

Hirata is a 25-year-old orphan, who wants to be the best mangaka and create the best manga. After long five years of hard work, he finally completed his manga but died accidentally by hitting his head. Hirata woke up in the naruto world as Hirata Senju, Tsunade's classmate 40 years preyer to the Naruto storyline. Hirata Senju is a genius hard working. One of the few people highly regarded in the Senju clan. His family is his mother, Aika Senju, who works as an office lady to lead the family, and his father was killed in a mission. As a transmigrator who lacks familial love in both worlds, he decided to create his own happy family and protect them. Hirata decided to become mangaka in the naruto world and also creates his own network to act behind the screens which gives him more freedom.

Iamlegend1050 · Urban
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23 Chs

Meeting Mito Uzumaki

After two days the village announced the first world ninja war is started. This is my ever first time watching the world war in both lives. Due to the war, our graduation is postponed, and don't know when we will graduate.

There is an announcement the kids and civilians were not allowed to leave the village until further notice. Just over a month, I learned this is the most difficult period of life until now and I don't want to live like this.

So, I come up with an idea and that is to practice the more Jutsus and draw more manga based on the stories. If possible I will try to sell them.

This time I studied every piece of news about Hashirama Senju and prepared a story on him using whatever I know about him. Compared what gathered about him is less compared to what I gathered but I got some interesting stories about him that are not in the manga.

After preparing a solid manga I decided to meet Tsunade.

"Tsunade I draw a new manga. Do you want to see it?"

Tsunade's eyes glowed and happily, she extended her hand, "give me… give it to me…"

I smiled, "yes for sure but can you do me a favor"

Tsunade looked at me with her usual smile, "tell me"

"I want to learn more about our clan Jutsus. Can you help me?"

She looked at me with surprise, "you want to learn more jutsu, why?"

"You see since the war is going on and who knows how many years it will take. We also don't know when we will graduate and can learn more high-rank jutsus and most important we don't know when we will go to war. So, I want to become strong so that when we go to war, we can fight better"

Tsunade is surprised, after thinking deeply she nods her head and said, "Yes you are right. We will start preparing for war. I and you will begin right now" She dragged me with her.

It's been a month since we started practicing our clan jutsus. Normally most people like us are not able to borrow clan techniques. For us to borrow clan techniques either we should have the corresponding rank or any elder must be supporting us. Since Tsunade is a clan princess she has more can do whatever she wants and most people won't oppose her. So, I poached her to bring more clan techniques of genin level to practice.

At first, we started with ninjutsu of tree walking, water walking, and wall climbing. It took me a week to completely practice them. Then we started with shuriken techniques combined with taijutsu and ninjutsu.

After our practice is over, Tsunade slowly approached me and poked me with her finger lightly. I looked at her; she has this look on her face, wronged and guilty.

This is the first time I saw her like this, "what happen Tsuna?"

She looked at me, her eyes wet, "you know the manga you gave, when I am reading it I was caught by grandma and now she is asking me to bring you to her"

A smile appeared on my face without me knowing. I know what she fears. In this entire village, she only fears her grandmother Mito Uzumaki and the second Hokage.

"Don't worry Tsuna, if she scolds you, I will say I purposely gave it to you"

After hearing me, her fear and guilty were replaced by happiness,

"Know you can do that", sigh, "I feared for nothing. My grandma told me to bring you to her tomorrow morning. So, don't forget to come"

She waved her hand at me and runoff while I am awed by her sudden change in expression. After a minute I also left for home while thinking about tomorrow's meeting.

At night during dinner, I told my mother about meeting with Mito. She was shocked and started her lecture about my behavior when I meet Mito. After half an hour later she stopped talking and dinner resumed.

The next day, my mother woke me up early morning and neatly dressed me, and sent me out to a meeting half an hour earlier. With no other choice, I went to meet Mito at her place. I have to say her house is much like a three-story luxurious building with neatly and sophisticated wood carvings and an ancient vibe.

By the time I reach the entrance two guards were guarding the gate and Tsunade is waiting at the entrance. She dressed in casual clothes different from her normal days, which adds charm to her. I have to say day by day I am falling for her more and more.

"Hello Tsunade-sama good morning"

She pouted first but realized the guards were present and regained her princess air, "Hirata it's good you come early. Come in grandma is waiting for you"

I smiled, "yes, Tsunade-sama"

Tsunade moving in front and I am following behind. After moving some distance, she turned around and looked at me. Our eyes made contact and after a few seconds, we both laughed.

"How is my acting Hirata?"

"Ho… my dear princess your outstanding performance is blinded my eyes."

She laughed loudly and said, "Come quickly we will go and meet grandma"

She holds my wrist and dragged me with her. After two or three minutes of walking, Tsunade stopped in front of the door a place Mito is staying. Tsunade knocked on the door, "grandma I brought Hirata"

A soft middle-aged lady's voice full of warmth sounded, "Come in"

Tsunade opened the door and entered first and I followed her behind. My heart feels anxious since she is one of the most prominent characters in Naruto. Even though her presence is very small. But meeting her in person is as much as meeting a legendary figure.

A red-haired woman looks like in her mid-thirties sitting in front of a table and drinking hot tea peacefully. Even though her face looked aged her charisma makes her beautiful as she is a goddess.

