
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs



"No need, I'm already in front of you!"

It was Yang Hui who spoke!

He has just asked where the ninja leader is through illusion!

"Who is your Excellency! We don't seem to know each other, and there is no hatred!"

Ninja bosses also perceive ninjutsu!

Although it was not very good, he could still clearly perceive Yang Hui's horror right in front of him!

Compared with himself, the Chakra, which is like the sea, is as aggressive as a flame!

Feeling the majestic Yang Hui in front of him, he could only cry secretly!

When did the village provoke this evil star!

"We really don't have any grudges, I just see that you are upset!"

"Just for that reason?"

The leader of the ninja is going crazy, this disaster has fallen from the sky!

"Your Excellency, why don't we sit down and talk?"

"It's not necessary, you are not important, this village is not important, without you, it is very important to me!"

"Let's go!!!"


"Illusion·Darkness Technique!"

As soon as Yang Hui finished speaking, he immediately formed a seal and performed an illusion!

In an instant, the ninja leader and his subordinates were deprived of all light and plunged into darkness!

"Ah! I can't see!"

"Boss, how's the boss?"

"Shut up, calm down!"

With the leader's order, the soldiers stopped the commotion!

"I can perceive ninjutsu, I know your position very well, so this move is invalid for me!"

"And I'm Elite Jōnin, you can't be my opponent, surrender!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ninja leader was kicked away by Yang Hui!

"Elite Jōnin, that's all??"

"You Elite Jōnin are self-proclaimed by your village, hahaha!"

Yang Hui looked at the ninja leader in front of him chattering and clamoring, but he didn't dare to attack. He just wanted to use ninjutsu to attack Yuyin, and he knew that this person must be a half-ass!

So the decisive body technique flew forward and interrupted the other party's seal!

Then Yang Hui beat the ninja leader to death!

"Sharingan Hypnosis!"

"Tell me, what is the name of Uzumaki's mother?"

"Where is her body buried?"

"Her name is Uzumaki Emi! The body has been cremated, and the ashes are placed in the house where she lived. The location is..."


At this time, Uchiha Fugaku has arrived!

Looking at the fallen ninja leader, his eyes dimmed!

He originally wanted to complete the task that Yang Hui explained, and then asked Yang Hui not to hurt Sasuke!

He has greeted other people, so no one robbed him!

I didn't expect it to be a step too late!

Yang Hui's attention has always been on the seven of them, so he also knows what Fugaku has been doing!

Yang Hui noticed his expression, couldn't help laughing, and closed his vision sharing at the same time!

"Are you worried that I'll shoot Sasuke?"

"Indeed, I originally wanted to complete what you explained before requesting from you!"

Fugaku, who was pierced by his mind, said it straight, and after speaking,

Fugaku is about to bow down and beg Yang Hui!

Yang Hui directly controlled him and said, "What I said in the group not to anger Sasuke is true!"

"I didn't want to hurt him, as long as he didn't stand against me!"

"Thank you! From now on I will not delay anything you have ordered!"

"You heard what he said just now, take Uzumaki Emi's ashes and wait for me! This village will be gone in a while!"



Looking at Fugaku who is far away, Yang Hui said with emotion, this is also a father who is not good at expressing love!

The stupid eldest son was fooled, he was willing to die, and he could do this for the younger son!

Fugaku didn't know about the fact that he just turned off vision sharing!


Turn View Sharing back on!

After getting the information he wanted, Kuwu sent the ninja leader to Huangquan with a single stroke!

"I feel sick taking you as a sacrifice to Impure World Reincarnation, bah!"

The leader has been resolved, and the remaining soldier Yang Hui has left a joint removed as a sacrifice for Impure World Reincarnation!

[Ding! Uzumaki Emi joins the chat group! ]

"Summoning Technique · Impure World Reincarnation!"

Uzumaki Emi appeared in front of Yang Hui, put the spell in the back of her head, and did it in one go!

"Strange, am I dead?"

"Concentrate and sense the chat group in your mind! If you have any doubts, someone in the group will explain it to you!"

After that, I put Uzumaki Eimi away in the wooden coffin!

In this way, together with Uzumaki Emi's ashes, the present for Kaolin is complete!

Yang Hui has long decided to turn Naruto, Sasuke and Xianglin into his subordinates!

Turn Naruto Sasuke into an enemy of Konoha Village, and take his revenge on Konoha Village for what he wanted to do in a previous life!

Konoha Village treats Naruto and Naruto like this, Naruto still misses Konoha Village, and Sasuke finally gets slapped, which is outrageous!

Let others work for you, you have to give some sweetness!

Ming Zuo's salary is also ready!

Coupled with the truth about Konoha, Sasuke is sure to be fine!

Naruto may be a little difficult, but there is also Kushina. After she knows what happened to Naruto, if she can escape Naruto, she has a great chance!


[ Uchiha Madara: Why did you close your vision just now? What the hell did you talk to that Fugaku kid? ]

[ Yang Hui: Didn't say anything, closed it late! ]

[Uchiha Fugaku: ... ]

[ Yang Hui: @Uzumaki Kushina, your clan is here! Give her some popular science about group chat usage and explain the current situation by the way! ]
