
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[Uchiha Madara: @Yang Hui, you still have too little experience in taijutsu! ]

[ Yang Hui: I think so too, so let Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama practice with me after we go back! ]

[Senju Tobirama: You don't have any actual combat effect with us, why don't you go and fight with the enemy! ]

[ Yang Hui: The group of Rain Shinobi were scared out of their minds, and it's no fun to fight with them! ]

[Senju Tobirama: I remember, didn't you know from the mouth of the Cloud Shinobi just now that they still have a small team around the Rain Land? ]

[Senju Hashirama: ... ]

[Senju Tobirama: That group of Cloud Shinobi is a good material for practicing! ]

[ Yang Hui: You provoked me to kill them or for Konoha! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: Yes, but it's good for you too, isn't it? We are a win-win! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Tobirama, you are getting more and more shameless! ]

[Third Raikage Ai: Actually, Cloud Shinobi's physical skills are quite rubbish...]

[ Uchiha Shisui: Look at yourself, your son, and say this again! Who doesn't know Cloud Shinobi's ninja skills? ]

[Third Raikage Ai:...]

[ Senju Tobirama: It's over! ]

[ Yang Hui: I am still interested in Cloud Shinobi! ]

It's not that Yang Hui was really moved by Senju Tobirama to go to the trouble of Cloud Shinobi!

His physique and Sharingan are enough!

After knowing his Mangekyō ability, he intends to learn Uchiha Obito's Taiju fighting style!

That is Hollow's gymnastics!

This is an effective fighting method that has been explored!

At the time of the four battles in the ninja world, Obito with Kamui and Taijutsu, 1v4 is completely unbeatable!

Obito would never have been defeated if Kamui's secret had not been revealed!

The reason why Yang Hui went to attack Cloud Shinobi is that as soon as Hanzō of the Salamander dies, the Three Kingdoms of Wind, Fire and Earth, bordering the Land of Rain, will usher in a new round of games!

The Kingdom of Thunder is a shit stirrer. He can't get any benefit from so far away, and then he jumps over the wall to stir up the war!

At that time, the entire ninja world will be in chaos!

If a certain Jinchūriki dies unfortunately, the tailed beast will have to wait a few years before resurrecting!

Yang Hui didn't want to wait any longer!

So he chose to chop off Cloud Shinobi's outstretched paw first!

If Cloud Shinobi Village doesn't stop later, let Susa Wooden Golem play with them!

So this battle is not only to beat them, but also to fear them!

Yang Hui quickly found where the team was!

There are less than two hundred ninjas!

Yang Hui simply used physical sparring for a while, and then went straight to the ultimate move, Susado Wooden Golem!

A set of punches came down and directly overturned many people who were hammered by Cloud Shinobi!

What Lightning Style Water Style Lan Dun, in front of Susa Wooden Golem are all turkeys!


In the end, Yang Hui only spared a few Cloud Shinobi!

A wooden dragon is wrapped around Wooden Golem's waist, and Yang Hui is standing on Wooden Golem's head!

said condescendingly,

"Go back and tell Raikage that the Rain Country will be in my bag sooner or later! Let him get out of here!"

[ Senju Tobirama: Are you serious? ]

[ Yang Hui: Of course you lied to them! (Pick nose.jpg)]

[Senju Tobirama: ... ]


A few days later!

Because Yang Hui didn't hide his appearance at all in this action!

So all the Ninja villages know that Yang Hui did everything in the Land of Rain!

Immediately, all countries were shocked!

A Uchiha not only mastered Mangekyō Sharingan, but also mastered Wood Style that no one but First Hokage can master!

The power is still so great!

(Yamato said that I have something I don't know if I should say it or not!)

(Obito says I will Wood Style too!)

(Danzo: I should be able to count...)

And Konoha confirmed through Uchiha Yang Hui's intelligence that he was the one who kidnapped Hyuga Hanabi!

But Konoha can't judge the relationship between Yang Hui and Orochimaru and Uzumaki Nagato!

But it doesn't prevent Konoha from wanting Yang Hui!

At this time, Danzo also learned about Yang Hui's information, and he really doubted his life!

How could someone be able to display such a powerful Wood Style!

He immediately thought that this could not be Orochimaru's ability!

However, Danzo was shocked and shocked, but he did not slow down. He immediately asked his men to go to the underground world to increase the reward for Yang Hui!

When he judged that Yang Hui had defected, he had already put a bounty on him!

But this time Yang Hui has made such a big move and revealed such a strong strength, it will be a bit funny if the previous reward amount is not changed!

And now Cloud Shinobi Village!

Raikage Office!

After learning that the one who destroyed his subordinates was Uchiha Yang Hui!

Fourth Raikage smashed the desk with a hammer!

"Damn Uchiha kid, how contempt for me!

Make him pay for it! "

"Sir Raikage, calm down! We don't even know where Uchiha Yang Hui is!"

After some discussion!

Raikage also decides to want Uchiha Yang Hui and pushes up Uchiha Yang Hui's bounty in the underground world!


The gold exchange in the underground world, Yang Hui's bounty has reached a terrifying 100 million!

And the form of the Rain Kingdom is exactly as Yang Hui expected!

The country of earth, the country of wind and the country of fire are fighting each other!

The country of wind and the country of fire, which are slightly weaker in combat power, are teaming up to keep warm, making the country of earth not dare to act rashly!

In the end, with the weight of their strength, the three countries divided the country of rain into three parts!

The Kingdom of Thunder has lost its soldiers and lost its generals without getting any benefit!
