
Naruto: Infinite Dream

I deleted this for an accident so I'm kinda mad. Imagine a corrupt guy being reincarnated in Naruto as Shikamaru's brother and his only goal is to reach immortality. _____________________________________________________ ROB will give it to him but I don't feel like putting it there so you can imagine how it went well that's if you read this I hope you do. Abilities: Perfect memory: he can remember anything he sees. Shadow manipulation: From the Nara clan Adaptation: His body can adapt to anything Combine: he can combine stuff Multiverse: yes, yes it will be those types he will travel to other anime, tv shows, movies, and novel worlds. _____________________________________________________ Note: I'm using the free type Grammarly so don't expect much and I'm bad myself at grammar, so you do God's work or what you believe in and go to the comment on paragraph and tell me what I did wrong and what I can improve in the pg. It will be evil kinda like reverend insanity and magus world well I hope it can be there but common a new guy compare to those monsters it's like comparing an ant to an elephant it's impossible so don't expect much, you can drop it I will mind, it will hurt me in fact but I can deal with it. ____________________________________________________

Infinite_Depravity · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

C4-Naruto's eternal deal or curse??

I'm going to get out of my comfort zone, and it's hard for me to write because I want things how they were. Still, I need to realize that people don't want the same thing, which is fanfic. I can shape and change things as much as I wish, so from today onward, I will go full-on out and use my imagination; well, I will try without ruining the story.


"If your really a Hyuga, then show us your byakugan." a kid said

" But if you're not gonna, don't look at us," another kid said

Three kids in total on a snowy day were making fun of a girl for her creepy eyes.

"Hey, cut that out," yelled out a blonde hair kid.

" And who are you supposed to be" yelled out one of the kids

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm the future Hokage," yelled out Naruto

" Hahahaha" the three kids looked at each other and then laughed at Naruto

"I'll show you, you Bastard!!" Naruto made a hand seal at that moment faster than the kids could react.

At first, the kids were panicked, but you could only see a pathetic clone after Naruto did the Jutsu.




The three kids started laughing at Naruto.

*pow* before Naruto was able to even see the punch, he was already knocked down.

Blood flowing out of his nose, dripping down to the cold snow.

" heh, how pathetic it only took one punch to knock you out, Hokage what a joke."

The kids grabbed his red scarf and started to rip it, play with it, and dirty it.

When they got bored, they went to Naruto, and they robbed him out of his coins and all of his belongings, minus the clothes.

"Wow, how pathetic this how much money you have; what a joke lets go, guys, let's not waste our time on this trash." The group leader said heartlessly as they all walked away, leaving the scared Hyuga behind and a knocked-out Naruto.

But little did they know that someone was watching all of this all along.

The kid around the age of Naruto dropped down on the snow in front of the three kids when they were far away from Naruto and Hinata.

At first, they were confused, but then they noticed a person wearing a black robe with big sleeves and skin almost as white as snow but enough not to look weird, but the most noticeable thing was his violet eyes shining.

"Umbra, hey, how are you." the kids replied happily as they did a formal greeting as soon as they got close.

Umbra nodded his head indifferently towards them and just kept silent.

Over the months, Umbra would help them a lot; they just had to do some stuff for him, and he would give them money; they were not the only ones tho, and this was possible due to the cash the clan had, and he got off of it.

'You can guys go now," Umbra said

"Yes," all three of the kids replied and left obediently.

As Umbra was walking in the forest, he saw Naruto leaving Hinata there in the snow.

Naruto passed over Umbra as they both made eye contact; the world seemed to stop at that moment as they both kept staring at each other.

Then Umbra walked away as if he didn't notice anything.

" Hey, you bastard!" Naruto yelled out

Umbra stopped his movements, but he didn't turn around in the end.

"You saw everything, didn't you!" Naruto yelled

"Oh, I'm surprised you can notice" it didn't matter; Umbra was intentionally letting himself known there; the kids we just pathetic that they couldn't even notice him on top of a tree.

"Cut the bullshit. I'm already used to people looking at me in a certain way, and your one of those people," Naruto said, his blue eyes shining.

*Humph*" so what if I do hate you," Umbra said, surprising Naruto as most people don't say that out loud to him.

"Why?" Naruto said

"In the end, you still ask those questions why someone hates you," Replied Umbra.

"Well, you know what ill tell you in one condition."

"And what will that be" naruto narrowed his eyes in distrust

"If you can beat me in a fight ill tell you, and maybe ill even be your friend; how about that?" Umbra said

Naruto's eyes widen at that moment, happiness flooding his expression.

"You mean it."

"Of course, why would I lie now? We can shake on it."

" Yeah, let's do that," Naruto said enthusiastically

" Ok, I at this moment declare that from now on until the end of one of our lives that if you can beat me, I will become your friend."

"Ok, deal," Naruto agreed, but how can he know that this was all part of Umbra's sick plan since the beginning.

"I never go back on my word."

"That's what I like to hear, Naruto" after all that was done, Umbra left, and Naruto headed another way thinking of plans on how to defeat Umbra.

While on the other hand, Umbra was thinking.

Hmm, now that I did that. I wonder if naruto will keep his promise even till he is an adult; after all, Naruto is known for keeping his promises in the show until he can complete them.

Since I did that, I don't have to be his friend, and I won't die by his hands in the end unless I do something horrible.

A smirk appeared on Umbras's face " it doesn't matter; even if the Hokage sees this, he will think of this as a harmless competition, and he can't do anything to me. I have the Nara clans; backing."

And to control Sasuke, his weakest will be after the Uchiha clan massacre; Umbra thought hehe.

In the end, Umbra disappeared with only a shadow moving in the snowy area.

If people saw that, they would not be surprised; after all, he was a genius known to the hidden leaf and someone with superb writing skills after all his poems are known across the ninja world.

Only a couple of months were left for Academy to start, and everyone will meet each other and start learning stuff.


Double chapter what!!? Well, I did it. I don't know if this made sense to yall; tell me if something didn't, and ill change it. I won't be lazy, I promise.