
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Although Tobirama can make a seal with one hand,

But with his current ability,

If you want to defeat Izuna's Susanoo, it's still a little short!

After a while, Tobirama was thrown up and down by Izuna with the Susa Great Sword!

[Buddha's Sengoku: It doesn't seem to work!

Although Tobirama's one-handed knot print looks cool,

But facing Izuna's Susa, there is absolutely nothing to do!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Madara: Isn't that obvious?

You think everyone in the Senju family is Hashirama!

Tobirama's attack power is still too weak!]

[ Senju Hashirama: emmm!

I take my word back, Tobirama may really be failing!]

Faced with reality, the big pillar is powerless!

[Hero Garp: Indeed!

If Tobirama's attack power increases a bit,

Not so passive anymore!


[ Whitebeard: @Fire Fist Ace, see it!

A true master cannot have a single weakness!

Otherwise, you'll be drinking hatred like Tobirama!]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, Dad, I wrote it down!!!]

[Senju Tobirama:...]

Seeing that Whitebeard in the group regards himself as a negative teaching material,

Before Tobirama could refute anything,

He was already slashed by Susa's Chakra sword,

It was directly divided into two halves!

[Senju Tobirama: Play to play, trouble to trouble!

Can you not use me as a negative teaching material?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Stop writing. Where did Whitebeard get it wrong?

Oh, the underdog!


[ Senju Tobirama: What am I!

Did you forget how you knelt in front of me back then?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Socket?

And this thing?

I can't see it, Izuna has been wronged before?


[Buddha's Sengoku: It seems that there are melons to eat!!!


[ Uchiha Madara: Nani!!!

When did Izuna do this?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!

Izuna is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death! ]

Madara can't believe that she took care of her younger brother since childhood,

He even knelt down to Tobirama!

[ Senju Tobirama: How is it impossible?

(Izuna Kneeling.jpg)!


Facing Madara's question, Tobirama sent a picture directly!

[ Uchiha Izuna: It's not that I was attacked by you with Flying Thunder God,

And that one time of excessive blood loss?

Does this count as kneeling???

I'm afraid something is wrong with your brain!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Hehe!

Why doesn't this count!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: What's the use of you talking so much?

Haven't you become my underdog today?

(Pick nose.jpg)!

Today's battle is enough to prove my strength,

is far beyond you!

The one time before my death was completely attacked by you!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Socket?

I've never seen such a brazen person like you!

This mud code is also called far beyond me?

I think if I hold on for a while, I'll be able to drain you to death!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

Senju Tobirama lay helplessly on the ground,

The broken body is also constantly dissipating,

But that doesn't stop him from being stubborn!

[Hero Garp: @ Senju Tobirama, by this time,

You don't need to hold on!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Madara: In terms of hard mouth,

I Uchiha Madara used to call you the strongest!


(It's gone)[Golden Lion: Hahaha!

Hard-mouthed king?

I didn't expect Madara to be named a master!


[Senju Tobirama:...]

[ Yang Hui: You have to say the name master,

Then have to mention @Namikaze Minato!


Spiral Flash Super Wheel Dance Roar Three Styles! Look up!

This naming ability is no worse than Madara!


[ Jiraiya: Hahaha!

Minato is indeed a name ghost!!!
