
Naruto: Kōrima (Dropped)

Kōrima... The journey of a recently orphaned boy with Hyoton... Will he survive the war torn land? The schemes? His own demons? Together we will find out as we follow Ashi Kōrima’s journey... Ice release best release... I don’t own Naruto please keep your copyright claims away from me

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

4. Changes

Another two years have passed and Ashi is now 13 years old and during this time he found out that Tsunade is 15 what was surprising considering her height, Ashi wasn't originally a tall kid himself but these past few years have been a fruitful one he now stands around 158cm as for Tsunade she is standing around 149cm the two have grown close over these past few years mainly due to Mito's spartan training that puts his previous training to shame

Ashi has also been working on his chakra. He found that he has talent in 3 natures… Water (Suton), Futon (Wind), and Raiton (Lightning)… he hasn't really explored with the Raiton Nature all to much he was more focused on his Suton and Futon trying to increase his control with Hyoton (Ice)

Tsunade had a talent in Raiton and Suton she seemed estatic to have similar natures to Ashi, to the point of jumping up and down and even going as far as pulling Ashi into a hug to which he just awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do with his hands earning a laugh from Mito

Near the end of the two years he has gotten to some degree of skill in every jutsu his parents have left him… About 250, but he knew he most likely wasn't going to use all of them but what's the point of having them if he wasn't ever going to have the chance to use them

Currently he was trying to make an ice jutsu with explosive capabilities, while he had plenty from his clan he wanted something he could call his and well… It wasn't going well or well anywhere at all… he has an idea of what he wants but has no idea where to start

He wanted something that didn't need hand seals as they gave away the fact that you were about to attack, all he has now is a small bead of Hyoton floating above his finger… so far this is his progress in shape transformation a measly bead of ice no larger than a marble, However it is a perfect circle with completely smooth surfaces with small hairline channels inside well he wishes he could take credit for it but actually they are cracks but this gave him an idea… something which he desperately needed


[{ Flash Back }]

"Mito I can't just give the boy to you he tried to kill me!"

A slightly angered red haired women slammed her hand on the table

"I don't care monkey… We have a connection and I need to know why, He may very well be a Uzumaki and not even know it"

Shaking his head as he stood up looking into Mito's eyes

"Mito I hold a great deal of respect for you due to my sensei, but there are some things that I can't provide you"

Furrowing her brows as her hair started to float

"I wasn't asking Monkey… I won't let you brainwash the poor kid for your delusion of peace nor would I let Danzo touch the kid… Have you seen his root? They are just a bunch of emotionless kids"

Waving his hand as if trying to dismiss the matter

"We aren't talking about root Mito… we are talking about Ashi"

"Yeah and I'm taking him with or without your support…"

Turning around leaving Hizuren behind, just as she was about to reach for the door Hizuren hurriedly spoke out

"How about we make a deal…"

A savage grin grew on her face as she turned her head to him

"What's this 'deal'?"


Currently Ashi was waiting at the Senju Compund gates with Mito next to him (A/N: If you didn't know this already… What?) waiting for Tsunade to return from her first mission with her genin teammates, Actually today he was going to meet them for the first time he has heard stories about Orochimaru's interest in medical justu actually leading Tsunade to pick it up herself, as for her other teammate… well let's just say he wanted to have a 'chat' with him

Mito looked over to see a vicious grin on Ashi and could only pray for the poor kid during these last 5 years she has watched the two kids grew really close, occasionally sneaking off in the woods at night to watch the stars together or ditching the guard to get some time between themselves, Mito smiled at their actions she won't say she planned it but she definitely did…

Soon a blonde haired girl, a pale skinned boy, and a white haired boy became visible in the distance looking over at Mito, Ashi looked for some sort of approval the moment she nodded he disappeared appearing right in front of Tsunade poking her forehead causing it to slightly bob rubbing it with slightly puffed cheeeks she mumbled

"What was that for…"

The pout didn't last for long as she pulled him into a hug resting her head in the nook of his neck taking a slight sniff with a smile… wait sniff….

