
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Senju Hashirama: Good guy!

Naruto this situation,

Is the ninja world good to him?

Then I wish him the best of luck!


[ Uchiha Izuna: Now even Hashirama, the iron man,

They have all learned to worry!


[ Uchiha Sasuke: To be honest,

If I were Naruto,

I should defect from the village!

Then wait for the opportunity to take revenge on Konoha!

This is what normal people do!


[ Senju Tobirama: Then you are dead!

you a Jinchūriki,

It's amazing to be able to escape successfully!

I'm afraid you have just left the Konoha gate,

will be captured by Anbu,

It might even be the root!

Then there is a brainwashing service!

And even if you could escape,

Xiao Organization, you can't stop it!


if it were me,

without power,

Defection is courting death!

Simply hold back!

Look for opportunities to take revenge on Konoha in the future!

Or so urgent,

I just run away!

You must know that Naruto can tear off the seal!

Although there is still seal reinforcement!

But Nine Tails is not a wood,

Finally, the seal will be broken!


[ Uchiha Izuna: Good guy,

It has to be you, Tobirama!

The mind is so gloomy!!!

As expected of an old silver coin!


[ Tsunade: Second Grandpa,

You as Second Hokage,

Discuss here how to get revenge on Konoha,

Does it fit?


[ Senju Tobirama: What are you afraid of!

In three days anyway,

After each shadow came to Konoha for a meeting,

Konoha and other Shinobi villages are gone!

All of them are under the command of Yang Hui's new empire!

Why bother with so much!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Yang Hui: socket,

you don't remind me of the time,

I haven't noticed yet,

It's so bright outside!

I stayed up with you all night without sleep!


But rather than sleeping,

Group chat is fun!

Anyway, with my physique,

It doesn't matter if you don't sleep!

double the time,

Double the joy!


[ Hyuga Hanabi: Yang Hui, then I will cook you a bowl of porridge! ]

[ Hancock: No need,

I've already made the roast!

Yang Hui, he likes to eat barbecue!]

[ Yang Hui:

Let's make a bowl of porridge!

Serve with BBQ!]

Yang Hui felt that he had to find a time,

Let Hancock learn a few more dishes!

No matter how delicious the barbecue is, it will be boring!!!

[ Golden Lion: So what happened to Naruto?

You haven't told us before!

Now you talk to yourselves,

It was painful for us to watch!!!


[ Roger: It's also painful to watch! ]

[ Whitebeard: Golden Lion finally spoke a human word!


[ Bullet: My only entertainment channel,

All that's left is to watch you chat!

Can't even read it now?



[ Aokiji: I watched it with relish!

This is the advantage of being in the group early!


[ Yang Hui: @ Uzumaki Naruto, explain it to them!

Anyway, Bullet and Golden Lion among them,

Just like you are all my subordinates!

After you finish speaking,

I'll answer your and your parents' questions!

from your notes,

Talk about it before you meet me!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: Okay!

Let's start with the fishing that impressed me the most when I was a child!


[ Golden Lion: I have moved the small bench! ]

[Fire Fist Ace:@Father,

I'll go out and get a bag of melon seeds! ]

[ Uzumaki Naruto:

I'm talking about the history of my suffering,

Show me some respect!!!


[ Bullet: You see, I am in prison,

Are you listening carefully?

hurry up!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: The way it is,

I was really hungry that day.

Go fishing in the creek...

so so, so so...

This is before I met Yang Hui,

all the important things that have been experienced,

And some of the things that impress me the most!

(▼ dish▼#)!

Since joining this group,

I want to destroy Konoha day by day!

I don't know what's going on!


[ Bullet: That means you are a normal person!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Sasuke: Yang Hui has said it before,

You were influenced by Ashura's Chakra before!

It's the group chat that helps you isolate the influence!

But it looks like you're a jerk!

It wasn't because of Ashura's influence that it became like this!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

While Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion, among others,

After listening to Naruto's self-reported experience,

Even more tongue-in-cheek!

Isn't this bullying honest people?

[ Roger: Socket!

And such a disgusting thing?

This kind of ninja village was established by Senju Hashirama?

And kowtow for its peace?

I think it will be gone soon!

What the fuck Third Generation,

It's Celestial Dragons in a good man's coat!

Celestial Dragons is just a little bit more disgusting than him!

Just a little bit!!!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Golden Lion: Compared to this!

I'm more curious,

The man named Ashura,

How awesome is it?

Just a bunch of Chakra reincarnated,

After possessing Naruto,

You can influence Naruto to the point of almost brainwashing!

