
Naruto: Getting Rich in Sunagakure

In a thrilling and action-packed journey, follow Hitoshi as he crosses over into Sunagakure, a place where survival depends on eating dirt and generating electricity through love. With the awakening of the random lottery system, Hitoshi seizes the opportunity to lead Sunagakure and embark on a path to riches and glory. As he navigates the treacherous Ninja World, facing formidable challenges and engaging in epic battles, Hitoshi's determination and resilience shine through. Brace yourself for a gripping adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected alliances, where survival, power, and the pursuit of greatness take center stage. Prepare to be captivated by this exhilarating tale of ambition, danger, and the relentless pursuit of success in a world like no other. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

Raitei · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 177

A tense meeting took place in the Hokage Residence meeting room in Konoha. The room was filled with participants, including Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the three Elders, and recently promoted Jōnin. The atmosphere was heavy, and it was evident from everyone's expressions that the topic of discussion was of utmost seriousness, rendering them hesitant to speak.

"Ahem, all of you are the pillars of Konoha. The topic at hand is quite simple: what should be done with Madara's remains," Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Hokage, had no choice but to take the lead in addressing the room.

"Hmph! 'Deal with it'? Our esteemed Lord Hokage, hasn't the decision already been announced? Why do we need to discuss it further?" Shimura Danzo snorted coldly, exuding disdain in his words.

His dissatisfaction was palpable in his tone.

"Yes, I did announce it in my capacity as Hokage. Personally, having experienced the end of that era, I can only say..." Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, taking a deep breath and looking down, before continuing, "My decision is justified. Uchiha Madara made significant contributions to Konoha and the Shinōbi World."

"Capturing the Bijū, instigating wars, establishing Konoha, subduing the Uchiha, and collaborating with the Senju to create a new order in the Shinōbi World—all of these endeavors involved Madara. These are indelible facts. I chose to honor Uchiha Madara's memory and bury him in the Uchiha ancestral land, thus adding his own stroke to the history of Konoha."

"Everyone, it's your turn to choose. For the younger generation who may be unaware of Uchiha Madara's history, you can seek guidance from the elders present here."

Having said the first sentence, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemingly relaxed and spoke his mind without further consideration. Shimura Danzo had no grounds to refute the words. Sarutobi Hiruzen was neither right nor wrong; he had made a justifiable decision.

The biggest mistake in Uchiha Madara's life was his subsequent battle with Senju Hashirama. Everything else had already become history. After Sarutobi Hiruzen's statement, chaos ensued in the conference room, with everyone engaging in fervent discussions. With the input from the older generation, the true image of Uchiha Madara came to light. He was no longer the legendary Asura of the Shinōbi World but rather the War God who played a crucial role in the foundation of Konoha.

Amidst the escalating commotion, an elderly Uchiha elder, trembling with age, stood up. It was evident that he struggled to maintain his balance as he moved. Many individuals who were not yet born during that era were present at this meeting, representing various Shinōbi clans.

"I am Uchiha Iwa, a person from the decaying era of the Sengoku period. I was one of the leaders who betrayed Madara-sama. Today, I kneel before all of you. Please grant Madara-sama the honor he deserves," Uchiha Iwa spoke with simplicity, without a hint of hesitation. He knelt before those who could have been his grandsons and great-grandsons, keeping his head bowed even after assuming the kneeling position.

"I don't seek forgiveness from all of you. I only hope that you can treat Madara-sama with fairness and offer him the respect he deserves," Uchiha Iwa continued after his solemn act of kneeling.




Several different voices echoed as Uchiha clan members, including the Uchiha Clan Leader, knelt down in unison behind the elderly man. The sight of Uchiha clan members kneeling throughout the meeting room was shocking. The once arrogant Uchiha clan members had bowed down, leaving those present dumbfounded.

While they may dislike the Uchiha or even resent their arrogance, there was one undeniable fact—they were not the first to retreat on the battlefield. They charged forward just like everyone else. Today, witnessing the proud Uchiha clan members kneel was an unexpected turn of events.