"Welcome back"

Tsunade looked up to see Ashi's toothy smile when suddenly someone spoke out

"Hey who do you think you are? You can't just do that man… You gotta at least give me a chance"

Ashi's toothy smile instantly disappeared as he cocked his head towards the boy who spoke he looked fairly similar to the 2nd Hokage small red lines under his eyes, untamed white hair, and a goofy yet calculating attitude

"Your Jirayia yes?"

The boy nodded proudly but the moment he did his stomach flipped upside down before the surroundings changed


With a slight frown Tsunade did a single hand seal 'Shunshin' and flickered towards her grandmother in the distance

"Where'd Ashi go? Why did he take Jirayia?"

Mito just let out a chuckle

"Just a talk between men deary… now how about you invite your other friend inside I doubt they will take long"


Ashi was currently standing across from Jirayia

"So what's your relationship with Tsunade…"

Ashi didn't answer he just looked the boy over for a while making the atmosphere awkward

"You the pervert?"

Jirayia froze at this before a wide smile grew on his face

"Pervert? Ha don't be silly… I'm a… Researcher…"

He instantly lost sight of Ashi before something connected with his jaw knocking him back as Ashi stood over him staring into his eyes with his glacier blue orbs which seemed to chill Jirayia's blood

"You ever 'research' Tsunade and you won't be able to enjoy your 'research' understand?"

With a stiff nod Jirayia nodded putting a smile on Ashi's face reaching his hand out

"Alright then, I'm Ashi Kōrima… Nice to meet you"

The moment Jirayia touched Ashi's hand the surroundings changed and they found themselves inside the main hall of the Senju Manor

"Ashi where did you go?"

Like a blond bullet Tsunade appeared out of nowhere pointing her finger at Ashi while the other was on her hip

"Huh me? I just went to have a private talk with Jiraiya here right?"

Turning towards Jiraiya who was dusting himself off ignoring the sore spot on his chin he nodded

"Just a friendly chat between friends"

Tsunade suspiciously glared at Ashi before letting loose a *hmmph* as she turned around crossing her arms across her chest but as she walked away she subtly swayed her hips in an attempt to catch Ashi's attention

As Ashi watched Tsunade storm off he could help but smile the darkness in his heart seemed to lighten whenever she was around and that was something he hoped he never lost, he knew this world wasn't kind or was it fair you must lose something to gain something in this world and they were almost never equal but yet he may be wrong fate works in mysterious ways

Catching up to Tsunade just as they entered the study to find Orochimaru nose deep in a book about the body structure while Mito sipped on a cup of tea she waved Ashi over complying he sat across from her as she slid him a glass making quick movements on the table with her finger, Ashi felt some residue of her chakra on the table as he looked at it curiously the sound around him disappeared looking up he found Mito's smiling figure

"Once again your sensory skills amaze me… However that isn't what I want to talk to you about, I would like to test something and if I'm proven correct you can come with me and Tsunade on a trip here in a few weeks"

The idea of being able to leave if only for a while excited Ashi

"What do I have to do?"

She shook her head slightly confusing Ashi

"Next to nothing…All I need is a single drop of blood here "

She handed him a small scroll with a whirlpool wax seal Ashi bite his finger drawing blood and let it fall into the seal the moment the blood hit the seal it cracked in two and Mito adopted a soft smile as she looked at him

"Welcome to the family Ashi"

Ashi was considerably confused he had no idea what she meant he already seen this small group as family but her next words struck deep in his heart

"You have a family thousands strong who are waiting to meet you… As of today not only are you a Kōrima but an Uzumaki as well"

He had a family left it might not be his close relatives but it was something and from the stories Ashi has heard from Mito they were an eccentric bunch that always put family above all else and were full of pride… tears began to pool up in his eyes clouding his vision as Mito pulled him into a hug softly whispering in his ear

"You better treat Tsunade well… You have my blessing"

Ashi went solid at this, he didn't know how to react, he knew he had feelings for Tsunade and she reciprocated them but he didn't expect this… who would he be just 13 years old he hasn't even begun to think that far ahead… has Tsunade? Does she want to spend her life with him? Is he good enough for the 'Senju Princess'? Is he-

His thoughts were cut short by a flick to his forehead looking up he saw Mito

"Don't think about it too hard kiddo it's not like you two are getting married so soon"

