
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Golden Lion: @ Hero Garp,

It's a pity that letting Yang Hui rule the pirate world won't work!

Yang Hui has promised me,

Do not rule the pirate world!

And like me,

It is also the Bullet under Lord Yang Hui,

He just wants to go on adventures in various worlds,

Then increase your strength!

They won't compete with me for the position of ruler of the pirate world at all!


When the time comes to rule the world of pirates,

It's me!



Seeing the words of the Golden Lion,

Garp is restless,

Did Yang Hui promise to help Golden Lion rule the pirates?

Isn't that the end of the calf?

The Golden Lion,

How is it possible to govern the country and the world?

Maybe it's time to destroy the world!

With anxiety,

Garp asked the Golden Lion!

[Hero Garp: Then Yang Hui promised,

Help you rule the pirate world?


[ Golden Lion: No!

What's wrong?

Yang Hui said he was just overthrowing the world's political spokes,

Kill Celestial Dragons,

Can not rule the pirate world!

I want to achieve my goal,

It's up to you to work hard!

But with this trend,

I will rule the pirate world in the future,

Isn't it obvious?


[Hero Garp: What about Nima?

Yang Hui won't help you rule the pirate world,

At that time, the world's political

And after Celestial Dragons was liquidated by Yang Hui,

Marine can take advantage of the situation to dominate the world,

Has justice been done?!


Wow, I didn't expect such a good thing to happen!


On power and war power,

Which is better than our Marine?

Golden Lion,

I hereby declare,

your dreams are shattered,

Got cut off by our Marine!


Garp heard the words of the Golden Lion,

Clear the haze in your heart!

On the contrary, I feel that the future of Marine is very bright!

And the Golden Lion was furious,

these guys,

Always on your own way to success,

act as a stumbling block,

How hard is it to deal with them!

The strength of the two old men Garp and Sengoku,

He knows it best!

that was them back then,

Send yourself into Impel down!

Although Golden Lion knew that he was with Yang Hui,

will definitely increase the strength,

But want to elevate to,

To be able to push the level of the strongest in the pirate world,

How about going to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon?

After all, the more advanced the cultivation method,

More time consuming!

He Golden Lion has been waiting for more than twenty years,

Don't want to wait any longer!

In desperation, the Golden Lion,

Just be tough!

[ Golden Lion: Humph!

Then let's go and see!


[ Roger: I'm going to die of laughter by the Golden Lion!

On the way to the realization of dreams,

Always so twisty!


Remember that storm?

Now Garp and Marine,

It's your new storm!


[ Whitebeard: The Golden Lion is indeed pitiful,

Every time you are about to touch the target,

Got cut off!

But I had a great time watching the show!


[ Golden Lion: Oh!

You bastards watching the show!

See what you're talking about?

And Sengoku didn't allow Marine to go to Yang Hui!

Could the Marines be wiped out by then?


[Hero Garp:@Buddha's Sengoku,


Let's take refuge in Yang Hui!

Anyway, Yang Hui doesn't hurt civilians,

When Yang Hui wiped out the World Spokes and Celestial Dragons,

And our Marine stabilizes the world!

Not afraid of pirates taking the opportunity to make waves,

My son can also return to the new Marine with the GM army!

and defeat the Golden Lion,

Dominate the pirate world,

Is it not in line with our justice?

I will destroy the Four Emperors in the future,

Getting my grandson Luffy in Marine too!




Garp really thinks,

Since it can't resist Yang Hui,

If you can't beat it, join in.

It is also perfectly in your own interest!

It is not good?

Golden Lion saw Garp,

Anti-lobbying against Sengoku,

Immediately panicked!

He was really afraid that Sengoku agreed as soon as his brain was hot!

After all, following Yang Hui,

to them Marine,

and their justice,

There are only advantages and no disadvantages!

And Yang Hui's strength is still strong,

No one will risk their lives recklessly!

If Marine does join Yang Hui,

So how does he achieve his goal?

[ Golden Lion: @ Hero Garp,

Can you have a face?

What a Marine hero you are!

How can you lead the betrayal?

I even thought about the name "Xinhai~" Army"!

Do you know what it is,

Wealth cannot be promiscuous,

Poverty cannot be moved,

Might not yield?


I look down on you!


[ Whitebeard: He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry!


[ Roger: He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry!


[Golden Lion: Get out of here you two!

In addition to bad things for me,

What else will you do?


[ Aokiji: Socket!

These three words, coming out of your mouth,

Why does it feel so inconsistent?

Who doesn't know you Golden Lion is not only cheeky,

And it's shameless!


[Hero Garp: @Golden Lion, you fart,

What is lead betrayal?

That's a good way out for Marine,

And still do Marine justice!

You know a hammer!


[Buddha's Sengoku:@Hero Garp,

Although the Golden Lion has bad intentions!

But what people say is true!

You pay special attention to your identity!

You have to remember that you are a Marine hero!!

How can it be easily shaken!


Yang Hui saw what Garp was lobbying for Sengoku,

Only regret!

Regret why I invited Garp so late!

This Garp though loyal Marine,

But I didn't do anything to Marine myself,

and to achieve their justice,

And to reunite Garp with his son,

It is also a matter of course to win Garp!

is that Sengoku is not easy,

But Yang Hui also has his own plan,

Instigating Marine's plan has been successful for the most part!


Just wait until the allied forces of the ninja world capture other small countries,

unify the entire ninja world,

Then mess up the world of One Piece!

Naval Headquarters

Marshal's Office!

At this moment,

Aokiji also came to Garp and Sengoku!

66 "Sengoku, what do you think of Yang Hui's set?

I think Yang Hui's strength,


(Alright Zhao) So why don't you join him!

No harm to us!

Instead, it can eradicate Celestial Dragons!

I trust you to Celestial Dragons,

There's nothing like it!""

Garp that just closed the chat interface,

Just talked to Sengoku about the choice of Marine!

Aokiji sat on the sofa beside him,

Not a word!

And after Sengoku heard Garp's speech,

Thinking of his own son,

Donquixote Rosinante!

This gentle youth who was originally Celestial Dragons!

For a while, I ignored Garp!

Garp saw Sengoku's sluggish appearance,

The hand dangled in front of his eyes!

"Sengoku? Sengoku!"

"Ah! What did you just say!

After half an hour,

Sengoku said to Garp seriously,

"We don't know this Yang Hui yet,

What is your attitude towards us Marine!

How can you easily trust strangers!

And a stranger from another world!

Garp, can you think a little longer!"

Sengoku has a bit of a headache and hates iron not being steel!

How could I have such a teammate and partner!
