
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 108

"Really tired."

"Even this is tiring?"

"Please, I was the one having all the conversations and having to think about what they were thinking and how they saw things. How could I not be tired?"

Walking down the street, Kaito helplessly spread his hands at Shisui. The two of them had just come out of the last family they visited.

Most matters within the clan had been settled, so they naturally had to move on to the next step of their plan.

Lowering their posture and showing their attitude had always been their strategy, so they had been visiting the various clans in Konoha these days.

Whether it was the Nara who they'd had detailed discussions with, or the Yamanaka, Akimichi, and even the clans like Aburame.

Even the Hyuga clan, which did not get along well with Uchiha, and the Kurama clan which was basically extinct, Kaito made sure to visit each one.

His actions gave a surprising sense of favor to the smaller clans, because they really didn't expect this arrogant Uchiha to change.

For instance, when the Kurama clan saw Kaito and Shisui arrive for a visit, they were too surprised to speak.

The Kurama clan was once a strong force in the ninja world, contributing countless Jonin and Chunin to Konoha, and for a time rivaled the Uchiha in the field of illusion.

But as time went by, with the factors of war decimating their population, and even now their bloodline limit was difficult to awaken.

Their situation had become increasingly difficult, to the point where even Konoha rarely mentioned or considered them.

Yet in such circumstances, Uchiha remembered them and even visited them, which brought them great favor and moved them deeply.

If it weren't for their lack of people, Kaito thought if he mentioned hoping they could consider joining the Police Force, they would definitely try their best to help.

But unfortunately, there are no ifs, and Kaito didn't even mention the Police Force to them.

As for the other clans, apart from the Hyuga, Kaito did bring it up, but like Nara Shikaku, they maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

Some clans even refused outright, which made things a little difficult for Kaito.

Regardless, the majority of Konoha's clans have accepted the Uchiha's inclusion into their circle, which is good news, isn't it?

"I see, you have more to consider than I do, but who made you the clan head?"

Shisui didn't know what Kaito was thinking, and he couldn't help but laugh, while Kaito gave him a standard Hyuga salute.

But Kaito didn't want to quibble with him about these things, and while walking, he asked.

"By the way, what do you think about the little girl, Kurama Yakumo?"

The Kurama clan really can't make it, but Kaito knew that in the future, a powerful figure would emerge from the Kurama clan.

This person is Kurama Yakumo, the daughter of the still alive

Murakumo Kurama. This girl had awakened the Kurama clan's special bloodline limit that allows control over the five senses.

But Kaito didn't forget that this girl seemed to have awakened a monster in her spiritual world because of her bloodline limit, which ended up killing both her parents.

"Perhaps that could be considered a type of bloodline disease," Kaito pondered, his understanding of the illness was not merely physiological, but also psychological. Who says mental disorders aren't diseases?

In his previous life, Kaito had read a plethora of novels about cultivating immortals, where the building of one's state of mind was crazily emphasized.

Who knows if the monster that emerged within Kurama Murakumo's heart could be a sort of inner demon?

"That little girl?"

Shisui quickly recalled the person they'd met recently, stroking his chin in thought.

"I'm not sure. Although the girl is young, her chakra is quite good. But that doesn't seem to say much, does it?"

Indeed, Kurama Murakumo was still very young. Though her chakra seemed promising, making other determinations was difficult.

"You're right. Personally, I think the girl has potential. But we'll see in time," Kaito decided not to dwell on the issue. He had noted Kurama Murakumo, but it wasn't the right time yet.

"By the way, how is the lab planning coming along?"

Although he was always keeping tabs on the lab, he hadn't inquired about the details of its construction, given his own multitude of tasks.

"We've recruited ten clan members who are currently receiving medical ninja training.

However, we haven't exactly told them what they'll be doing. We just said that it's for a secret project for the clan.

Also, while training them, we're keeping a close watch for any unusual activity, especially in light of that guy's case. We must be cautious," Shisui explained, his face becoming serious and his voice dropping.

"As for equipment, there's no need to worry. Although Uchiha Fugaku is no longer the clan head, he established many connections during his time in the role.

He's managed to transport a batch of equipment from outside the village through some special channels. Our people have now taken charge of them."

