
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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at the same time,

Inside the Ninja Village!

Uchiha Shisui kills one Genin with one knife. Although he is a member of Impure World Reincarnation, his strength is not as good as before his death, but it is more than enough to deal with these Genins and Chūnin!

Senju Tobirama is also a variety of Shunjutsu!

The area where he is located is like a sea, as expected of a man called "Sea Escape"!

After Kushina had completely destroyed the hospital that persecuted Xianglin's mother and daughter, she had stopped to explain the situation to Uzumaki Emi!

Uchiha Fugaku has also taken Uzumaki Emi's ashes and is waiting for Yang Hui outside the village!

On the contrary, Ghost Lantern Moon Moon had a lot of fun!

"Summoning Art Mirage!"

"Magic · Steaming Pavilion!"

Ghost Lantern Moon summons a huge mirage.

Cooperate with Yin Escape to let the mirage create a mirage, let the enemy fall into the illusion, the attack is invalid, and you can hide yourself and the mirage with the help of the mirage created by the mirage!

The ninja fighting against him is about to collapse!

This trick to crack Ghost Lantern Huanyue can only be cracked by attacking the body of the mirage behind Ghost Lantern Huan Yue!

But the mirage has a hard shell that needs to be smashed with a large weapon, a detonator, or a powerful ninjutsu.

How could it be possible to play Ghost Lantern Moon with these chicken ninjas!

A group of people are being played around by ghost lanterns and magic moon!


After Yang Hui dealt with the ninja leader, he ran to the ninja village to see if Hashirama buried the whole village in the trees that descended from the tree world!

Walked through the whole village and saw that Hashirama was almost done!


[ Yang Hui: Stop all! Show you some fireworks! ]

After that, the seven people were put away in wooden coffins!

Then retreat to the gate of Ninja Village!

"Fire Style · Fire Extinguished!!!"

at the same time,

The Shadow Clone outside saw Yang Hui cast Fire Style, as if he got a signal!

One by one, they also performed various Fire Style ninjutsu!

"Fire Style Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Style · Fire Extinguishing!"

"Fire Style · Fire Extinguished!"

"Fire Style·How Longfire Technique!"

"Fire Style Bullets!"

"Fire Style Longyan Song Technique!"


All kinds of Fire Style ninjutsu do not display like Chakra!

The roaring flames set the trees all over the village!

The whole village became a sea of ​​flames!

The heat wave swept through every land and the ninjas on the land!

Puffs of black smoke emerged from the sea of ​​flames, making the ninja in the sea of ​​flames unable to open his eyes!

The flames in the village are spreading freely, and the items in Shinobi Village are starting to be ignited!

The ninjas were forced to divide into open spaces without flames!

"Everyone, use Water Style Ninjutsu together!"

"Water Style Water Barrier!"

"Water Style·Water Flow Technique!"

"Water Style · Shui Qingbo!"

Although water overcomes fire, there are too many flames, and the scope is too wide!

After a while the flames and smoke hit again!

"Are we just finished like this?"

"What about the leader, if he is here, he will definitely lead us to break out of the encirclement!"

"Go find the leader!"

"Looking for a fart, the leader has not appeared now, either has been killed by the invaders, or abandoned us and ran away!"

"Go find it yourself, Laozi is going to break out! The fire will burn here sooner or later!"

"Please, take me with you!"

"Fuck off! Laozi doesn't know if he can go out alone!"

"No, help me!"



Looking at the burning village in front of him, Yang Hui didn't change his face!

[ Senju Hashirama: This is a bit too cruel! ]

[ Yang Hui: In the world of ninjas, are you talking about cruelty to me? Why don't you see how they treat Xianglin and them. (Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Uchiha Madara: @Senju Hashirama, Hashirama, how are you still so naive! In the world of ninjas, as long as you become a ninja, you will face cruel reality at any time! Even children are the same! ]

[ Senju Tobirama: This time I stand by Yang Hui and Madara! @Senju Hashirama! ]

[Senju Hashirama: Can't the world of ninjas be peaceful? ]

[ Yang Hui: What I am doing is working hard for peace! ]

[Senju Tobirama: You are such a traitor, attacking other people's villages, how dare you talk about peace? ]

[ Yang Hui: As long as I remove all the rubbish and unify the ninja world, won't the world be at peace? ]

[Senju Tobirama: Nothing to say...]

Uchiha Madara sitting in the Pure Land sneered!

Only I can achieve peace in the ninja world!

Take everyone to a dream world where there is no darkness and no disappointment, and everyone can realize their dreams!

This is true peace! ! !


[Ding! Congratulations to Host for realizing your wish, is it a lucky draw? ]

"Let's draw a lottery!"

Yang Hui said silently!

[Ding! Congratulations on getting a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan! ]

As soon as the system's voice fell, Yang Hui felt a huge pupil force pouring into his eyes!

Then the three hook jade in the eyes quickly rotated!

In the end, the three hook jade disappeared, replaced by a pair of complicated patterns resembling a four-leaf clover!

Feeling the pupil power in his eyes that is much stronger than Sangou Jade, Yang Hui felt unparalleled power!

The original ability of Sangouyu has been greatly enhanced, and the ability of the eyes is still being nurtured!

But it should be able to breed success soon! !


[ Yang Hui: Grass (a kind of plant) Ninja Village can be declared dead! ]

[ Yang Hui: If someone can escape like this, I, Uchiha Yang Hui, would like to call him the strongest in Gou! ]

[Uchiha Madara: Strange, why do I hear this sentence so well? ]

[Ding! The system has detected that the Host has already conducted a luxury lottery! Upgrade conditions are met, start upgrading! The upgrade time is one day, and the system functions are used normally during the upgrade! ]