

Hirata is a 25-year-old orphan, who wants to be the best mangaka and create the best manga. After long five years of hard work, he finally completed his manga but died accidentally by hitting his head. Hirata woke up in the naruto world as Hirata Senju, Tsunade's classmate 40 years preyer to the Naruto storyline. Hirata Senju is a genius hard working. One of the few people highly regarded in the Senju clan. His family is his mother, Aika Senju, who works as an office lady to lead the family, and his father was killed in a mission. As a transmigrator who lacks familial love in both worlds, he decided to create his own happy family and protect them. Hirata decided to become mangaka in the naruto world and also creates his own network to act behind the screens which gives him more freedom.

Iamlegend1050 · Urban
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25 Chs

Graduating from Academy

"Hirataa… Hirataa…"

I turned my head and looked at the person who called me. A girl with blonde hair looked at me with a sweet smile on her face. I have to say in this one year Tsunade is much more beautiful, just looking at her is make me believe I am dreaming.

A fist landed on my head; making me come out of my mind.

"heyy… Tsunade doesn't always hit on my head. What would you do if I become brainless?"

Tsunade laughed loudly, "Do you think I don't know you are a hard-headed person? So, you won't become brainless. Now stop talking nonsense and come we have to meet grandma."

It's been a year and the first ninja war is still going on and there is nothing people like me can do about it. There are some rumors about war, many were discussing the war is going to end soon and Konoha is planning to enter negotiations with other villages. Since war is going to end means the second Hokage is going to die and there is nothing I can do about it.

Soon we reached the training ground; our teacher is waiting for us. Kawaka Senju, a jonin and a war veteran retired due to losing his left hand. His training mainly focuses on body strengthening and ninja basic moves and jutsus. The training is so harsh in the early days; we can't even lift our finger but after three months of harsh training the results started to show off. Due to teacher training, we can match up to chunin.

After the first six months, the training becomes routine and we were motivated to do more training. I and Tsunade used to bet to see who complete the training first. One day Mito-sama called us and told us shocking news which makes me thrilled.

"From tomorrow onwards both of you come to me. I will personally teach you both fuinjutsu basics"

That's how the next six months of our training period have gone. Morning training is under a teacher, Kawaka Senju, and afternoon training is under Mito-sama. Compared to physical training fuinjutsu training is more difficult. It is as though I am learning a new language.

Today is the last day of our training. The entire village is mourning due the death of the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. He sacrificed himself to save the rest of the team and faced the Kinkaku force all by himself and passed the title of Hokage to Hiruzen, who is a student of both Hashirama and Tobirama.

The Senju clan is mourning after knowing the death of the second Hokage. One of the two giant pillars supporting the Senju clan is fallen. Two days later funeral is held in the village and later day coronation of Hiruzen as the third Hokage is held. Since war is still going on leaving the Hokage post empty will leads to great disaster.

After the funeral, my mother and I came home. A black hair, a milky white small figure came to us, "welcome home"

I smiled, "thank you, Hana"

Hana is like me a six-year-old orphan. When I first met her around six months back in heavy rain. She is small and skinny like a bag of bone in human skin holding a two-year kid with blonde hair, Matsuda, and a newborn baby around a year old, her sister, Misaki. Actually, Matsuda is not Hana's brother and while running away with her sister she saw Matsuda and decided to help him and they ended up together when they came to Konoha with other refugees.

On the day of the coronation, everyone is present in the village whether they are civilians or ninjas except those who are participating in war and police teams who are Uchiha clan police. A simple coronation is held due to the tight schedule during the war period and soon the coronation ended with the third Hokage's speech.

"Dear citizens of Konoha I Hiruzen Sarutobi disciple of the First and Second Hokage. Compared to them, I am lacking in many and my ninjutsu is indeed nothing to brag about. But I am not weak.

The Second Hokage believed in me and entrusted me with the village. What I inherited from the previous Hokage isn't just simple 'Title', but "Will of Fire!" which was passed down from the previous Hokage.

Citizens of Konoha Don't underestimate the Will of Fire! People become stronger because they have things they cannot forget. That's what you call growth and that is "Will of Fire". Hold your head up high and plunge forward.

For the protection of Konoha which I inherited, from now on I too shall bet my life until my last breath. Why am I putting my life on the line? Because I am the Third Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves"

After two months, the first ninja war ended due to the alliance born between Konoha, a village hidden in leaves, and Kiri, a village hidden in Lightning. Even though the alliance is not the major reason for the end of the war, due to the attack of Konoha and Kiri on both side Iwa, a village hidden by rocks, and Suna, a village hidden by sand doesn't have many options but to withdraw from the war and call for peace truce.

Due to the end of the war, the academy called us for the graduation exam for Genin. Soon the day of the graduation test came. The graduation test is divided into three parts theory, practical, and field test.

The theory test asks about various subjects like, mathematics, history, geography, general science, etc. practical test is the simplest of all for those who learned transformation jutsu, substitution jutsu, and shadow clone jutsu. Finally, the third test field test is one-to-one with teachers.

