
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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275 Chs

Chapter 63.1 : Pet List Refreshed!

"Kumoko, what are you doing to me?" 

Garaga asked, feeling a little scared.

Kumoko's eyes seemed off, and an ominous presence emanated from her.

"I'm here to spar with you!" Kumoko grinned.

"Huh?" Garaga was taken aback. Sparring? Was he going to be a test subject again?

"It's just a friendly competition, where you become the opponent and battle with me," Kumoko explained.

"Can I give it my all?" Garaga inquired.

"Absolutely!" Kumoko nodded.

Garaga's confidence surged. After acquiring several resources, he felt a significant increase in his power. Although he might not be able to defeat Kumoko, he wouldn't be an easy target either.

Yasao had specially prepared a training arena for battles, once used by Beerus, Sun Wukong, and others when they were growing up. Now it stood empty, waiting for a new purpose.

So, Kumoko and Garaga arrived there.

"Kumoko, you'd better be careful!" 

Garaga transformed into a massive Flood Dragon, causing the atmosphere to distort with his overwhelming presence.

"Dragon Claw!" 

Garaga unleashed his Flood Dragon's innate ability, striking with a single claw that left spatial traces in its wake.

Even though Garaga's attack didn't break through the space, it left a powerful impression on it.

In response, Kumoko shot a web from her right hand.

"Spider silk?" Garaga initially dismissed it, thinking it couldn't ensnare him.

But within moments, Kumoko silk expanded rapidly, transforming into a dense web that blotted out the sky.


Kumoko silk ensnared Garaga almost instantly, and even Garaga's dragon claws couldn't break free; they only injured themselves.

"F***, what kind of Spider silk is this? Why is it so potent?" Garaga exclaimed.

He had seen Kumoko using spider silk before, and he had seen it broken effortlessly. But now, he was trapped and struggling.

Garaga tried to escape but found it impossible. The more he struggled, the more it felt like spider silk was cutting into his dragon scales.

"Sister Kumoko, I surrender!" Garaga shouted. He didn't want to get hurt any more.

"Well done! It seems my True Metal Spider Silk is quite effective," Kumoko said proudly.

"True Metal Spider Silk?" Garaga immediately realized.

"Kumoko, is this True Metal Spider Silk a weapon created by master?" Garaga asked.

"Yes, it's a weapon created by master," Kumoko confirmed.

"That's great! It's incredibly powerful!" Garaga admired.

He secretly wished that his master would make him a true metal weapon someday.

As time passed, Akatsuki's pursuit of the tailed beasts continued. Except for the Eight Tails Jinchuriki and Nine Tails Jinchuriki, all the other tailed beasts had been captured, and their Jinchuriki had perished.

The tension between the Akatsuki organization and the major ninja villages escalated, although it had not yet reached the point of war. 

The Five Great Ninja Villages weren't unified, so they mostly kept a watchful eye on the Akatsuki Organization, with no real intention of joining forces.

As the pet list refreshment period approached, excitement filled the air. People eagerly anticipated the new rankings.

On the day of the refresh, many ninjas discovered that the live broadcast room had reopened for everyone to chat. This indicated that the new list was about to be revealed.

[Senju Hashirama: Hello, everyone! It's been a while.]

[Third Hokage: Hashirama-sensei, we hope you make it to the new list this time.]

[Tsunade: Grandpa, if you make the list, remember to reward me; it's not like you'll need the rewards anyway.]

[Uchiha Madara: Heh, he's confident he'll make it.]

[Fourth Raikage: This time, the pet list will likely remain the same, but the rankings may change.]

[Terumi Mei: I think the rankings will definitely change. Many pets obtained items to boost their strength last time, and some of those items were given to their owners. Their power must have increased.]

[Third Tsuchikage: I wonder who'll be the top pet this time.]

[Kakashi: It's probably Beerus, with his enhanced power and his new Taijutsu technique using the gods' blood essence. He should be number one.]

[Tsunade: I also think Beerus will remain number one.]

At this moment, Yasao and Kumoko were watching the live broadcast screen, eagerly awaiting the rankings.

"Master, what rank do you think I'll get this time? I'm sure it won't be ninth anymore, right?" Kumoko nervously asked.

Yasao patted Kumoko's head and reassured him, "Don't worry, you won't be ninth. Your strength should be much higher than Rong Rong and the others. You're likely in the top five, but I can't say for sure."

Kumoko beamed with joy, and Garaga sighed in the background. He was convinced that he'd remain in tenth place, firmly securing his position.

Soon, the new pet list was unveiled.

[Pet List Rank 1: Beerus, Owner: Yasao]

[Kakashi: Beerus is still number one. He's unbeatable.]

[Fourth Raikage: That guy is a force to be reckoned with.]

[Nine Tails: I envy Beerus. I hope I can maintain my rank and keep the dignity of tailed beasts.]

[One Tail: Nine Tails, watch out, that big toad from Iwasu might surpass you!]

[Nine Tails: No way, that toad only has the Lava-Lava Fruit. How could it surpass me?]

[Eight Tails: You never know.]

After the first-place reveal, the second place was announced.

[Pet List Rank 2: Sun Wukong, Owner: Yasao]

"The second place is Sun Wukong?" Everyone was surprised.

Rongrong, Yaya, Honghong, and others had expected Teacher Octopus or Red Lotus Godzilla to be in second place, not Sun Wukong.

"I'm second? That's quite a surprise!" Sun Wukong laughed.

He wasn't overly concerned about rankings, but it was still nice to see that his ranking had improved.

Mr. Octopus paid no attention to the rankings; he was busy with other matters. Red Lotus Godzilla, on the other hand, felt a bit down.

"That Sun Wukong has overtaken me, even though I have the invincible Red Lotus. This is disappointing," he mumbled.

Red Lotus Godzilla understood that he had some significant weaknesses, making him a less formidable opponent in direct combat with Sun Wukong.

Furthermore, Sun Wukong had obtained the Ruyi Jingu Bang giving him ranged attack capabilities, making him even more formidable.

As a result, he found himself in a lower rank than Sun Wukong.

[Third Hokage: It appears Sun Wukong's strength has surged after obtaining the Ruyi Jingu Bang. The weapon must be a perfect fit for him, allowing him to unleash his full potential.]

[Kakashi: The rankings have changed significantly after this second refresh.]

[Tsunade: And the third place has been revealed.]

The third place on the pet list this time was Red Lotus Godzilla, who had taken Mr. Octopus's place, a usual top contender. 

However, it was to be expected, given the Octopus's recent focus on other activities and his slower strength improvement.

[Pet List Rank 3: Red Lotus Godzilla]

The audience was interested in the rankings, discussing their thoughts and predictions. 

As the excitement in the live broadcast room continued, everyone eagerly awaited the unveiling of the rest of the rankings.

[Pet List Rank 4: Kumoko, Owner: Yasao]

Upon seeing his ranking, Kumoko jumped for joy and immediately called Yasao.

"Master, I'm fourth, I'm better than that octopus!" Kumoko said excitedly.

"Very Good.!"

Yasao nodded slightly.


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