruto made his way to the academy. While there he had accidentally bumped into Sasuke.

"Oh, sorry about that Sasuke", says Naruto as he picks himself up and dusts off his clothes.

"Whatever, just watch where you're going while reading", says Sasuke as he walks off.

Naruto raises an eyebrow at that. Usually Sasuke was more condescending than that.

"Something on your mind Sasuke. You seem. Distracted", asks Naruto.

"It's none of your business", says Sasuke.

"I know just thought I could help", says Naruto.

"You can't", says Sasuke.

Naruto puts his book away and crosses his arms.

"Sasuke, I am a scientific genius. I have studied everything from biology to physics, from culture to psychology. If what you need help with is academic or personal you won't find anyone with my specialties. You might find someone who specializes in it and is better than me in one subject, but not all", says Naruto.

Sasuke narrows his eyes at Naruto. Then he sighs.

"Look, I know you are trying to help, but trust me when I say I don't want or need any of it", says Sasuke.

"If you say so Sasuke", says Naruto.

Naruto turns around walking to class trying to forget about Sasuke. As he does Sasuke walks to the training field to practice his taijutsu.

Damn, it's the last year of graduation and I still haven't activated the Sharringan. How am I supposed to avenge my clan if I progress this slow. Then Naruto comes up out of the blue with a Dojutsu of his own. One that makes him immune to an entire school of Jutsu. Those would have been useful when that man forced me to watch...

Sasuke stopped that thought.

No I will find a way to activate my Sharringan.

Naruto walks into the classroom still scratching at his cheeks every now and again. He takes a seat next to Shikamaru.

"So wanna play shogi", asks Shikamaru.

"my score is 754 losses, 0 wins, 12 disqualifications by you falling asleep, and 1 draw", says Naruto.

"At least you got that far", says Shikamaru.

"Well I got nothing better to do", says Naruto.

Shikamaru sets up the board. as he does this Choji enters and sits next to Shikamaru.

"Hey Naruto", says Choji.

"Morning Choji, how's life", asks Naruto as he moves his first piece.

"Can't complain. Want a few chips", asks Choji.

"No thanks, I ate a few bowls of ramen before coming in", says Naruto.

Choji shrugs.

"So anyone got any ideas on who the teams will be", asks Naruto.

"Graduation is months away", says Shikamaru as he begins to move his piece.

"Doesn't mean we can't Guess", says Naruto.

"Well, Ino-Shika-Cho is a given, They will probably team up clan heads together so there's that. Other than that I do not know", says Shikamaru.

"I think that makes sense, personally I believe Sasuke is a given for Rookie of the Year, Sakura is nearly as smart as me so she will probably be on his team you know how they always put the best male and female students on the same team. They would put the lowest scoring student on that team for balance, but I did over here Iruka and Mizuki talking about that team doing something different something about that teams sensei requesting a certain student. After that I got nothing", says Naruto.

"What team do you think you will be on Naruto", asks Choji.

Naruto shrugs.

"Probably a team with the members being composed of students from civilian families.", says Naruto.

"Makes since, but you never know. Oh by the way you will lose in three turns", says Shikamaru.

"Why am I not surprised", says Naruto scratching his cheek.

Shikamaru puts up the board and pieces as Naruto pulls out another book. Naruto begins to read while he waits. The Day is more of the same, learning of history already known to Naruto. Naruto does note that Sasuke did not come to class this day. A little confused by that He continues with his day. As Naruto leaves the school he notes that the colors of sound indicate there is no ANBU following him now. It has happened before, but these moments were a godsend to Naruto. It gave him time to think without being watched. He still did not perform any of the Necronomicon's Jutsu or even tested his eyes in a while, and even with these off days as he called them he was still wary to read from the book.

After the academy let out Naruto walked to the training grounds, As he got there he noticed Sasuke training. Naruto walked up to him.

"Hey Sasuke", says Naruto.


Sasuke turns around to look at Naruto. Naruto notes his features. Covered in sweat and dirt is a heavily breathing Sasuke with burn marks on the tip of his fingers.

"You look exhausted", says Naruto.

"I been busy", says Sasuke.

Naruto walks up to Sauske putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Look Sasuke I...", that is all Naruto says.

After touching Sasuke He begins to see images.

A Young boy surrounded by the bodies of his family. An emotionless man slaughtering his own parents with no remorse, being forced to relive tragedy over and over and over and over and over and over and...Naruto takes his hand from Sasuke. He looks up at Sasuke who looks at Naruto confused. Naruto shakes his head. Willing the thoughts that brought a small shiver up Naruto's spine he takes a deep breath and turns back to Sasuke.

"Look Sasuke, I think I get your problem. I want to help", says Naruto.

"You can't help me", says Sasuke.

"I can activate your Sharringan.

Sasuke stops his thinking. He turns to Naruto eyes narrow but not in agitation, in confusion.

"How", asks Sasuke.

"It won't be easy, and I won't lie it will scare the hell out of you. It's an ability I discovered my eyes have, If you really want to see that which no mortal man was meant to know, look in my eyes", says Naruto.

Sasuke's eyes moe about for a moment contemplating the odd request.

"Fine", he says.

Sasuke looks into Naruto's eyes. Suddenly he finds himself standing in a cave The huge expansive cave seems empty. Sasuke walks down the cave. As he gets further and further his mind tells him to turn around, to run away, but his feet do not let him. He makes his way to a long narrow path in a room big enough to hold all of Konoha.

"Hello, anyone there", asks Sasuke.

His voice echoes off the walls. He walks through the cave, noting that something always seems to be in the corner of his eye, but it disappears. Sasuke begins to move cautiously. Strange sounds poor from the cave. then Sasuke falls. He looks to his foot and sees a tendril holding it. Shaking away the appendage he notices that it seems to fade in and out of his vision. Fearfully he crawls away trying to stand up. The sounds of horrid roars and growls not animal could make freeze him in place. Hovering above him fading in and out of his vision is a kind of worm, a flying worm. Covered in tendrils, mouths, and eyes. Each time the creature faded from vision it reappeared closer. The creature flew without wings and created whistling noises. The tendrils each with five digits moved towards Sasuke.

Sasuke was breathing heavy as he tried to throw a kunai at it but to no effect. He tried Jutsu but the same results. It ignored the fire of his strongest attack. Then it lunged forward mouth open. Sasuke screamed.

Sasuke opened his eyes in the training fields staring at Naruto. The look of terror painted on his face. He notices that things seemed to be moving slow. As he looked around he could understand every movement of the world around him.

"success, congratulations Sasuke you now have a Sharringan", says Naruto.

"Wha. What was that thing", asks Sasuke staring at Naruto.

"It's called a Flying Polyp, they are utterly alien creatures they have a habit of experiencing momentary lapses in visibility and control winds to use as a weapon", says Naruto.

Sasuke collects himself as he tries to stop shaking.

"I, I could feel like my sanity was leaving me", says Sasuke.

"It happens, don't worry it was completely safe I was in total control", says Naruto.

Sasuke looks at the world around him through his Sharringan.

"Thanks. I-I'll see ya around", he says.

Sasuke walks off toward his house still visibly shaking. Naruto leaves him as he heads home. Naruto scratches his cheeks furiously, they itch like never before.

He paces his house scratching and scratching. They itch so much he can barely think. Naruto walks in the bathroom. He looks at the scars on his face. He notes that they seem like perfect lines of scar. No jagged edges or curves. He reaches up to touch his whiskers and immediately wish he didn't. The scars open as he pulls his fingers away. They open not like scars, but like eyelids.

Underneath each whisker like scar is the Eyes of Azathoth. Naruto screams.