Just as the sound entered their ears again Ashi looked up to find Tsunade looking at him from the corner of her eyes shooting a smile her way getting a slight blush out of her as she averted her eyes earning her a confused look from Jiraiya and Orochimaru but they were ignored


The next few weeks went by slowly for Ashi. He couldn't wait to leave the village, during this time Mito introduced him to Fuinjutsu, an art of sealing which is useful in almost every aspect of life… Mito said that due to his Uzumaki bloodline he would have a talent in such arts and he understood whenever he looked at a seal he could slightly comprehend them despite having no experience he didn't know what they did or how they worked but yet he did it was like a fog clouding his thoughts

He dove head first into Fuinjutsu causing his chakra conditioning to slow but in a weeks time he was able to make a complete seal without it exploding, the seal itself was simple only glowing on activation the first step to illumination seals but it was progress… It would have taken a lot longer if his parents didn't drill calligraphy into him since he was young… Mito was even impressed with his progress while Ashi seemed to have an easier time when it comes to 'Ease of Life' seals he already shared some ideas with her on how these 'harmless' seals could become dangerous weapons

He has bothered Mito to teach him 'Finger Carving Sealing' but Mito turned him down every time telling him his chakra control and skill was too low and the risk was too high he didn't let it get him down though mainly because Mito gifted him a scroll one that could help with his studies and training, although she told him to keep it a secret because 'These ninjas are dumb and don't make the most out of their jutsu' and she was correct every time he's seen some one use the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' it was to either escape an attack, distract, or gather information

She told him to be careful due to the backlash of having a chance to destroy one's mind if the intake of information was too large but since then his skill in various things have skyrocketed just a few days before they leave Ashi managed to perfect his first storage seal… It could only hold one type of item and didn't have much capacity but it was a start one which made him happy

During these past few weeks being 'happy' was a normal thing for Ashi, he didn't really have nightmares or outbursts much anymore but there was one thing that happened that Ashi would never be able to forget and whenever he remembers it a goofy smile comes to his face…The night he perfected the storage seal Tsunade and him snuck out of the Manor and disappeared into the woods heading towards their favorite spot… It was at the top of one of the biggest trees the peak has been flattened out with short walls and a slight canopy of leaves off to one side the whole area looked man made Tsunade guessed that her grandfather Hashirama built this spot with the woods but that didn't matter it was their little hideaway now

However on this night they were cuddling under the night sky… Ashi was laying on his back while Tsunade laid sideways listening to the steady rhythm of his heart, ever since they began coming up here she would listen it always had a slow and steady beat almost like nothing could cause it to race she ran her hand down his chest to his stomach slighty lifting up his shirt placing her hand on his warm skin and to her surprise his heart jumped the steady rhythm was no more his heart was slowly picking up beating harder with every passing second as the arm that was around her slightly tightened pulling her closer looking up she saw him with his eyes closed a peaceful smile on his face, she slightly sat up leaning in as a fierce blush rose up her cheeks… then their lips touched the warm soft velvety feeling against her lips caused her to want them more closing her eyes as she straddled him

Ashi was shocked at first his eyes went wide his mind was flooded with thoughts as a warm feeling spread in his chest then he felt a warmth against his abdomen not giving it any thought he wrapped his hands around Tsunade's hips slightly gripping her sides earning a muffled yelp from her after a while their lips separated forming a bridge of saliva before she could even attempt to move farther Ashi pulled her into his chest whispering in her ear in a slightly stern but worried tone

"Don't ever leave me…please"

Tsunade felt a pain in her chest as she heard these words she felt disappointed… disappointed at the fact that the thought of her leaving was something he worried about not once had she ever entertained that thought it just seemed ridiculous too her she was happy so why would she ruin that, her younger brother rarely left his room never talking to her after their parents passed everyone in the compound was stiff around her and yet the one person that she could be herself around no… The only person she felt like herself around worried about something as ridiculous as that she effortlessly hit his chest


She didn't say anything else but she didn't have to she knew Ashi understood she could tell his grip around her loosen but his hold stayed firm while his heart erractily beat almost like it was threatening to burst out of his chest as he muttered barely loud enough for her to hear

"I love you…"