
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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278 Chs

Chapter 63.2 : Eye Technique List!

[Senju Hashirama: This spider has shown remarkable progress. She jumped from ninth to fourth place. That's an incredible leap. 

The other summoning beasts have acquired impressive abilities too, and their strengths have surely grown significantly. It seems Kumoko must have had a significant breakthrough; otherwise, such rapid progress wouldn't be possible.]

[Senju Tobirama: Big brother, this time's rankings seem quite reasonable; there must be a significant breakthrough with Kumoko.]

[Great Toad Sage: It appears that the top ten are still dominated by these folks.]

[White Snake Sage: Maybe I can surpass Garaga in the rankings, considering my considerable strength improvement.]

[Garaga: Old lady, you surpass me? Dream on!]

The rankings were still being updated.

[5th Place on the Pet List: Rimuru, Owner: Yasao]

[6th Place on the Pet List: Teacher Octopus, Owner: Yasao]

[7th Place on the Pet List: Fox Demon Honghong, Owner: Yasao]

[8th Place on the Pet List: Fox Demon Yaya, Owner: Yasao]

[9th Place on the Pet List: Rongrong, the Fox Demon, Owner: Yasao]

"My two sisters and I each dropped one place in the rankings," sighed Rongrong, while calculating accounts in the organization's office with an abacus in her hand.

She had expected this outcome for a while. After Kumoko became a Demon King and acquired the Magic Eye, her power soared, leaving no chance for her three sisters. Nevertheless, they were family and not envious of each other.

Shortly, the tenth place was announced.

[10th Place on the Pet List: Garaga, Owner: Yasao]

[Garaga: Hahaha, old woman, I'm still ranked 10th just like before. My strength has improved significantly. You dream if you think you can surpass me!]

[White Snake Sage: Hmmph, don't be complacent. Next the list is refreshed, I will definitely rank tenth.]

[Garaga: I'll wait, I'll put my words here today, the tenth place belongs to me Garaga, if I don't give it to you, you won't get it!]

[Manda: Garaga, why settle for the 10th place? Try aiming for the top spots!]

[Garaga: Those top nine are too tough; I can't compete.]

Then, the eleventh place on the pet list was revealed, and this time, it was no longer Sage Katsuyu.

[11th Place on the Pet List: White Snake Sage, Previous Owner: Six Paths Sage]

[White Snake Sage: Well, at least I moved up one place.]

[Tagitsuhime: Congratulations, White Snake Sage!]

[Manda: Congratulations, White Snake Sage!]

[Aoda: Congratulations, White Snake Sage!]

[Orochimaru: Congratulations, White Snake Sage!]

[Garaga: Congratulations, but you're only 11th. What's the fuss?]

[White Snake Sage: At least it's better than making no progress like you!]

[Garaga: Bring it on; if you were in front of me, I'd swipe you with a single claw, showing you my progress!]

The twelfth on the pet list was Sage Katsuyu, and the thirteenth was still Great Toad Sage.

However, the fourteenth was no longer Nine-Tails.

[14th Place on the Pet List: Gamanemu, Owner: Jiraiya]

[Nine-Tails: This can't be right! Gamanemu surpassed me, I'm the Nine-Tails!]

[Eight-Tails: Nine-Tails, it might have something to do with having only half your power. If your other half returns, you might regain the 14th spot.]

[One-Tail: Hey, it's a pity; our Tailed Beast's reputations is disappearing!]

[Nine-Tails: Yeah, it's a real shame. You folks are being taken away one by one by the Akatsuki Organization too easily.]

At that moment, Gamanemu was asleep and unaware of its ranking.

Great Toad Sage didn't disturb it and planned to wake it once the rewards were distributed.

[15th Place on the Pet List: Nine-Tails, Owner: Naruto]

The rankings for other Tailed Beasts remained the same since their strengths hadn't improved, retaining their respective positions.

The second refresh of the pet list was completed quickly.

Next came the reward portion of the pet list. The rewards for the second refresh were not extravagant, but rewards nonetheless.

[1st Place Reward on the Pet List: A piece of Vibranium (True Metal)!]

"Vibranium again?"

Yasao was a bit surprised since the reward was identical to the previous one. However, this Vibranium belonged to Beerus.

"It's Vibranium, but I'll give it to our master."

Beerus mentioned.

He wasn't skilled at crafting weapons and didn't have a use for Vibranium, so he handed it over to Yasao.

Yasao was the first to learn about Beerus' gift, and he accepted it graciously.

"Master, can I have a small piece of Vibranium to craft a weapon for myself?"

Garaga approached and asked with a touch of cheekiness.

"I can set aside a small amount of Vibranium to mix with other precious metals and craft a weapon for you, but most of it will go to Beerus, who passed it on to me," Yasao replied.

"Thank you, Master!!!"

Garaga immediately kneeled and expressed gratitude, overjoyed at having a weapon crafted by their master.

At that time, Yasao was contemplating what kind of weapon to craft, as Beerus didn't seem to require any weapons for battle.

(Decisions, decisions.)

"I'll make a battle suit from the Vibranium; it'll be a valuable addition for Beerus," Yasao mused.

However, he didn't plan to start crafting it immediately; he would do it after the new list announcement.

As for Garaga, he could get a dragon armor crafted for him.

Time passed, and the rewards were distributed. While not overly valuable, each summoning beast was satisfied.

However, this time, there were no items like question and answer cards or future cards since the second refresh didn't offer such exceptional rewards.

The rewards were swiftly given out.

[Kakashi: The pet list rewards are finally distributed. We should be ready for the announcement of the new list!]

[Might Guy: Looking forward to the new list; maybe I can make it back on there!]

[Tsunade: I'm also excited!]

[Fourth Raikage: I hope more of our Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas make the list.]

[Senju Hashirama: This time, I, Senju Hashirama, the Ninja World's God, will definitely make the list!]

[Terumi Mei: I hope I can make it this time!]

With countless ninjas' anticipation, the new list's name was finally revealed.

In the live broadcast room, a line of text appeared, introducing the new list.

[This list is the Eye Technique List, ranking based on the power of specific Eye techniques. In ten minutes, the Eye Technique List will be officially revealed.]

Eye Technique List?

Uchiha and Hyuga clan members were ecstatic since this list was tailor-made for them. These two clans were renowned for their Eye techniques.

It was common knowledge that Uchiha and Hyuga were the dominant Dojutsu in the ninja world. Although other peculiar Dojutsu existed, they couldn't compare to these two.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama was taken aback.

[Senju Hashirama: My goodness, Golden List has a grudge against me; why did they release the Eye Technique List?]

[Uchiha Madara: Hahaha, Hashirama, you'll never make the list!]

[Senju Hashirama: Do the Sage Eyes count?]

[Uchiha Madara: They don't; it's all about Eye techniques. Your Sage Eyes won't help.]

[Senju Hashirama: Damn, this list is clearly aimed at me!]

[Uchiha Madara: I can definitely make the list this time.]


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