
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 107

The establishment of the laboratory was a straightforward decision, without any difficulty.

Because Kaito's words were compelling, especially since they had faced the mysterious Uchiha, they naturally understood his condition.

The man's tactical skills were mediocre at best, if not for his constant use of Doujutsu to protect himself and his forbidden Izanagi technique.

They would have had him completely under control or wiped out.

Without the protection of space jutsu, it would be hard for such a man to survive.

Moreover, he admitted that he was the culprit from eight years ago, and given his control of the Nine-Tails, a technique that massively drains chakra.

Eight years later, he still has such use of his eyes, which inevitably raises doubts.

Kaito's words persuaded them, and they indeed desired a solution to the eye problem.

Using the Mangekyō too much is certainly detrimental to one's eyes, which is likely why Uchiha Fugaku rarely dares to use it.

As for Shisui, his usage is not particularly light, especially when he directly used two types of Kotoamatsukami against Obito, he probably felt it deeply.

Thus, they didn't want to miss such an opportunity, especially as they needed to consider the future generations.

"If we can solve this problem, then in the future our clan members who activate the Mangekyō won't have to repeat the tragic path of previous users.

If it's siblings who unlock such eyes together, it can also prevent a tragedy among them!"

Driven by this thought, Kaito's laboratory proposal was hard not to succeed. Uchiha Fugaku even returned Itachi's eye to him.

"Clan leader, please keep this eye. I no longer need it.

Compared to this eye, I would rather use myself as a test subject, and leave this eye for Sasuke.

I don't know if he will be able to activate the Mangekyō in the future, but if he can, his brother's eye might provide great assistance.

If he can't, these eyes will still give him greater combat power."

Kaito did not refuse Uchiha Fugaku's proposal, as he had indeed given his all for his 'only son'.

Perhaps he has now truly transferred the love he once had for Itachi, fully onto Sasuke?

Kaito remembered, Sasuke as a child always longed for his father's approval, but Fugaku was a notoriously stoic man.

Perhaps it was the environment of Konoha that pressured him, causing him to always be in a bad mood, which made Sasuke's childhood quite miserable.

However, it seems that things have improved now, although Kaito didn't know if this was good or bad, after all, Sasuke's path would surely differ from the original.

After much thought, Kaito felt it should not be a problem, after all, Sasuke's ultimate strength actually came from the Rinnegan given by the Sage of Six Paths.

Even if it was a semi-finished product recovered from the battlefield, overall, this Rinnegan was the cornerstone of Sasuke's true strength.

"Besides, the Uchiha clan hasn't been exterminated. With such rich family resources at his disposal, if he can't surpass his original self in the narrative, he might as well stop trying!" Kaito silently thought to himself, then lowered his head to continue drafting his thoughts on the current reform and perspectives of the guard department.

Constructing new operational guidelines in his mind had a certain structure, but to put it on paper as a complete proposal was no simple task.

In addition, there was the internal division of the department, the administrative authority of each office and so on; in short, there were a great many troubles to address.

Not just these matters, but even for many details in the clan reform, both Uchiha Sō and Uchiha Takechi sought him out.

In the span of almost two months, Kaito and his team had spent nearly all their time on these issues, and while exhausted, they found the experience rather fulfilling.

However, Kaito was more of a hands-off leader. After all, as clan head, many things didn't require his personal attention.

He preferred to guide the general direction, while checking some details. He was more than happy to delegate other matters.

He hadn't forgotten how, in history, that almost demonically wise chancellor had worked himself to death.

Moreover, Kaito, having endured '996' in his previous life, was unwilling to experience '996' again in this world.

As for whether his subordinates were '996' or '007', that wasn't his concern-- perhaps he even encouraged his subordinates to do so.

Yet, Kaito was not the type to flirt with danger by just a few centimeters. Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed the laboratory project.

"In reality, there doesn't need to be much experimentation in the laboratory. After all, Obito's eyes overcame the drawbacks of Mangekyō due to his white body."

However, he couldn't say this with complete certainty, as he didn't have enough evidence to exclude the plotline.

Besides, letting them gradually discover this truth would induce a deeper admiration and obedience towards Kaito, which was something he desired.

"But it seems I don't need any of that. They already have enough obedience and respect for me."

The construction of the laboratory was still ongoing step by step. The current headache was the lack of medical ninjas.

However, the slight good news was that, under Kaito's mobilization, people had volunteered to become medical ninjas, among whom Kaito spotted a familiar face.

"Uchiha Izumi? Isn't she the childhood sweetheart of the traitor?"

Kaito remembered being taken aback upon seeing the name, then it seemed some details came back to him.

Like how this girl had activated the Three-Tomoe Sharingan during the night of the clan extermination, hadn't she?

Regrettably, upon examination, the girl did indeed activate the Sharingan, but it was far from the Three-Tomoe level.

The reason she activated the Sharingan was because of Uchiha Itachi's betrayal of the whole clan, even though she initially believed he must have his reasons.

However, when she saw Uchiha Itachi preparing to fight Uchiha Fugaku and joining forces with the mysterious person who attacked Konoha.

Her illusions were shattered, and she finally activated the Sharingan.

This young woman was now full of hatred for Uchiha Itachi, much like Uchiha Sasuke, unable to comprehend why he would do such a thing.

Moreover, he conspired with the person who had helped kill the Fourth Hokage eight years ago, intending to attack the clan that bore and raised him.

Under the provocation of such hatred, she inexplicably developed a sense of atonement that Kaito couldn't understand.

Because in her eyes, it was wrong to have ever loved Uchiha Itachi, and she wished to make amends in her own way.

"One can only say, this is so Uchiha!"

The thought of it made Kaito chuckle to himself.

He found that, aside from attributing such a slightly adolescent idea to the 'Uchiha', he really couldn't find any other explanation.

"However, this can also be seen as a good thing.

Now, the people who like you, love you, and respect you immeasurably are all your enemies.

I am curious to see how long your so-called convictions can last!"


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