
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Buddha's Sengoku: Waiting for you to improve your strength to be invincible in the world?

We were long gone by then!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: My talent is not bad!


[Buddha no Sengoku: The topic is skewed!

@Senju Tobirama,

Can you turn on vision sharing for a while?

Let me see your ninja world,

How are meetings and management conducted?

I think it is possible,

Improve the management of Marine!

After all, he is the elite of the entire ninja world,

A meeting you can only attend!

There must be something to learn from!


[ Golden Lion: Right right right!

I also study first,

How to manage a whole world!

Don't lay down the country at that time,

Don't know what to do!


[ Senju Tobirama: To be honest,

management talents in the ninja world,

All in the name!

Ninja Village is a military institution,

What kind of management elite can there be!

You can't believe it!

See for yourself in a while!


[ Whitebeard: @Golden Lion,

It's not even night yet!

Did you just put this dream aside?


[ Roger: Golden Lion,

Although we pirates 17 must have dreams!

But don't be surprised!


[ Bullet: Golden Lion,

you belong,

Look at the stars in the sun!


[Golden Lion: What do you mean?]

[ Bullet: Daydreaming!


[Golden Lion:(^^'x)/!]

Senju Tobirama did not fight Golden Lion,

No one else will miss this opportunity!

After the Ninja World Conference!

[ Uchiha Izuna: Finished shit!

these spicy chickens,

Throwing the face of the ninja world to Otherworld!


[ Uchiha Madara: Especially the Fifth Kazekage Baki!

Is there anyone from Sand Shinobi Village in the group?

Let me scold you!


[ Senju Hashirama: Yang Hui also dislikes Sand Shinobi Village,

So there are no Sand Shinobi people in the group at all!


Sand Shinobi Village: Sorry, I'm not worthy!

[ Whitebeard: Tell a joke,

These people are elite ninjas!


[ Roger: I didn't expect that,

A group of high-ranking people on weekdays,

Patriarchs of the major families,

Even because of the division of interests,

Make a group fight in the conference room!


[Golden Lion: still use toes and hair pulling,

Wait for the insidious and despicable moves!


[Buddha's Sengoku: Is this the elite of the ninja world?

It's just those hawkers in the vegetable market!

Quarrel and quarrel!

Not like a manager at all!


[ Senju Tobirama: I told you,

Ninja Village is just a military institution,

The person in charge here only knows,

How to command the army!

except this,

There is only political struggle left,

What kind of management elites are there!


Facing their most important interests,

They and the hawkers in the market,

There is no difference!


[Buddha's Sengoku: It's a pity that the advisors of the great name,

Did not know!

The system of your ninja world,

how to say?

It's really weird!


[ Uchiha Madara: @ Senju Hashirama,

It's all this idiot!

if it weren't for him,

Will there be such a sand sculpture system?


Yang Hui is right,

Strength is everything!

Those big names should have been abolished long ago!

Ninja Village still has to rely on the sponsorship of the daimyo!

It's just an insult to the strong!

Don't you think that Yang Hui's work is very good?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[Senju Hashirama:…]

Senju Hashirama is also embarrassed,

because of this,

He has been dissed several times by Uchiha Madara!

he knows,

This is because at the beginning,

He did not agree to Madara's proposal to cooperate to destroy Shikoku!

Now he sees this humiliating scene,

He regrets it a little bit!

What the hell is this!

If unified long ago,

There will be no such thing as today,

Throw your face to the Otherworld!

[Sengoku of Buddha: So Yang Hui let these people,

Manage his empire?

This is too sloppy!


[ Senju Hashirama: I don't think it's good?

After the Great Unification,

no war,

And no one will die in war!

These people manage,

There will be no trouble!


[ Uchiha Madara: As long as Yang Hui is still there,

This empire will not fall,

peaceful pattern,

No one will dare to destroy it!

Yang Hui did it to me and Hashirama,

Something I've wanted to do before!


Inside the Marshal's Office!

Sengoku looked at the words of Uchiha Madara,

fell into silence!

This model of Yang Hui,

There are indeed great advantages!

The world can maintain eternal peace!

And there is Yang Hui's overwhelming strength pressing,

It is true that no one will have any strange thoughts!

And Yang Hui is not like,

The Celestial Dragons of their world do all evil!

All of a sudden, for a moment,

Sengoku feels,

As if letting Yang Hui rule the world,

Also looks good!

The enemy hasn't come yet,

I already want to fight the enemy, what should I do??

[Buddha of Sengoku: This mode,

Really safe!

And can protect world peace!

Justice can also be served easily!

it's actually very good!


[Hero Garp:@Buddha's Sengoku,

I feel our world,

After Yang Hui came,

overthrow world politics,

let him rule,

Also very good!

Let those Celestial Dragons die!

And the whole world is bright!

what do you think?



Yang Hui did not expect that,

Garp actually speaks for himself!

And such a good thing?

this wave,

All thanks to Celestial Dragons?

obviously do nothing,

It was recognized by Uchiha327 Madara, Garp and others!

Isn't it all because of those careerists in the ninja world,

And the pirate world Celestial Dragons foil?

In Yang Hui's own mind,

He's a hands-off shopkeeper,

The kind that don't need to do anything,

Just want to be lazy!

Compared with the emperor in his previous life memory,

Simply unprofessional!

Especially the First Emperor and Ming Taizu whom he admired!

did not expect,

Under the background of those people,

He has also become a wise spokesperson!

It's so embarrassing!

Although Sengoku thinks Garp is right,

But as Marshal Marine,

And also have a fantasy about the world's political radiation!

How could he be moved so easily?

[Buddha's Sengoku:@Hero Garp,

Your brain is crowded by the door?

Falling to a potential enemy so quickly?

and world politics,

Although for Celestial Dragons,

But still keep the world stable!

Otherwise those pirates,

I don't know how to put this world,

What the hell did it become!


Well, Yang Hui saw this!

just know,

Sengoku though in contrast to Celestial Dragons,

Look at your own model,

But he still spoke to the world politics,

There is so little hope and loyalty!

It seems that I will wait until I get to the world of pirates!

Sengoku must be cut off completely,

The fantasy of the world's political spokes!

Only then will it be possible to capture Marine!

But the good news is,

Garp seems to be more disgusted with world politics,

It's easy to get him

Pull to your own camp!