
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs


[ Uchiha Madara: This is nothing to say!

It's been so long,

you never asked,

Why are you so interested now?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Madara is also a little speechless,

How the big pillars will also follow the booing!

[ Senju Hashirama: I didn't ask before,

That's not embarrassing,

Check out your trump card!

as a ninja,

Intelligence is the top priority,

I still know the rules!

But now they're all in the group,

Will never be killed again!

Is there anything else you can't ask?

Just tell me!

(Looking forward.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Madara: emmm!

There is nothing to say!

My 17 Mangekyō abilities,

Simply put, increase!

Amplify the various spells I use!

Including Susanoo!

So I am in battle,

many times,

All using my Mangekyō abilities!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: So you are like this Uchiha Madara!

I thought you were because,

Mangekyō pupil technique can't do it,

Sorry to use it!


[ Uchiha Madara: Get out! ]

At this moment,

Tobirama and Izuna,

Still stalemate on the battlefield!

Although the consumption of Izuna is much smaller than that of Tobirama,

But he doesn't have much Chakra!

'Looks like it can't be delayed any longer!

Otherwise, it will really roll over!

Realizing that Tobirama has no intention of giving up,

Izuna is in a hurry!

Simply heartbroken!


A great Chakra sword appeared suddenly,

cut straight to,

Senju Tobirama who is still maintaining the water polo!

Just hear a bang!

The water polo covered with black flames was chopped up!

After a while,

Senju Tobirama escapes from the slash in a daze!

When everyone sees it again,

Tobirama's left arm has disappeared,

There was even a trace of flame on the right leg!

Tobirama quickly turned the knife with his right hand,

Take part of your body and black flames,

Cut yourself off!

"Izuna, you kid can't hold it anymore!

Susanoo used it all,

It looks like you're ready for a decisive battle too!!"

Although Tobirama looks embarrassed,

But still don't admit defeat!

"Hehe! Tobirama, you have to have a degree of toughness!

Then you are ready to die!


Uchiha Izuna's momentum skyrocketed,

The Chakra Greatsword strikes Tobirama again!

In an instant, a huge hole was split into the ground,

Tobirama quickly turned sideways,

Kankan dodged the slash!

[Hero Garp: Socket?

This kid Tobirama doesn't talk about martial arts!

We were still chatting just now!

How to cut people with Susanoo all of a sudden!


[ Golden Lion: Look at what you said,

On the battlefield!

Who cares if you go away or not?

You are a marine hero,

Caught countless pirates,

Don't understand this?

(Pick nose.jpg)!

But Izuna shot first,

It also means that he has not spent Tobirama!

I won!


[ Whitebeard: Win your head!

when is this,

Don't care about the little things!

Tobirama had one arm chopped off,

And the right leg was injured,

It's definitely a loser this time!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

After Tobirama was seriously injured by Izuna,

Everyone in the group chat felt that there was no suspense in the 420 battle!

Only the big pillar is alone,

Still optimistic about Tobirama!

[ Senju Hashirama: It's still early!

I have confidence in Tobirama!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: No way!

are so inferior,

You still have confidence in Tobirama?

Who gave you the courage?

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[Sengoku of Buddha: Whitebeard is right!

say nothing else,

Is Yuyin performing ninjutsu,

Tobirama can't do it!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Senju Hashirama: Hehehe!

Tobirama will make a knot with one hand,

You didn't expect it!


[Hero Garp: Socket?

And this kind of bullshit?

It's true cattle batch! ]