
Naruto: I Quit

On the fateful night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a foreign soul found itself reborn in the world of the Hokage, merging with the infant Naruto. Yet, hidden beneath the innocent façade of this newborn babe lay the wisdom and experience of an adult soul, a secret known to none. As life unfurled within the Hidden Leaf Village, the unfair treatment and unwarranted hostility that once besieged Naruto now fell upon the new soul. With a resolve that defied the very fabric of destiny, he declared, "Fuck you Konoha, I am not gonna stay in this shithole any longer." ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to 60+ advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer It's important to note that I do not assert any ownership over the material, as they fall under the category of fanfiction, creatively derived from existing works.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Anime & Comics
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With the Akatsuki organization assembled and poised to make their move, a clandestine truth shrouded their intentions from all but a select few.

Nagato and Konan held the key to the enigma, privy to Naruto's intricate scheme. Uchiha Itachi, though aware of certain aspects, remained in the dark regarding the full scope of the plan.

Their goal appeared straightforward on the surface: capture the Three Tails Jinchūriki. However, the reality was far more sinister – Naruto's true objective was to eliminate the Jinchūriki.

Black Zetsu and White Zetsu remained oblivious, unaware of Naruto's true intentions. His manipulation extended beyond the confines of the organization, ensuring that Akatsuki would not take action as planned.

Naruto's strategic prowess became evident as he orchestrated events to his advantage, consolidating power in his hands under the guise of leadership. His assertion to Itachi as the "boss of villains" underscored his control over their actions, with Konoha Village merely serving as a pretext.

The so-called "action" served as a smokescreen, providing justification for their inaction. Itachi believed it was for the village's sake, while Black Zetsu and White Zetsu remained oblivious to Naruto's true motives, convinced he operated on a lower level of cunning.

Privy to the truth, Nagato and Konan marveled at Naruto's manipulation, though their loyalty to him remained steadfast.

As the pieces moved into position and the plan unfolded, even Black Zetsu and White Zetsu found themselves drawn into the charade, compelled to play their part alongside Kakuzu.

With the stage set and the pawns in place, Naruto finally gained the freedom to act according to his will, untethered by the constraints of others' expectations.

Turning to his trusted ally, Kurama, Naruto sought reassurance, wary of any lingering traces of malice that might threaten his carefully laid plans.

Despite White Zetsu's Spore Technique attempting to cloak chakra perception, Kurama, with its keen senses, could discern the true intentions of others, be they malevolent or benevolent, friend or foe.

"No," Kurama asserted. "With your current prowess, they wouldn't dare."

And Kurama spoke true. Even if Black Zetsu and White Zetsu harbored suspicions about Naruto, they wouldn't risk precipitous action. Exposed, they would inevitably become adversaries.

"Very well, then let's delve into the secrets of the Gedo Statue, the corporeal form of your tailed beast," Naruto declared, springing into action. With a bound, he soared skyward, making a beeline for the mountain graveyard's concealed cavern.

Kurama couldn't help but mutter, "Why does this sound peculiar?"

"Hahahaha," Naruto chuckled knowingly, relishing the game.

Arriving at the mountain's tomb once more, the Akatsuki members no longer harbored doubts, acknowledging the presence of 'A Fei.'

Naruto swaggered in confidently.

In truth, the presence of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu mattered little. As Heavenly Way Pain had decreed, Naruto was tasked with safeguarding the Gedo Statue, awaiting the completion of the tail beast capture mission. His ring allowed him to summon the spiritual bodies of his allies to extract the beasts.

Now donning a temporary ring, codenamed Cyan, Naruto had allies at his side.

This was a meticulously orchestrated scenario.

As he gazed upon the Gedo Statue once more, Naruto couldn't help but marvel, "If only we had a pot large enough to stew it, we'd be eating for a year."

Kurama's eye twitched. Eating their own tail beast? Ludicrous.

"Come now, Kurama, let's see if it tastes as salty as you claim," Naruto teased, reaching out to ruffle Kurama's fur once more.

Kurama endured the jest, though it grated on him.

"Shall I take a bite for you?" Naruto mused, licking his lips in anticipation. If his theory regarding Wood Style Chakra's connection to the Divine Tree held true, a bite from the Gedo Statue might grant him insight into the Ten Tails' chakra—a tantalizing prospect indeed.

Who needs to be a Jinchūriki when you can study the Ten Tails' chakra directly?

Kurama was taken aback by Naruto's audacity. "Do you realize the stakes here? The Gedo Statue is the physical manifestation of the sacred tree of the Ten Tails. Its purpose is to drain the vitality of the Ninja World. Don't you understand any of this? Or did you conveniently forget?" he chided.

Naruto retorted angrily, "Do you think it's as simple as taking a bite? Besides, I'm still sealed. How do you expect me to taste anything?"

In other words, even coming into contact with the Gedo Statue could prove fatal or injurious, as seen in Nagato's previous state. Did he dare to risk it all? Did he truly consider the consequences?

Kurama couldn't help but wonder if Naruto was more interested in having fun than being prudent.

Naruto fell into contemplation. "But we'll always face this challenge. Even if we can ignore it now, what about the future?" he asked Kurama. Could they afford to do nothing?

"No," Kurama sighed, deep in thought. "Go to the other tail beasts. Inform them of the techniques bestowed upon you by the Sage of Six Paths, and request a portion of their chakra. If you gather the chakra from all the tail beasts, you'll possess the equivalent of the Ten Tails' chakra. Even without a complete Ten Tails, you can still wield its power. Only then might you have a chance at having the old man swallow the Gedo Statue."

Naruto's eyes sparkled with realization. He had considered this strategy from the start. Each tail beast's chakra held unique attributes, and he intended to harness them all, especially for crafting his powerful tail beast spiral shuriken.

Naruto waited for Kurama to suggest this plan, knowing he needed the fox's cooperation.

"Then it's settled, Kurama. You'll negotiate on my behalf. Tell them I may have to use force, but in the end, I'll release them. Those who refuse to cooperate will face consequences," Naruto said eagerly.

Kurama sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Keep a low profile. Don't make deals lightly. You'll have to fight if necessary," he cautioned.

Naruto nodded, understanding Kurama's warning. There were some battles not worth fighting.


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