
Naruto: Kōrima (Dropped)

Kōrima... The journey of a recently orphaned boy with Hyoton... Will he survive the war torn land? The schemes? His own demons? Together we will find out as we follow Ashi Kōrima’s journey... Ice release best release... I don’t own Naruto please keep your copyright claims away from me

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

3. Outburst

When Ashi arrived at the academy he was at a loss on where to go, as he entered he found a petite women with brown hair waiting for him with a clipboard pressed against her chest

"Now who might you be?

Slightly crouching down with a soft smile as she spoke Ashi narrowed his eyes looking over her for a second

"Kōrima… Ashi Kōrima"

With a soft giggle she stood up

"Nice to meet you Ashi, I've been waiting for you if you would follow me"

Walking down one of the various halls he heard various people talking through the thin walls they soon stopped at a door as it opened he heard what he assumed to be the teacher talking

"Oh my, It seems the new attendant has arrived…(waving Ashi over) Come over here and introduce yourself"

Somewhat reluctantly he walked forward until he was next to the teacher turning towards the class, there was easily 30 people in the room if not more

"(Slightly nudging Ashi) Come on no need to be shy"

Sighingas he closed his eyes Ashi straightened his back slightly spreading his feet and placed his hands behind his back (A/N: Standing at ease I believe) the moment Ashi's eyes opened the atmosphere around him changed it felt tense like they were standing in front of the Hokage, the air seemed to stagnate as the teacher looked at Ashi with wide eyes

"Ashi Kōrima… Few things I like… Many things I dislike… 1 thing I aspire towards…"

Ashi turned towards the teacher who stood there mouth slightly agape

"So where do I sit?"

Snapping out of his thoughts the teacher looked Ashi over before looking to the class he found a single table empty all the others have been filled

"Looks like back in the corner by the window, Make sure you pay attention in class"

Sending a nod his way Ashi walked up the few steps to his seat took his bag off his back laying it on the table and sat down seeing that Ashi was in his seat the Teacher turned towards the black board pointing at a diagram with a stick

"Here we have the chakra system… …. …. ….."


Sending a series of pulses out the Hokage saw a black streak appear before him kneeling down

"Yes Hokage-sama"

Tapping his desk in annoyance

"Bring me Shikaku and Inoichi"

Flickering away the masked man left behind few words

"Hai Hokage-sama"


Leaving the academy after the mind numbing experience called brainwas-*ahem*-learning Ashi made his way towards his previous training grounds in a hurry as he entered the grouping of trees someone appeared in front of him in all black and wearing a porcelain mask just as he was about to speak he disappeared as 'Neko' appeared in front of him

"Hokage-sama asked for your appearance"

Before Ashi could even reply his stomach felt like it turned over before he realized what happened he found himself standing in front of the Hokage and two others green in the face

Taking a deep breath he settled his stomach

"I have a question…"

This caught the Hokage by surprise

"Go ahead"

Looking over at the two new faces Ashi spoke

"Who are they? It isn't my question but… Do you trust them?"

The blonde haired man narrowed his eyes while the other who was lazily lounging in his chair to open one eye muttering something along the lines of '...troublesome…'

Slighty irritated the Hokage spoke

"Yes they are trustworthy now speak your question Ashi"

"Do you know a group of people that wear porcelain masks? I was approached by one right before 'Neko' showed up"

The Hokage slighty glared while the black haired man lost every aspect of his previous laziness and the blond haired man turned towards the Hokage

"Hizuren, You don't think Danzo is recruiting once again?"

Hizuren just stay silent obviously not wanting to speak on the subject with a cough he spoke

"Enough about all that… Now Ashi we have some questions for you…"

Realizing this is going to take a while Ashi pulled his bag from his back placing it in his lap as he took a seat

"You told the secretary that you are a Kōrima… from my understanding Yuki is the sole user of Hyoton"

Nodding Ashi spoke

"If you wish to be technical you could say I am a Yuki just a branch that left and changed their name during the First Shinobi War (A/N: F.S.W. from now on) and changed their surname"

Both the black haired and blond haired men sat silent listening while Hizuren nodded

"So what village was the Kōrima part of?"

Shaking his head side to side

"None we were a nomadic tribe never staying in one place too long… We were hunted"

The last part caused Ashi's face to darken as he clenched his fists which the black haired man took note of Hizuren leaned forward about to speak when the blond haired man spoke

"Hunted by who?"