Silence fell upon the entire conference room, and one could hear a pin drop. The attendees were visibly astounded.

"Ahem, rise, please allow me to say a few words," another elderly individual tremulously spoke up. Their frailty seemed to suggest they could be blown away by a gust of wind.

"No, I cannot. This is my confession and atonement, my duty and obligation as an Uchiha," Uchiha Iwa firmly replied, casting a deep glance at the old man who had just spoken.

"My name is Senju, and I belong to the same era as Uchiha Iwa. As a member of the Senju clan, I hold a deep grudge against Uchiha Madara, for he caused the deaths of many of my clan members. However, as a shinobi, I admire him. His strength and character are on par with Hashirama. If Uchiha Madara were born into the Senju clan, I would kneel before him all day long. That is the truth," Senju concluded before returning to his seat.

Upon hearing Senju's words, the discussion in the room reignited. Each person had their own perspective and was unwilling to listen to another's opinion. Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled Nara Clan Leader to step forward and speak.

Nara Clan Leader, receiving the Hokage's signal, inwardly sighed and stood up slowly.

"Uchiha Clan Leader, Elder Iwa, I have a few questions for you to answer. Based on your responses, everyone can make their own judgments," Nara Clan Leader spoke with a bitter smile in his heart.

"Very well, Nara Clan Leader. Please proceed," Uchiha Clan Leader replied.

"What was Uchiha Madara's original intention in establishing Konoha?" Nara Clan Leader inquired.

"I was weary of the fighting and bloodshed in the Shinōbi World. As a child of the Uchiha clan, I experienced the battlefield during the Sengoku period. Uchiha Madara longed for peace," Uchiha Clan Leader responded.

"Did Uchiha Madara genuinely wish for the establishment of Konoha?" Nara Clan Leader continued.

"Yes, Madara-sama genuinely desired the existence of a safe haven," Uchiha Clan Leader affirmed.

"Does Uchiha Madara love Konoha?" Nara Clan Leader asked.

"Love? That is a sentiment embodied by Madara-sama," Uchiha Clan Leader answered.

Regarding Uchiha Madara's feelings for Konoha, Uchiha clan members who had interacted with Madara could unequivocally say that he held great affection for the village. Consider this: if Uchiha Madara truly intended to destroy Konoha, during the battle with Senju Hashirama, he could have brought the fight to the village. Even the aftermath of such a battle would have been catastrophic for Konoha. The collateral damage resulting from a confrontation between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama could easily obliterate ordinary Kage-level shinobi in seconds.

To put it bluntly, if Shōdai Hokage's position had been given to Uchiha Madara, there might not have been any subsequent stories. This was a man who loved Senju Hashirama so much that he could overlook the hatred for his younger brother.

Thus, the Uchiha Clan Leader provided impeccable answers to each of Nara Clan Leader's questions. Yes, Madara-sama loved Konoha—his affection for the village was intertwined with life and death.

"Very well, that settles it. You may make your own choices," Nara Clan Leader concluded before giving Sarutobi Hiruzen a nod and retaking his seat. Sarutobi Hiruzen expressed his satisfaction, nodding in approval. This Nara Clan Leader truly deserves to be my top military advisor—a dependable and obedient individual.

In the midst of it all, Shimura Danzo wore a displeased expression on his face. However, no one paid him any mind. Shimura Danzo knew precisely what Sarutobi Hiruzen aimed to achieve—it was all about saving face. Once this matter was settled, he would have an explanation for both Uchiha Madara and the Uchiha Clan. Providing an explanation to the Uchiha Clan would solidify the bonds established through marriage. From now on, they would become the prime asset of the Hokage lineage. Who wouldn't want such capable assets? As for the arrogance issue, there were always ways to address it. When the time came, changes could be made to the police department's duties, providing a perfect solution. Shimura Danzo calculated the operation in his mind, acknowledging the series of strength surges under Hokage's control. There would be no attacks.