
Naruto: I Can Become Stronger Just By Teaching.

Mu Yue found himself in the world of Naruto and became a regular Chunin teacher at the Ninja Academy in Konoha, but he was also a member of the Root Organization. Fortunately, he awakened a Teacher System, which allowed him to grow stronger through teaching. To avoid becoming a disposable pawn for Danzo, he diligently focused on teaching to enhance her abilities. "After completing teaching with an A rating for the first time, you receive a reward — Mastery in Fire-Style Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your guidance has helped Uchiha Shisui's thoughts mature, and he has learned independent thinking. You receive a reward — Sage Mode!" Under Mu Yue's guidance, Shisui realized that the village's enemies weren't necessarily from other nations; they could also exist within the village. Not everyone who spoke about the Will of Fire would actually act in accordance with it. Kakashi shook off the nickname of "low achiever" at the Ninja Academy, and Guy became a master of Taijutsu even earlier...

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Chapter 5 - Guy and Obito.

"Muyue-sensei, please, I beg you, don't tell Isamu-sensei," Obito continued to plead with Muyue, unwilling to give up.

"That will depend on your performance," Muyue said with a smile, not giving a specific answer.

"Sensei, is there something you need?" Might Guy scratched his head, not understanding why he was called out. He hadn't done anything wrong.

Muyue looked at Might Guy, the man who Madara had praised as the strongest in Taijutsu, and realized that he was still quite immature. Despite wearing the iconic green bodysuit, he still lacked both strength and conviction.

Although Might Guy believed that his daily training would make him a strong Taijutsu practitioner, he had not fully grasped the concept of youth and self-restraint that his father had talked about. He still needed to grow, and Muyue was happy to lend a helping hand during this time.

"Your theoretical grades are causing a lot of trouble for Isamu-sensei," Muyue spoke up.

Hearing this, even Obito, who was usually fearless, felt embarrassed and lowered his head.

"It's not that I don't want to study, but the questions are just too difficult. Why should we calculate how many animals there are when they are put together..." Obito tried to argue.

Seeing Obito like this, Muyue recalled his high school days of struggling with math and couldn't help but be relieved that his profession didn't require advanced mathematics.

However, Muyue knew that the problem lay with Obito. The math taught at the ninja school was the simplest kind, and there were fewer subjects compared to history.

"But it's not just math you're struggling with; history and ninjutsu theory are also a problem," Muyue shook his head.

"What's the use of knowing all that history? It's all in the past," Obito felt that history classes should be abolished. Math might come in handy when buying groceries, but what's the point of history?

"I think the same," Might Guy nodded in agreement. He really couldn't memorize all that history.

"You should talk to the Third Hokage about that; he's the headmaster of the ninja school," Muyue said, indicating that he couldn't do much about it.

"But the way you're going is not good for either Isamu-sensei or yourselves," Muyue added.

"Muyue-sensei, do you have any secrets to passing exams?" Obito looked at Muyue with anticipation.

Might Guy also looked excitedly at Muyue, as no one wanted to be a bottom-ranking student.

"The real secret to passing exams is practice, practicing while you study!" Muyue revealed his secret.

With the intensity of the ninja school's exams, he could easily pass with the exam-taking experience from his previous life. The ninja school only required half of the class average to pass.

"Practice?" The two of them looked confused and didn't quite understand.

"You can treat this as special training for the exams, and if you pass, I will reward you," Muyue said with a smile.

"What kind of reward? A bun?" Obito asked curiously.

"I can teach you ninjutsu or taijutsu, in short, I can guide you in your training," Muyue replied.

"Really?" Both of them widened their eyes, unable to believe such good fortune.

"The condition is that you must pass the exam in a month," Muyue reminded.

"Is this what youth feels like? I'm getting fired up!" Might Guy became excited.

"We will definitely pass this time," Obito assured.

Seeing the two of them now fully motivated, Muyue nodded in approval.

They felt that they had struck gold, not only getting the secret to passing exams but also receiving rewards and guidance in their training.

As for Muyue, he only needed to naturally become their teacher during the special training, and it would be a piece of cake.

Even if they didn't pass the exam in the end, it would be okay. Muyue could say that they worked so hard he couldn't bear not to give them a reward, and he might even improve his impression further.

The reason Muyue didn't persuade them to become his students like he did with Shisui was that it wasn't appropriate due to their backgrounds. It would be difficult to use the favor-returning method, and secondly, Muyue was only coming to teach one class, and he couldn't maintain long-term contact. If he were a homeroom teacher, it would be a different story.

After finalizing the special training, Muyue brought them back to the classroom.

"Obito, why did Muyue-sensei call you out? He didn't punish you, did he?" Rin Nohara asked with concern.

"Of course, it's not a punishment. Muyue-sensei is great; he taught me the secret to passing exams," Obito immediately cleared Muyue's name.

As long as Muyue could help him get rid of the title of being at the bottom, Obito could become the top student in the ninja school.

"Rin, you should also pay more attention in class. Don't let me surpass you in the next exam," Obito smirked.

"If you could actually surpass me, that would be great," Rin Nohara looked at the smug Obito and gave a helpless smile. Although she couldn't get first place, she ranked high.

After the class bell rang, Obito showed an unprecedented serious attitude. This time, he had to pass, and he had already begun to study what ninjutsu to learn.

Seeing this scene, Rin Nohara was somewhat surprised, wondering if Obito was actually serious this time?

Three minutes later, looking at Obito lying on the desk, Rin Nohara could only say that Obito was still the same familiar Obito.

At this moment, a chalk tip drew a beautiful parabola and hit Obito's head.

Obito looked around in confusion and saw Muyue's face, saw Rin Nohara's face, saw Might Guy busily writing, and then remembered what he had said three minutes ago. His face turned slightly red, and he lost the urge to sleep.

After getting through Obito's little sleeping episode, the rest of the classes went smoothly.

[Lesson Completed]

[Rating: A]

[Rewards: Leaf Whirlwind]

This time, the reward wasn't ninjutsu but taijutsu, and it was developed by the future Might Guy.

This taijutsu seemed simple, just kicking, but Muyue, who had learned the basics, found it was not as simple as he had imagined. The leg posture, muscle burst, and chakra burst all required skill.

Muyue was worried that he wouldn't have much to teach Guy later, so he was very satisfied with this reward.

After school, Muyue wandered in the forest south of Konoha, looking for a suitable place for training.

After all, he still had a hidden identity, and Danzo must be aware of his house's location.

Knowing Danzo's disgust towards the Uchiha, if he found out that Muyue had taught Shisui's jutsu without reporting it, he would be highly suspicious of Muyue betraying the village.

Although he had sensory ninjutsu, he couldn't keep it activated all the time, and his chakra wouldn't support it either.

So Muyue decided that he would take Shisui to train outside in the future.

Finally, Muyue found a nice and secluded place by the side of a small river, suitable for training. He made a note of the location and then went home.

As it turned out, Muyue's caution was not in vain. After entering the yard, he spotted a ninja wearing an animal mask standing inside.

Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

I am not the author. I am just translating the story.

If you like my editing/translations, consider visiting my kofi for additional chapters, and please comment on mistakes that I missed!


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