Tsunade casually said, "Grandma this is Hirata you wanted to meet"

She looked at me and smiled. Seeing her, I subconsciously, "Hirata Senju greets Mito-sama"

Tsunade was surprised and Mito-sama smiled, "what a pleasant child" and she looked at me, "child come and sit"

She is a charismatic person and just looking at her made me respect her.

Tsunade sit opposite Mito-sama and I moved next to her and sit. Tsunade pinched me and whispered into my ear, "oyy… what is this sudden behavior"

I bent my head lightly and put a finger on my mouth signing, "oshh… oshh…" as I am telling Tsunade don't embarrass me, please

Mito-sama looked at us and laughed lightly, "I heard both of you are very close. I can see Tsuna is behaving differently"

Tsunade chicks were lightly reddened due to embracement. Then Mito-sama looked at me, "I can see you are different from what Tsuna said"

I smiled modestly, "my mother told me to behave appropriately in front of elders"

"hoo… your mother educated you well. Child calls me grandma, same as my granddaughter"

I am surprised by her easy-going nature and decided to follow her and relaxingly said, "Ok grandma Mito"

She laughed, "That's good. I heard you are a good artist. When I saw your manga I want to meet you."

Her eyes become sharp, "when I looked at your manga I have this hunch that you purposely gave it to Tsuna and expected to meet me right?"

Suddenly the atmosphere changed, and I am shocked.

'am I an open book or my actions were so obvious that she can see through them.'

I lifted my head and looked at Mito-sama and Tsunade. After looking at Mito-sama I am sure that I am going to face her wrath.

'Now have two options, first, tell the truth and last tell lie. After seeing her face I am sure telling the truth is the best choice.'

I took a deep breath and bowed my head, "I am sorry Mito-sama and Tsunade-sama. At first, I do have the motive to give the manga to Tsunade-sama. But after that I felt wrong to deceive Tsunade-sama, I dropped that idea."

Tsunade looked at me with anger and her eyes were filled with tears. I am now sure that Tsunade felt betrayed. I felt guilt and was not able to look in her eyes I looked down without raising my head.

Silence filled the room. I have to say this first I felt that silence is unbearable and crushing my heart.

After a minute of silence, Mito-sama broke the silence, "boy Hirata, can you tell me why you want to approach me"

I looked at her and said yes and looked at Tsunade's face. Her face is telling me, 'give me a proper reason to not punch your face until even aunty won't able to recognize you'

I gulped down and looked at Mito-sama, who is peaceful and calm, unlike Tsunade who is like a volcano soon going to explode. But I can tell Mito-sama is calm before the tsunami and if I don't handle it well I am finished.

That's when an idea strikes my mind and I know this idea will change my future.

I started to shiver lightly, "Mito-sama when I am in hospital I have a strange and fearful dream about the future. In that dream, everyone's future in this world is robbed, when I said everyone that includes all living people and animals."

Both Mito-sama and Tsunade were shocked. After a few seconds Mito-sama asked suspiciously, "how can you say the dream is about the future?"

To Mito-sama's question, Tsunade also knobbed her head.

I just waited for this question, "I don't know anyone in that dream and the only person whom I can recognize is Tsunade-sama who is much older than now"

Once again Mito-sama and Tsunade were surprised. Mito-sama looked at my face very intensively, maybe she wants to find out whether I am lying or not. As expected I can't fool her easily, but what I said is not false either.

Tsunade asked me about her age in the dream and for that, I said, "I don't know your age but you are looking like a thirty-year-old."

With this answer, I can successfully evade the taboo question of women.

After a few minutes of silence, Mito-sama said, "boy, I can see your worries. So, now tell me why do you want to approach me?"

Now I can relax, "because Tsunade-sama always talks about you Mito-sama. So, I thought maybe I should tell you. But, I don't know how?"

Mito-sama nod, "so, what do you want from me?"

I decided to ask for permission to access all clan techniques which are hundreds due to the rich history of the Senju clan.

Mito-sama simply laughed, "do you think by practicing many techniques you can become strong? Before that tell me, why do you want to become strong"

I am elated, 'yes, this is what I am proud of it.'

"Mito-sama I want to protect people I like"

She smiled, "hooo… whom do you want to protect?"

"I want to protect mother and ts…", I stopped and turned towards Tsunade and looked at her. That's when I realized that there are only two people whom I dearly want to protect in this world mother and Tsunade. But saying that I want to protect her in front of her and that in the presence of Mito-sama, I become nervous and feared.

Mito-sama looked at me as I looked at Tsunade and was not able to tell her name. Tsunade's face becomes slightly red I can guess she also understood.

Mito-sama laughed, "I never expected to see Tsuna-chan puppy love."

She looked at me seriously, "listen Hirata boy, practicing many techniques doesn't necessarily become strong. A ninja who has persistence can become truly strong and can protect. Practices persistently and fighting to protect what he wants to protect persistently is a true ninja and this persistence to live and protect is a "Will of Fire". Remember this Hirata boy this will of fire is what makes the establishment of Konoha and this will of fire will lead this village through endless struggles to survive persistently."

Listening to her entire Naruto true story revolved once in front of me and I felt I gained enlightenment. Now understand what is meant by "Will of Fire" in Naruto.

Tsunade's eyes were filled with determination and I can see the fire burning in her eyes. I felt maybe this is what will of fire looks like, with so much determination and burns endlessly against all storms.

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