I cleared all three tests with flying colors and become genin. If it is a normal period, then I would have been a genius. But now it is pretty common due to post-war, a hell lot of man power is needed. Many D-rank, C-rank, and B-rank missions were generated due to war.

The mission system of shinobi is, that D-rank missions are mainly for Genin to improve their teamwork, training, and assist the village, and Genin can earn money and pose no threat to Genin. D-rank missions include finding missing animals or children, helping villagers by farming, catching moles, etc., collecting materials, gathering wood from the forest, and transporting goods from one place to another.

C-rank missions are mainly for Chunin, and for some extraordinary Genin. C-rank missions include bodyguard duty and hunting wild animals, all of which will likely pose some risk to the ninja and not far too long from the village.

B-rank missions are assigned to Jonin or a group of skilled Chunin. B-rank missions include spying or assassinations, and ninjas are expected to go up against enemy ninjas during the course of the mission.

A-rank missions are related to what is in a village or country's personal interests and are extremely difficult or dangerous to complete, and are usually assigned to Jonin.

S-rank missions are the highest paying and most dangerous type of mission a ninja can go on. These missions are exclusively assigned to highly skilled Jonin or large squads of ninjas.

The next day, I went to the academy and received my Genin certificate and headband with Konoha engraved on it. After distribution is completed, the teacher announced,

"Dear students, congratulations on becoming Genin, and for those who are not passed don't worry and try your best next year. All of you were divided into a three-man squad and a Jonin teacher will be assigned. In five minutes I will call names until then please be seated".

Soon everyone's names come forward,

"Team 1…" "Team 2…" "Team 3…" …

"Team 4 Shiba Rintaro, Yusa, Hirayama and your team sensei is Koharu Utatane."

Team 5…"

"Team 6 Daiki Uchiha, Inabi Hyuga, Hirata Senju and your team sensei is Danzo Shimura."

"Team 7; Tsunade Senju, Orochimaru, Jiraya and Your team sensei is lord third Sarutobi Hiruzen"

"Team 8…" "Team 9…" "Team 10…"…

"Team 11 Kansai, Matsuda, Mitarashi and your team sensei is Homura Mitokado"

"Now all of you may take a break and afternoon all eleven teams has to wait in the classroom. Your team teacher will come to pick you and now the class is dismissed."

The class teacher left after announcing teams. All students who were teamed together started to discuss and soon left one by one after some time.

I glanced at Uchiha. He also looked at me and nodded and then he left without saying anything. I decided to ignore it for now since we have to meet and work as a team whether we like it or not.

I also decided to move to have lunch. That's when Jiraya jumped at me and put his hand around my neck.

"So sad Hirata, You are not on Tsunade's team."

I know Jiraya is teasing me and I am sure that he is behaving like this to get attention and mask his true feelings. After spending time with Jiraya, I understand he is much like Naruto in his childhood who seeks attention and love. After that, I started to play along with him and of course with some exemptions.

"Jiraya keep in mind if you mess with Tsunade. I will your ass so hard that you will stay in bed forever"

He shuddered, "come on Hirata it is a prank, you also know it, and do you know what is a prank? Forget it, do you think I am like that unfortunate guy, who is beaten by you"

Just when he completed, I heard Tsunade's voice behind me and was shocked.

"So, who is this unfortunate guy that you are talking about?"

Tsunade and Miss Hyuga, who is my team member, appeared behind us and I don't know it.

"Tsuna... Tsunade is nothing. You know about him, he talks nonsense. Don't bother to listen to him"

She looked sharply at me and turned her sharp eyes towards Jiraya. Even without her talking I still can understand the meaning behind her eyes.

"You shut up" for me.

"You start speaking" for Jiraya.

Jiraya gulped at her intense gaze and looked at me, "Sorry buddy, I have no option but to betray you."

Even though he is telling me sadly, but I am sure he is laughing in his heart.

Tsunade, "start speaking if you don't want to be punched."

Jiraya shuddered and coughed lightly, "Do you remember that bowl-cutting hair guy, who teased you one year back."

Tsunade recalled him, "yaa... He sits at the back."

"Yes, after he teased you that day." Pointing his finger at me Jiraya said loudly, "This guy dragged me along with him to locate him and beat him until even his mother was not able to recognize him"

Jiraya looked at me while laughing, "And you know what Tsunade, that guy was bedridden for a month in hospital before being discharged and his parents complained to the class teacher about him."

Tsunade was surprised and looked at me.

Facing her gaze I felt embarrassed and my face blushed.

A teasing smile appeared on Tsunade's face, "I never know Hirata can make this kind of face. It's so cute."

Jiraya nods his head, "yes... yes... this is truly rare. I wish I had a picture of his face right now. But the most interesting thing is his reason for beating that guy. When the teacher asked him, he said…"

I abruptly closed his mouth with my hand and looked at Tsunade, "Tsunade it will be late for lunch and we have to meet our teacher. So, can we start moving?"

Tsunade smiled and nodded. As we were about to leave, the class teacher came to us, "Team 6 and team 7 go to Hokage tower and meet your respective teachers."

"Yes sir", Tsunade, Jiraya, Miss Hyuga, and I decided to go for lunch first and then to Hokage tower to meet our teachers.

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