
Naruto: Getting Rich in Sunagakure

In a thrilling and action-packed journey, follow Hitoshi as he crosses over into Sunagakure, a place where survival depends on eating dirt and generating electricity through love. With the awakening of the random lottery system, Hitoshi seizes the opportunity to lead Sunagakure and embark on a path to riches and glory. As he navigates the treacherous Ninja World, facing formidable challenges and engaging in epic battles, Hitoshi's determination and resilience shine through. Brace yourself for a gripping adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected alliances, where survival, power, and the pursuit of greatness take center stage. Prepare to be captivated by this exhilarating tale of ambition, danger, and the relentless pursuit of success in a world like no other. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

Raitei · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 176

"The Void Engine has been activated, locking the space," Hitoshi declared, his eyes witnessing the dark energy enveloping the world. This time, Hitoshi had every intention of killing Madara. The Five Great Hidden Villages would go their separate ways, and there would be no need for unity when the time came. Hitoshi understood the multitude of problems that would arise during the system reform. The people of the Five Great Hidden Villages would have neither the inclination nor the time for distractions.

Despite feeling Hitoshi's overwhelming killing intent, Madara remained unfazed. "Tobi, go, along with Black Zetsu, White Zetsu, and the others. Once I'm gone, the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path will return there," Madara instructed calmly, directing Tobi to remove himself.

Without waiting for Tobi's reaction, Madara swiftly disentangled himself. "Madara-sama, what are you...?" Tobi queried, uncertain of the situation.

"Hitoshi, let Tobi go. I want to fight you without any restraints," Madara ignored Tobi's words and shouted at Hitoshi.

"Fine," Hitoshi agreed.


Complete Body Susanoo enveloped the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, as the colossal purple angel wielded an enormous Chakra Sword. The desert became the battleground for their terrifying clash.

Their Turtle Fists clashed relentlessly, devoid of complex ninjutsu techniques. It was a simple exchange of punches and sporadic energy blasts. As both combatants were Chakra energy beings, their fighting prowess lay solely in their Chakra. There was no need for anything else.

In the original work, Sasuke claimed that Susanoo was an absolute defense, and he was partly correct. Susanoo was a manifestation of Chakra, capable of defending against most attacks if the Chakra quality was high enough.

"Enhance the heat, Kenryū no Tekken!" Hitoshi infused his right fist with intense heat, utilizing dragon-slaying magic. A single punch struck Madara's chest, the scorching heat breaking through Susanoo's protection and striking the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and Madara.

From a distance, onlookers would witness a terrifying surge of heat piercing through Susanoo and reaching the sky. As Susanoo dissipated, Madara lost his strength to maintain it, causing the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to vanish as well. Collapsing onto the desert floor, Madara succumbed to exhaustion, while Hitoshi dissipated his Chakra energy and stood beside him.

"The Void Engine has been activated, blocking Uchiha Madara's Chakra," Hitoshi announced, employing the Void Engine to prevent Madara from resorting to Izanagi and escaping.

"Any last words?" Hitoshi inquired once he was certain that Madara had no means of escape.

"What more can I say? In this life, I have experienced both glory and decline. Now, to die by the hands of such a noble and powerful individual... What more can I ask for?" Madara responded with a sense of acceptance.

"Well, you are right. With glory and decline, there should be no lingering grievances," Hitoshi acknowledged Madara's words.

"Is there anything I should take care of?" Hitoshi asked out of humanitarian duty, feeling an overwhelming weariness.

"There's nothing to take care of. Oh, wait, where is the Rinnegan?" Madara inquired.

"In Konoha. I sold it to them," Hitoshi replied.

"It's for the best that it's impossible for it to fall into the hands of the Uchiha Clan," Madara laughed heartily.

"I would love to see how the young Uchiha Clan leader manages Konoha. Show him the glory of Konoha in the hands of our Uchiha Clan. Farewell," Madara concluded with a smile, closing his eyes to rest.

Observing Madara peacefully asleep, Hitoshi couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. "You are a true hero, bringing an end to the Sengoku Period and creating a new era in the Shinōbi World. Forge ahead in darkness, seeking peace alone. Your descendants will remember you," Hitoshi whispered, lifting his gaze to the sky as he sighed.

Before Hitoshi could contemplate further, figures started to appear one after another. Bunpuku, Shamon, and Ebizo led Sunagakure's elite shinobi to the scene.

"Kazekage-sama, are you alright?" Pakura rushed to Hitoshi's side, checking on his well-being.

"I'm fine. Thank you all for your help," Hitoshi reassured them with a smile.

"Kazekage-sama, we failed to protect you," Ebizo bowed his head, his guilt evident.

"It's alright. I've grown accustomed to it," Hitoshi responded nonchalantly. The presence of Kage Guards was unnecessary for him. Shadows themselves were representatives of battle strength, and the Kage Guards were merely insignificant in his eyes.

Meanwhile, news of turmoil spread throughout the Shinōbi World, straining the relationship between the Five Great Hidden Villages and the Five Great Countries. One piece of news set the entire Shinōbi World ablaze—Uchiha Madara's surprise attack on Sunagakure and the intense battle between him and the Third Kazekage. Madara was old and feeble, while the Third Kazekage suffered severe injuries. They were taken back to Sunagakure by the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and Jinchuriki Bunpuku.

Subsequently, Sunagakure heightened its state of alert. Meanwhile, Uchiha Madara's lifeless body was returned to Konoha. The dying wish of the Third Kazekage was for Konoha to bury Madara's remains in the Uchiha ancestral land, allowing the fallen leaves to return to their roots and bestow a sorrowful honor upon the deceased. Konoha promptly announced to the Shinōbi World that, as a Great Hidden Village, they would take responsibility for their own people and accord Uchiha Madara the grief he deserved. They would arrange a grand funeral to acknowledge his contributions as the founder of Konoha and the end of the Sengoku Period, recognizing the gravity of his sins and his remarkable achievements.