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Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Early next morning!

Yang Hui went straight to where Rain Shinobi Village is located!

"Wood Style · The tree world is coming!"

A huge forest has appeared in Rain Shinobi Village!

Many Rain Shinobi were swallowed by the sea of ​​trees in an instant, without any resistance at all!

At this time, the ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village also reacted and began to release ninjutsu to deal with Yang Hui!

"Wood Style · Wood Dragon Technique!"

Several wooden dragons grew out of the trees, blocking the ninjutsu and shuriken smashing at Yang Hui!

Although the wooden dragon was also injured, it completely recovered within a few breaths!

Yang Hui doesn't want to deal with these minions!

He directly summoned more than a dozen wooden dragons and ran towards the many Rain Shinobi!

"Wood Style · Multiple Wood Clone!"

Yang Hui assigned ten Wood Clones and let them have a good time with these Rain Shinobi!

He's going to find Hanzo himself!

In the sense of his own Kagura heart, Hanzo's Chakra is so conspicuous! !

"Wood Style Wooden Golem Jutsu!"

[Uchiha Madara: It is interesting to use the tricks of the god of ninja to deal with the demigods of the ninja world! ]

[Senju Tobirama: Are you bullying people? ]

[Yang Hui:...]

Yang Hui stood on top of Wooden Golem and controlled Wooden Golem to run towards Hanzō of the Salamander!

Nearly 200 meters high Wooden Golem Luohan punched a loft in Rain Shinobi Village!

The attic collapsed and the debris scattered!

Only one person escaped from there!

He is the leader of Rain Shinobi Village, Hanzō of the Salamander!

"The leader has come out, and he will definitely be able to defeat the intruder in front of him!"

"Yes, Hanzo-sama has never been defeated in his life, and Sannin is even more defeated!"

A group of Rain Shinobi became emboldened after seeing Hanzo appear!


Yang Hui looked at Hanzō of the Salamander at this time!

The Hanzō of the Salamander was old at this point!

And the ambition is gone!

There is no more sharpness in the eyes that Orochimaru depicted!

See Yang Hui riding the Wooden Golem that is nearly 200 meters tall!

Hanzo is in a rather dazed state!

Isn't this a bit of a foul!

"Water Style · Big Explosive Water Rush!"

As the master of Water Style, Hanzo came up with a Water Style to try Yang Hui!

But Wooden Golem looked at the big water under his feet, and there was no sign of being disturbed at all!

Yang Hui thinks Wooden Golem is not enough fun!

Susado Wooden Golem, just use the ninjutsu he's always wanted to try!

Thinking of this, Yang Hui immediately resorted to Susanoo!

Gradually, Susanoo transformed into a suit of armor covering Wooden Golem's body!

Yang Hui, who has the support of Sage Body, can barely make this trick now!

Seeing this scene, Hanzō of the Salamander was a little desperate!

How to fight this!

No, let's flash people!

As long as I don't die, Rain Shinobi Village will not be destroyed!

When Hanzo was about to use the Body Flicker Technique, a Chakra knife cut through it!

It is the Wooden Golem with a layer of Susa! ! !

"Hanzō of the Salamander, is this the power of your demigod in the ninja world? It seems that you have a false reputation!"

Yang Hui couldn't help feeling a little disappointed and boring when he saw that Hanzō of the Salamander wanted to run!

"Then let me take you on your way!"

"Wood Style · The tree world is coming!"

Trees are growing one by one!

Countless branches swept away airtightly towards Hanzō of the Salamander!

Hanzō of the Salamander keeps dodging and slicing through trees using ninjutsu!

Yang Hui also went out in person, using Taijutsu and Adamantine Sealing Chains to constantly interfere with Hanzō of the Salamander!

Hanzō of the Salamander can't beat Yang Hui with Mangekyō!

And as long as Hanzō of the Salamander misses once, it will be forever!

Besides, Yang Hui's physical skills are not weaker than him at all!

It's just that the experience is far inferior!

Even the seasoned Hanzō of the Salamander!

After the two fought against each other for dozens of tricks, they were still pierced to death by a branch!

"Hanzo-sama is dead!"

"Let's run! Otherwise, we will all be killed!"

"Who will save us!"

"Avenge Hanzo-sama!"

"I'm going to you, Hanzo-sama is no match, do you think you're good at it?"

When he was half-hidden and died, Rain Shinobi was in chaos in an instant!

There are those who want to escape, those who are disillusioned, and those who want to avenge Hanzō of the Salamander by killing Yang Hui!


Looking at the chaos in Rain Shinobi Village, Yang Hui didn't embarrass these soldiers!

There is no injustice or enmity, as long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter how these soldiers are!

Before Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi, it was purely Yang Hui who wanted to try Wood Style ninjutsu that he had not used a few times!

Then Yang Hui lifted Wooden Golem Jutsu and all Wood Style Ninjutsu!

But the tree that pierced Hanzō of the Salamander was preserved by Yang Hui along with Hanzō of the Salamander!

Then Yang Hui walked towards the main entrance of Rain Shinobi Village, intending to leave!

Wherever Yang Hui went, everyone gave in one after another, and did not dare to intercept Yang Hui, who was as mighty as a demon!

Let Yang Hui leave!


"Ding! Congrats to Host for fulfilling his wish, do you want to draw a lottery?"


"Ding! Congratulations to Host for winning the Greedy Wolf Pot, one of the eight kitchen utensils in the world of China's Little Master!"

It seems to connect another interesting world!

This time you can go back and sort out your income!

Then think carefully about how to deal with the two worlds of Jackie Chan's Adventures and China's Little Master!


Shortly after Yang Hui left, Jiraiya arrived after hearing the news!

In the middle of Rain Shinobi Village, Hanzō of the Salamander hangs alone on a tree branch!

No breath at all!

Obviously the corpse is cold!

"This time the ninja world is going to be unstable again!

Nagato hasn't been found yet, and I have this trouble again!

The country of rain is at the junction of the three kingdoms of wind, earth and fire, and the situation is too complicated!

But it's not my turn to worry about it, let's leave this to the Third Generation old man! "

Jiraiya muttered to herself!

Then we parted ways with Sand Shinobi and went back to the village separately!

The sooner such a major intelligence village knows about it, the better!