It's so confusing!

@Uzumaki Naruto,

you were treated that way,

No hate in your heart?


[ Uzumaki Naruto: @ Golden Lion,

I seem to hate it at the time,

But don't know why,

Less hate the next day!

And with the passage of time,

The hatred diminishes little by little,

until it disappears!

It's kind of scary to think about it now!


[Namikaze Minato: Although I have known for a long time,

But listen to Naruto again!

Still can't wait to put Third Generation and Danzo together,

Pull it out of the grave and fight it again!


[ Uzumaki Kushina: Humph!

Count them both dying!

Or I'll let them know what cruelty is!


Whitebeard values ​​his family the most,

Aggrieved yourself and not aggrieved son!

After seeing what happened to Naruto,

Instant father's love burst!

Not only that,

After Whitebeard listened to Naruto's autobiography!

He couldn't help but think of what happened to him when he was a child!

Instant rage value reaches its peak!

[ Whitebeard: This kind of ninja village,

That means I'm not in the ninja world!

Otherwise he can survive my second blow,

Let it count!!!


[ Senju Hashirama: Okay, okay,

Stop criticizing Konoha!

What's wrong with this ninja village?

The fault is at the helm!

Now the villain is slain!

There is no need to say Konoha!]

Senju Hashirama gets upset when he sees people spraying leaves!

The Shinobi Village he built was so unwelcoming?

[ Whitebeard: Humph!

The villagers of Konoha are also push hands!

If someone treats my son like this!

I will definitely kill it!

Can you let the years stay there peacefully?

@Uzumaki Naruto,

Do you want to be my son!

Make sure you don't get bullied again!

Your father is like Roger,


He even made his son a Jinchūriki!


[ Namikaze Minato: Forget it!

And where am I irresponsible!

I'm here to give Naruto strength!

Don't talk nonsense if you don't know everything!


Namikaze Minato panicked,

He was really afraid of his stupid son,

I have a grudge against myself!

But he has confidence in Naruto,

Anyway, after I came out of Impure World Reincarnation,

I've been with Naruto for a long time too!

The situation with Roger is still very different!

Naruto will definitely not recognize Whitebeard as a father!

And Naruto didn't disappoint Minato either!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: Thank you Uncle Whitebeard,

But I understand my father,

He is also hardworking!

Nine Tails has really helped me a lot now!

So my father is different from One Piece Roger!


After I go to your world in the future,

Will definitely visit you!


[Namikaze Minato: Naruto, just understand me!]

[ Whitebeard: Goo la la la! No problem!]

Roger didn't dare to speak,

In case it is noticed again,

What should I do if I am attacked by the crowd!!!

How can this happen to me at all!!!

Finally, the relationship with Ace has eased a little!

Are you trying to force me to explode in place?

[ Uzumaki Naruto: @ Yang Hui,

Now you can!

Tell me, where is the ninja world good for me?


[ Whitebeard: Yeah, Naruto, isn't that miserable? ]

[ Namikaze Minato: And for Naruto,

Sacrificed himself to leave Nine Tails to him!

What's wrong with Naruto?]

[ Golden Lion: Sit back and eat melon! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: This melon is not too small!

It will definitely be fun! ]

[ Uchiha Izuna: Hehe!

I'm very curious what Yang Hui will say!]

Everyone has expressed their concern for this big melon!

Seeing that everyone is ready,

Yang Hui is no longer out of business!

[ Yang Hui: @ Uzumaki Naruto,

There are two problems here!

First, is the ninja world good to you?

Second, how did your parents trick you!

Let's analyze one by one!


[ Uzumaki Naruto: I am ready!!! ]

[ Yang Hui: First question!

Do you think the ninja world is bad for you?

Let's analyze your identity first!

In the ninja world, if you have no strength, you are an ant!

You can be killed at any time!

Those ordinary people seem to be better off than you,

But they even have basic life and death,

All in the hands of others!

The ninja world is a place where blood is very important!

You were born into the Uzumaki clan,

Born Chakra huge,

And it's also a descendant of Ashura!

You yourself are an Ashura Chakra possessor!

without me,

Sage of Six Paths also when you're dying,

Gives you a plug-in to get you into the Six Paths level,

Is this called the ninja world bad for you?

And your dream is Hokage right!

Your father is Hokage,

Your master Kakashi is also Hokage in the future,

Your father's apprentice is Hokage,

Your master Jiraiya's companion is Hokage!

Danzo doesn't count,

Which generation of Hokage is not related to you?