Ashi glared at the man then looked at Hizuren who nodded

"Kiri has been since our family left… The war weakened us almost to the point of extinction not even a week ago we were 10 strong not including the children if they were to be included there were only 12 of us…"

Inoichi (Blond Haired) nodded seemingly content with with information he was able to glimpse from Ashi's response, then the black haired man spoke

"I'm assuming that the 'Hunters' caught up to your clan… That's why you was found like you was"

Ashi's face darkened farther as he glared towards Shikaku (Black Haired) an unseen pressure affecting the surroundings

"I'd rather not talk about my 'Late' Clan if that's all these questions are about you'll have to excuse me"

Abruptly standing up from his seat slinging his back over his shoulder he went for the door only for a masked man to appear infront of it


The masked man didn't budge hand resting near his kunai pouch



Hizuren flexed his killing intent causing Ashi to pale and turn to him with a glare

"What do you want...Leech…"

The anbu snapped and backhanded Ashi knocking him to the ground


Ashi spit the blood pooling in his mouth at the Anbu

"Fuck you and your elders"

Ashi clumsily flipped through hand seals 'Hyoton: Cascading Snow' expelling a large amount of snow from his mouth it started to swirl blocking the vision of everyone in the room when suddenly an 'Futon: Breakthrough' blew all the smoke away what they saw surprised everyone Ashi had the Hokage's head locked in his arms tilting it slightly with a crudely ice made sebon ready to enter his ear

"Speak and he bleeds, Move and he bleeds, Breathe and I snap his neck"

The mental pressure excluding from Ashi was intense, the manifestation of his will was bearing down on everyone in the room

"So Leech… would you mind having your 'dogs' leave the room"

With a slightly surprised but calm look on his face he ordered the Anbu to leave, Ashi then looked at Inoichi

"You… Drop all your gear then toss it over, you too"

Looking towards Shikaku while hiding as much of his body he can behind Hizuren

"Hokage… Walk back slowly until my back is against the wall…"

The Hokage complied

"Now this is how we will continue this chat, Who are the porcelain masked people"

They all stayed silent, Ashi slowly pressed the sebon into Hizuren's ear

"I'm not fucking around… I-If you think I c-can't do it your mistaken"

Shikaku put his hands up slowly taking steps forward

"Now now you don't need to go that far… anyway if you did how would you leave, Your in unfamiliar territory… Enemy territory at that…"

Increasing the strength in his arm pressing on Hizuren's Adam's apple Ashi yelled out


Shikaku flinched slighty for a mere instant he felt fear for this child but it quickly faded

"Alright alright… So what's your plan? Kill the Hokage and fight your way through almost 200 thousand shinobi? While I won't underestimate you I doubt you could overcome those odds"

Shikaku looked at Inoichi from the corner of his eye how gave an almost imperceivable nod and folded hand seals faster then Ashi could process 'Secret Technique: Mind Body Disturbance' an astral projection shot out of Inoichi and entered Ashi who collapsed on the ground Hizuren glared at the two

"Was that honestly necessary? He obviously has trust issues and you go do something like this (Facepalming) I doubt there is any chance we can rope him into fighting for Konoha… Well can't change the past, Inoichi sift through all his memories don't leave nothing unturned… Make sure Danzo doesn't get his claws into the boy"


[3 Years Later]

Ashi was mostly kept in an underground building after his 'outburst' in the Hokage's office, Inoichi went through his memories and didn't really find anything interesting or which could put Ashi into problems he was informed that the Hokage was willing to help Ashi if Ashi would help him but Ashi knew it was either servitude or the chopping block

During these last few years he hasn't been allowed out of his new 'house' he had his own training grounds and tutors one day a little blond haired girl snuck her way down into his living place curious as to what was kept there she was told many times by her grandmother and the servants not to enter but curiosity took over her and she needed to know but what she found confused her

'A boy? They are worried about us meeting?"

"Hey! Who are you?!"

With a slightly snotty attitude she yelled out towards the boy who quickly snapped around and glared at the girl

"What are you doing here girly… Thought I wasn't allowed visitors"

Tilting her head with visible confusion

"What do you mean I live here… Your in my basement"

Ashi went wide eyed


Then hurried steps could be heard and a older women with dark red hair rounded the corner storming into the room it was the first time Ashi has meet this women, Just as the women was about to grab up the blond haired girl he disappeared appearing in between the two holding the older women hand

"May I ask what you are doing? She is but a young women no need to be so forceful"

The older women frowned but her soft eyes contradicted it, she yanked her hand free of Ashi's grip

"Boy you better learn some respect… Come now Tsu Tsu~ you have training to do"

'Tsu Tsu' paled at her words as she hid behind Ashi gripping his shirt

"I don't wanna… Your a mad lady, YOU'LL KILL ME ONE DAY"

Using his hand to further guard 'Tsu Tsu' he spoke

"If it's training why don't you do it here she obviously doesn't agree with your methods and I could use a mentor anyways"

Hearing his words 'Tsu Tsu' gasped as she spoke

"No you definitely don't want that I promise you she's a slave driver I tell you a slave driver"

A tick mark appeared on the older women head as she disappeared from her spot and a soft thud sounded out from behind Ashi before soft sobbing was heard

"Owwww, what was that for granny?"

Rubbing the top of her head with a pout as her twin tails fluttered about, the older women just glared at Ashi for a second before sighing

"From now on you're allowed in the main building… BUT only if either me or one of the guards accompany you, Every day at 6 in the morning we will begin training I'll send a guard to fetch you don't be late…"

Leaving her words behind as she grabbed 'Tsu Tsu's hand and dragged her away

It's been 2 years since then and when Tsunade previous known as 'Tsu Tsu' said Mito (Older women) was a slave driver she wasn't kidding he'd never say it outloud though he learnt his lesson the last time he was left in a crater