
Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm

Ken was four years old when the nine tails attacked the hidden leaf. His grandma died during the attack. Due to the grief, he awakened his hidden kekkei genkais Lava release and Ice release. Unknown to him and everyone he has also awakened a third kekkei genkai, storm relase. During the same day he awakened the memories of his previous life where he had watched a show called Naruto. He is also the first grandson of Hiruzen Sarutobi. His existence itself causes changes in the world. Read how he becomes the greatest ninjutsu practitioner in the world and his journey towards his goals. - No harem - Will have changes in the canon - A lot of action and training - Cool Ninjutsus - Not a serious kid Itachi - OP Grandpa Hiruzen ------------ This story belongs to Naruto franchise and i dont own anything except my OCs

Pikachu234 · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Chapter 25: Itachi and Hiruzen's speech

"Wow, You are really Itachi Uchiha in the flesh." A black-haired boy said while touching another black-haired boy all over his body.

Ken pulled Itachi's cheeks as he wrapped his tiny body around the tiny Itachi Uchiha to prevent him from escaping.

"My grandpa tells me that you are a genius like me. I would love to burn you, Ahm Ahm i mean spar with you. Would you want to spar with me?" Ken whispered in Itachi's ear while still being wrapped around him.

It has to be remembered that while Ken was a 19 year old man in his previous life. He only got the memories of that life. While he was more mature than any other kid his age, he was still a kid with a five year old brain. Seeing characters that he adored in his previous life appear in front of him caused reactions like this. It is like how a kid finds new toys.

Itachi wanted to say yes to get this creepy kid to let him go but something told him that he would regret his decision.

At some point of time, Hiruzen had reached the stage that was set up for him to give his will of fire speech. He was trying to find his grandson as he finally found him, he could not help but facepalm.

'This kid! Is not the kid that he is dangling on, Fugaku's eldest son, Itachi? It seems like sending him to the academy was the best decision. He even made a friend with possibly the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan.' Hiruzen thought

"Ahm Ahm" Hiruzen coughed to get everyone's attention but he was ignored by Ken who was still busy inspecting Itachi.

"Little Ken, I see you have made a friend already. You can play with him later." Hiruzen said loud enough for Ken and Itachi to hear him.

"But Grandpa, he is the talented Itachi Uchiha. Can we have a quick spar please?" Ken said as he wanted to bully Itachi when he did not have his Sharingan.

Dont get him wrong, he did not have anything against Itachi.

Its just for his self satisfaction. If he ever got killed early without leaving a mark in hislife, he could at least say he beat Itachi Uchiha in a spar.

Itachi on the other hand was shocked to hear the creepy Kid call Lord third 'grandpa'.

'He must be the grandson of Lord Third who has awakened the kekkei Genkai's of Lava and Ice release. From the rumors, it is said that he is quite talented in Ninjutsu. He has trained in taijutsu as well looking at the callouses on his hands. From his grip hold, his physical strength is not that bad either.' Itachi deduced

"You would have plenty of spars in the academy, little ken. But since you are so interested in it why don't we have a small spar between you and young Itachi after my speech." Hiruzen said

Ken jumped in joy. Itachi too wanted to have a spar with the third hokage's grandson despite Ken being one year younger than him.

Hiruzen began his speech.

"Today is a special day as we welcome our newest recruits to the Konoha Academy. As the Third Hokage, it's an honor to stand before you and offer some words of guidance as you embark on this incredible journey to become true ninja of our village."

"First and foremost, I want you to remember that you are the future of Konoha. Each one of you possesses unique talents and abilities, and it is our duty to nurture those talents and help you become the best shinobi you can be. But being a ninja is not just about strength and power; it's also about responsibility and the choices you make."

"In our village, we value more than just skill in combat. We value loyalty, friendship, and the unwavering desire to protect our home and its people. The bonds you form with your fellow students today will be the foundation of your strength tomorrow. Cherish those bonds, for they will be your greatest source of support in the most challenging of times."

"Remember, knowledge is just as important as strength. The Konoha Academy will teach you not only the art of combat but also the wisdom to use your abilities wisely. We believe in the Will of Fire, a burning determination that fuels our spirits. It is what drives us to protect our village, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds."

"As you train and grow, you will face trials and tribulations. There will be moments of doubt, but I implore you to never give up. A true shinobi perseveres through adversity and emerges stronger. Be tenacious, be courageous, and never lose sight of your goals."

At this point of time, Ken started to yawn and since Hiruzen attantion was always on him, he noticed it. He could not help but twitch his eye a little. He decided to end his speech now.

"Lastly, always remember the village you represent. Konoha is more than just a place; it's a symbol of hope, peace, and unity. Your actions as ninja reflect upon us all, so carry the name of Konoha with pride and honor."

"I have faith in each and every one of you. You have the potential to become great shinobi, and I am confident that you will make us all proud. Work hard, support one another, and let the Will of Fire guide you on this incredible journey.

Welcome to the Konoha Academy, young shinobi. Your adventure begins now."

Everyone started cheering and clapping after his speech ended.

"Now take a break before Young Itachi Uchiha and Little Ken Sarutobi show their skills to all of us." Hiruzen said


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