Konoha Hokage is not so much elected by the villagers,

Not to mention that it is the inheritance of the teacher's door!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

you were born,

The kind of person who can easily achieve his dreams!

prominent identity,

The configuration is amazing!

And your talent is amazing,

If it wasn't for the Chakra of Nine Tails to influence you,

You were a genius in your class when you were young!

This is a legendary start!


After listening to Yang Hui's words,

Not just Naruto,

Everyone in the group was stunned!

It's like, that's what happened!

Naruto's identity is indeed prominent!

The pedigree is awesome!

Talent is not bad!

Anyway, as long as it is the part that Naruto cannot choose,

The configuration given to him by the ninja world is top-notch!

so special,

Such a treat!

Compared to Roger, the pirate's son of destiny,

Naruto was treated much better!

Roger sheds envious tears in the underworld!

[ Yang Hui: And even if your parents die!

Your aura that can be revealed to the outside world is gone!

From the Fourth Hokage Son,

Turned into an annoying fox kid!

But in fact, most of your profits are not lost!

What is the disappearance of money?

Your connections are still there!

Third Generation controls you to control,

But when you graduated,

Didn't I send you a Forbidden Technique?

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

If it wasn't your dad's fault,

Will he do this?

Jiraiya after you graduate,

and after performing the task for a period of time,

Didn't I rush back to Konoha to teach you?

Also lets you make a pact with the toads of Mount Myōboku!

This is the passport to learn magic!

You who have learned magic,

You know how powerful magic is!

You were born Prince Konoha!

like you,

Konohamaru in addition to hiding his identity,

Other identities are as prominent as you are!

So he must be the next Hokage after you!

Enough to see the importance of identity!

Do you still think the ninja world treats you badly?

It's like treating you like a jewel in your palm!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: … 1

After everyone in the ninja world listened to Yang Hui's explanation,

Only then did I discover Naruto, who was inconspicuous on weekdays,

It turns out that there is such a great background!

People are unbelievable!

And the Golden Lion at this moment,

Sitting in the ruins thinking about life,

Is his life's struggle worth it?

Now that it's all doomed,

So what is he trying to do?

[ Golden Lion: Envy me to death!

If I were Destiny's Child,

With this treatment of Naruto,

I ruled the world so early!


[ Roger: Hahaha, Shiki!

you are envious now,

Eyes are red!

It's a pity, I'm the child of destiny!

Are you angry?



[ Whitebeard: Okay, is it fun to tease Shiki?

That's right!

Just so much fun!


[ Aokiji: Hahaha!

I didn't expect Whitebeard to have such a humorous side!


[ Golden Lion: Get out of here!


@ Yang Hui,

If all this is doomed!

So what's the use of our efforts?


[Fire Fist Ace: I have this problem too!

If it's really fate, 4.8 will make everything!

Then everyone lie down directly,

Welcome to the arrival of fate!

So do we still need to work hard?]

Not just Golden Lion and Ace,

Everyone in the group fell into despair and could not extricate themselves!

[ Yang Hui:@ Golden Lion,@Fire Fist Ace,

Excellent question from both of you!

Although there are some innate conditions we can't decide!

But there are many things,

It's all man-made!

Just like the Golden Lion,

Why did you cover Armament Haki on your head,

Will it be possible today?

Bad luck in your world,

Did not pick up Devil Fruit,

Through hard training,

You can still be strong!

At least after trying

No longer the kind of ordinary person who can be killed by any little pirate!

If that person doesn't practice hard,

A little pirate can kill him!

Even the most pedigree power in the ninja world,

Through decades of hard work,

Nearly kicked the Six Paths-level Might Guy!

So everyone's fate is not doomed!

Although it cannot be said that the fate of the master is completely in his hands!

But we are not marionettes!

If you don't want to be coerced by fate,

then try to improve yourself,

put options,

Take it from God to your own hands!


After everyone heard Yang Hui's words,


Feeling enlightened!

At the same time, for his previous laxity,

And find reasons to be ashamed!

Especially the Golden Lion!

feel redeemed,

And Yang Hui is his savior!

[ Golden Lion: From now on,

Mr. Yang Hui is my life mentor!

Who dares to say that he is not,

I ended him immediately!!!]

Yang Hui saw the words of Golden Lion,

can not help but sigh,

This foreigner still drinks too little chicken soup!

I didn't expect to see a piece of chicken soup in my previous life,

It can still have this effect!

what a surprise,

If I knew about my previous life, I would have read a few more!
