
Naruto: Gravity

Wakes up in the Naruto world with the Zushi Zushi no Mi *************** Schedule - 16/week No Harem and Sub-plot of Romance I do not own Naruto or any Naruto characters nor do I own the Zushi Zushi No Mi. I only own my OC's

youdusb26 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Test Fighting

Eiko activated his Gravity Release grabbing ten kunai from his ninja bag and making them spin around parts of his body. This is Eiko's new move that he called "Kunai Cloak". The move does exactly what it's named, the kunai would circle around his body at a high speed acting as a physical defense by stabbing or slicing any attackers forming a cloak! Previously the kunai would only circle around the top of his head and Eiko thought that was wasting an opportunity to have armor.

Also since he was controlling the space around him to form it instead of controlling each kunai, meaning any incoming kunai would become part of his armor!

Fugaku had an idea of what the kunai cloaks function was so he threw a singular kunai out to test it. The kunai flew over to Eiko at a high speed but when it entered a foot in front of Eiko it flip around and started to float around Eiko with the other Kunai.

"That's a neat ability Eiko. I want to see what else you have hidden away," after saying that Fugaku rushed forward towards Eiko at a decently fast speed.

Eiko knew that he wasn't Fugaku's opponent at all in hand-to-hand combat, so he tried to keep him away by shooting out eight kunai cloak kunai at Fugaku. Fugaku of course dodged the attack but what he didn't expect was for the kunai to come back toward him. Doing this requires a lot of concentration from Eiko to pull off but he can constantly shift the trajectory of the kunai making them track the target.

Fugaku took out his kunai and deflected the eight incoming kunai easily. He then took the opportunity to use his full speed to get to Eiko.

Eiko saw Fugaku disappear but sensed him from moving behind him. Eiko didn't waste a second moving his remaining two kunai to his back making them stab towards Fugaku, he blocked them again and punched Eiko square in the back causing him to stumble forward.

"I've seen enough," Fugaku said impressed. Eiko was definitely at the Elite Chunin level. "You are indeed very talented to be able to reach this level so fast, but remember that you must never give up on your practice."

"Yes Fugaku-sensei"

"Now that I know your skill level, I'll make you a training plan to use for the foreseeable future."

"Thank you Fugaku-sensei!"

**********Time Skip(1 week)**********

Over the course of the past week, Fugaku has been working on Eiko's new training plan. He finally finished the plan today and was ready to give it to Eiko.

"Eiko, I made the training plan in accordance with your fighting style. It will take two years to complete. It includes weighted exercises, the Uchiha Kenjutsu technique, and the big thing, a Gravity control plan!" Fugaku continued "The 'Gravity control plan' will exercise your Gravity Release strength and the amount you can control at once. It does this by pushing the limits of your strength and increasing your chakra amounts."

Eiko agreed with the whole statement until he heard about the 'needed' increase in Chakra reserves, he knew that wouldn't help as his Gravity Release wasn't an actual Jutsu though acted as if he agreed with the whole plan.

"So, let's start," Fugaku exclaimed.

**********Time Skip(2 years)**********

Please tell me if anything is off in this chapter, as I was very tired when writing this! Thanks for reading!

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