Hearing this, a satisfied expression appeared on Kaito's face.

Ever since the idea of the lab was conceived, they had been planning its construction. They had ultimately chosen a location within the forest behind the clan's residence.

As for the equipment Fugaku had procured, some of it was for detecting bodily changes, while the rest was for preserving, and even attempting to replicate, that arm.

The piece of the arm was quite small, clearly not enough for two people to use - Kaito wasn't even sure if it would be enough for one person.

Therefore, finding a way to cultivate more of it was crucial. However, Kaito was unsure if they could achieve this without the body of the Ten-Tails.

But regardless of whether it was possible, he felt that it was a necessity to at least attempt it.

To enhance the power of the clan, his trusted Mangekyou had to gain a significant power upgrade as well.

Kaito hadn't drawn the ability of the Star Mother, and even if he had, he might not have chosen it.

The ability of Star Mother, as far as the skill description goes, is just about healing. Even the old version of Star Mother merely added mana recovery.

No matter how one looks at it, it doesn't seem to relate to rejuvenating youthfulness, and the things that Kaito acquired from lottery draws cannot be used by others.

So in this matter, it's better to rely on oneself rather than the system. After all, in this world of Naruto, there are ways to repair the eyes.

To Kaito's knowledge, there are two methods. If these are not tried out, it would be truly inexcusable.

The two chatted leisurely, and soon they returned to the Uchiha clan.

But when they arrived at the clan, they surprisingly found a blond-haired boy struggling with whether or not to go in.


This sight caught both Kaito and Shisui off guard. Naturally, they recognized who this little guy was, which led them to exchange glances.

The last time they saw this little guy was when Danzō was sent to hell.

In the time since, they had all been busy with their own matters. Even though they could have interacted with this kid, they forgot due to their busyness.

Of course, they knew very well that Naruto, a weapon of immense deterrence, was of no use to them.

And if they were to truly have Naruto under their control, wouldn't the common ninjas and clan ninjas be worried?

"Big brother Kaito!" Upon hearing his name, Naruto turned his head and subsequently wore a joyful expression.

"Why are you here?" Kaito nodded with a smile and then asked curiously, "This place is quite far from your home, isn't it?"

"It is a bit far, but it's fine." Naruto revealed a smile. "But I have some business with Sasuke, so..."

"I see, I understand." Kaito responded with a smile, ruffling Naruto's hair.

Actually, he found it a bit strange as to why Naruto had such a positive attitude towards him, but these were not big issues.

Besides, this was a good thing, so how could anyone object to it?

After a moment of contemplation, Kaito turned to Shisui and said, "You take this kid to see Sasuke. Sasuke and Fugaku should be at home, and I remember that Mrs. Mikoto might have some connection with this little guy."

"No problem, I'll take him now." Shisui nodded, then turned to Naruto. "Little guy, come with me."

"Thank you, Big Brother Kaito, and you too, Big Brother Shisui." Naruto thanked them with a smile, looking somewhat innocent.

But his hearty smile could make anyone feel his brightness. It even reminded Kaito of Minato Namikaze.

Unfortunately, Minato was dead. If he hadn't died, perhaps the Uchiha could have had a better path.

But the real world is filled with ifs. If he could, Kaito wished he could have traveled back even earlier.

That way, maybe Itachi Uchiha could have been one of his forces. After all, that was a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

As he was thinking this, Kaito suddenly felt a strange chakra nearby, which made him turn his head.

He knew that this might be the Anbu that Hiruzen Sarutobi had mentioned, who would closely monitor Naruto's contact with the Uchiha.

What Kaito found interesting was that Naruto had already entered with Shisui, but the Anbu remained outside.

This restraint wasn't like the Anbu he remembered.

"Come out, since you're here, why hide?" Kaito suddenly said, "Don't you want to follow and see the kid's situation?"

After he spoke, Kaito quietly stood in place, his gaze locked onto a nearby large tree. He felt that the presence he sensed was coming from there.

Sure enough, not long after, an Anbu with a mask and silver hair emerged from the shadows.

Through his mask, Kaito keenly noticed one eye shimmering with a touch of crimson.

Clearly, this Anbu must undoubtedly be Kakashi Hatake!


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