
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Orochimaru: This is the first time I have seen the attitude of the White Snake Immortal... ]

[ Uchiha Madara: In this world, power is supreme! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: It's a pity that it didn't fight!

I also want to see the actual performance of Yang Hui's Tenseigan!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: It's really a pity! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: I have never seen a fairy fight!

I thought I could see the fighting style of the White Snake Immortal today! ]

Yang Hui puts away his lightsaber and exits Tenseigan Chakra Mode!

We stayed at Ryūchi Cave with Orochimaru and Kabuto!

Time flies!

A few months have passed in the blink of an eye!

Kabuto, Naruto and Sasuke finally learn Sage Mode!!!

It's not easy!

Just because of Nine Tails, Naruto is still a real man for five seconds!

But both Sasuke and Kabuto can carry a white snake with them to help absorb Sage Mode!

Sasuke's Sage Mode is the worst, scales will grow on the face when using it!

Kabuto is the same as the original, more perfect, but there are still some alienation!

Naruto is the perfect Sage Mode, he only has the same purple eyeshadow as Orochimaru!

[ Yang Hui: @ Orochimaru@ Uzumaki Naruto@ Uchiha Sasuke, you guys are ready, we will carry out the mission after a while!]

Think carefully about time!

Since the Konoha crash plan!

It's been almost two years!

Yang Hui also turned into a handsome teenager!

Since shaving the world of Adventures bald!

Never been to another world!

Master Abbe is still alive!!!

The time to invite the little master has not come yet!

So for the past year and a half, Yang Hui has been waiting except exercising!

The two-year period has now come!

Dragon King, oh no, Yang Hui should do something big too!

Now that Naruto Sasuke is out, it's time to prepare a big gift for Third Generation and Danzo!

[ Yang Hui: @ Orochimaru, pay attention to the recent situation in the ninja world!

Let me know if there is anything important!!!]

[ Orochimaru: No problem, Yang Hui -kun!]

Yang Hui finds the big snake Kabuto!

"Kabuto, I want to invite you to join us~"!

"Master Yang Hui, I am now your servant!"

"No, what I said is that you, like Orochimaru, become my servant!

You want to think about it and become my subordinate, which means that you have no chance to leave, and you must follow my orders first!

But there are also advantages, I have never been stingy about improving the strength of my subordinates!

And I also made different promises to each of my subordinates, such as Orochimaru's immortality and revenge for Sasuke, etc.!

You can also make a wish!

I believe you can also see my sincerity and strength!"

Having been with Yang Hui for nearly two years, Kabuto naturally knows the magic of Yang Hui!

So, after just thinking for a moment, he agreed,

"I would like to be your subordinate!

My mother who I want to bring you back to life, Yakushi Nonou! 55

"No problem, then you sign this contract!"9

After speaking, Yang Hui took out a contract!

[Ding! Yakushi Kabuto joins the chat group!]

[ Yang Hui: @ Orochimaru, hand it over to you, explain it!]

[Orochimaru: Okay, @Yakushi Kabuto, here's the thing...]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: So it is!]

After Yakushi Kabuto understood everything, Yang Hui guided his cultivation direction in the direction of Orochi Kabuto!

Talked to Kabuto about Orochi Kabuto's future vision!

Kabuto's eyes light up!

Cell transplantation with Sage Art!

Science meets Chakra!

Yakushi Kabuto said he will definitely try it!

And he has also learned Sage Art·Legend of the Far Shadow!!!

I believe that in the near future, Orochi Kabuto will be able to show his name in the ninja world in advance!

"System, invite Yakushi Nonoyu! 99

[Ding! Yakushi Nonoyu joins the chat group!!!]

[Yakushi Nonoyu: What is this place? Haven't I already been killed?]

Before Yang Hui could speak, Kabuto took the initiative to explain to Yakushi Nonoyu!

[ Yakushi Kabuto: Mother, I am Kabuto!

We were all fooled by Danzo!

I was the one who killed you before!!!

It was too late when I recognized you!!!


Fortunately, there is now an opportunity to change reality!!!]

[ Senju Tobirama: This is Danzo again, what's going on! ]

[ Yang Hui: Let me tell you!

Yakushi Nonoyu is the director of the orphanage and Kabuto is her adopted son!

During the war, Danzo first used the issue of funding to make Yakushi Nonoyu and Kabuto his subordinates, lurking around to collect intelligence!

Later, he used Kabuto's safety to blackmail Yakushi Nonou, making her obey her orders!

But I never let the two meet, I just showed Kabuto's photo to Nonoyu!

But in the process, Danzo slowly and secretly modified the photo!

In this way, he manipulated Yakushi's memory and made her think that Kabuto was what she saw!

In the end, in order to get rid of the two, Danzo made the two fight each other!

Kabuto recognized his mother during the initial fight, but she was seriously injured!

Kabuto desperately called, but in return, a question from Yakushi Nonoyu "."Who are you?!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Danzo who killed a thousand knives!!!

Threatening the orphanage and doing such a thing!!!]

[ Uchiha Madara: @ Senju Hashirama, this is the village where you protected the children?

Even the orphanage will be threatened!!

See, this is Konoha! ]

[Ghost Lantern Moon: This is Konoha!]

[Third Raikage Ai: This is Konoha!]

[No Second Tsuchikage: This is Konoha!]

Hashirama was already furious when he saw this (got Qian Zhao), originally the village still had the last piece of pure land in his mind!

But now it's all ruined!

[ Senju Hashirama: @ Yang Hui, let me go out and kill Danzo!!!

Otherwise, I still don't know what he can do!!!]

[ Yang Hui: Don't worry, I'll let you kill him soon!! ]

[Yakushi Nonoyu: Is that so?

Sorry, Kabuto, didn't recognize you!

As a mother and dean, I am a failure!]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: No, it's all Danzo's fault! Gong!

I will definitely kill Danzo to avenge you!]

[Yakushi Nonoyu: No, you are not his opponent, going to Konoha is just dying!!!]

[ Yakushi Kabuto: Don't worry, I've already practiced Sage Mode, and I'm not going to Konoha alone!

I am now under Master Yang Hui!

It's like this...]