
Naruto: Eye System

Mc got transmigrated into the Naruto world with the eye system, follow him on his adventure of becoming the strongest.

SarusakkuKM17 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8:Zero tails!

[Name: Sarusakku Tategami.


Strength: special jounin

Speed: special jounin

Chakra: Jounin

Chakra control: Jounin

Weapons Mastery:High chunin

Fuinjutsu:Level 5

Jutsu:Replacement,clone, transformation,rope escape,

fire style-Fire camp(to setup fire while camping) ,Body flicker,Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu,Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken,Mystical Palm jutsu,Chakra strings,Elemental Nature Chakra strings, camouflage jutsu,Earth release- Hiding like a mole jutsu,fire style-body disposing jutsu, Shadow clone jutsu, Rasengan.


Eyes: Erasure, Stockpile, Archer ,Slave,Faint eyes.


Gacha spin:0]

Some sky shinobi could be seen walking through the corridor while discussing something about how they will start their world domination plan,bla bla bla.While they were talking,a bunch of chakra string came from above them and got attached to their necks,before they could react,the chakra nature of the strings became wind,and they cut through their necks cleanly.

Sarusakku jumped down while quickly looting them of their things,then performing fire style-body disposing jutsu.Which quickly and effectively burned their bodies.He had given haku 10 medium sized scrools(The scroll is the same size as that of the one Naruto had on his back while fighting pain)sealed in a huge scrool.(The scrool is a little bigger than the medium one and is used to store many scrools.)While he himself had another huge scrool with 10 medium scrools.

He rushed through the corridors while disposing any sky shinobi he saw.He hid under the ground while using Earth release- Hiding like a mole jutsu,and observed a metal door being guarded by 6 people,with the 6th person standing beside a panel with fuinjutsu seals,which he identified as the lock seals which creates a barrier on a room and do not let anyone enter till they use the fuinjutsu key made specifically for it.'They must have hid something important here,as I know the location of the zero tails is right under the leaders room,which means whatever is inside must be important for them.'Sarusakku thought while pulling out seven shuriken and changing his eyes into archer eyes.

He came out of the ground between them while doing hands signs and quickly threw his shuriken while mentally saying,'Wind release-Rotating shuriken jutsu!'.As the shuriken covered in wind chakra were launched at the sky ninjas,they tried to dodge and ring the alarm,but Sarusakku did not give them a chance as he launched seven arrows that joined with the shuriken and redirected their cource to the sky ninjas necks, effectively cutting their heads off while the 6th ninja had his arms cut with the the other two shuriken! Sarusakku deactivated his archer eyes as he had to preserve most of his energy for the big battle.He quickly took care of the dead shinobi's remains while keeping his captive silent by putting a 'silence' and chakra suppression seal on his mouth and chest.

Then he quickly made sure no other person was coming here,before looking at the man before him.He pulled out a kunai and kept it on the man's neck,while saying"If you want to live,tell me where is the key seal.If not then die as I can ask someone else for it.".Sarusakku increased the pressure on the captive's neck, drawing a drop of blood.The ninja was scared shitless as he tried to speak but no noise came because of the silence seal.

Sarusakku took off the silence seal,and the Ninja quickly told him that the seal was kept by their commander.Someone named kazuto,who should be two floors below.Sarusakku nodded before cutting his neck.He needed to be ruthless to survive all the things that was about to happen in this world.Then he made 9 shadow clones and gave them each a medium size scrool.Telling them to collect all the valuable's,as well as find their gliders,while killing all the sky ninjas.

After his clones left he made his way towards the commander kazuto, while killing all the ninjas and taking their things,he had to say that getting this many guns from these guys is cool and he should probably think of finding someone smart to make many of them for his future plan.He shook his thoughts away and found himself staring at a man,who he identified as the one who underestimated Kakashi,shikamaru,and sai when he spotted them.

Before the future dying man could speak,he found his world spinning as he saw his body without his head with a shuriken stuck on the ground,then he died.Sarusakku quickly looted him and found the seal key.He disposed the body before making his way towards the metal gate.when he applied the key and opened the door,he found himself in a small library.'Is this a joke?',he thought until he checked the scrools and found that they were Medical books,Some books about the designs and research of the fortress,guns and gliders,as well as some jutsu scrools of 5 elements he had not seen in the anime!'This is Shinnou's personal library for keeping his important research and jutsu scrools!'he thought.

He quickly took everything in the library,then went to meet haku at the empty room he had found and told her to meet up before they split up.when he got there,he saw haku talking with his clones before she saw him.The clones dispeld one by one as he got their memory.All of them have looted the entire fortress,while one of his clones found the way towards the zero tails room,while another found the armory and took all the gliders, shuriken guns,bombs, everything.Haku also told him that she had looted everything that she found,while also copying the seals he said to copy,the seals placed on the jails used to absorb people's chakra, negative emotions and thought's.

Sarusakku smiled while patting her head."You did a good job haku,I am proud of you.N-"He was cut of as Haku kissed him,while taking his arms and keeping them on her ass! Sarusakku quickly forgot that he was in an enemy territory and did a quick makeout session with haku.After which she said,"If goshujinsama will promise to always give me rewards like this then I will do anything for goshujinsama~"at the end she purred.'Is it just me or is she trying to make me attack her,as she is grinding her ass against my crotch.'Sarusakku thought but he didn't show any dissatisfaction as there will be many people fighting to be in his place right now.

He turned haku around and smacked her ass as she jumped a little and moaned."You naught maid,I will teach you a lesson after this.For now wait in the house dimension,ok?"he asked,to which she nodded with a blush and a silly smile.He gave haku his Giant scrool filled with all his loot and told her to keep both the giant scrools in the basement.Then he sent her to the mansion.

After haku was gone,he made his way towards the zero tails room.After interrogating some ninjas,he found out that shinnou was gone to do a secret mission.Which he knew was to take Amaru as his apprentice and then betray her in the future for her negative emotions.He discarded those thoughts as he will deal with that man later,as amaru was also an important chess piece for his plan.

He went infront of a large door,which was covered with seals.He looked at them before he took a scrool from his pouch and started making a seal to disable them,as they were made to alert the one who made them,so shinnou will be alerted if someone was trying to go inside the zero tails room.After half an hour,he placed the seal on the door.The door first flickered with red fuinjutsu symbols before they become green and the door opened.

Inside the chamber,he saw the zero tails inside the cocoon looking at him.He felt a chill but shook it of.He looked around before he spotted the seal controlling the zero tails.He walked towards it before he took out another scroll and opened it and let it face the zero tails seal.He shouted,"Seal!" he poured chakra in the seal,as chains made of ink came out of the scrool and got attached to the giant seal,before it covered the entire seal with the chains.Then sarusakku watched as the seal he created absorbed the zero tails seal inside the scrool,after it fully went inside,the scrool had the Kanji for Zero written on it.He needed this seal to study it and make a seal of his own to control the zero tails in the future.

Sarusakku then turned and looked at the zero tails which shook from inside its cocoon as it started to come out of it.Sarusakku tensed as he got ready,he took out the Kubikiribōchō from the seal on his arm,and when zero tails got out of its cocoon,he activated stockpile eyes!Galaxy chakra coated his body as he rushed towards the zero tails.

The zero tails created arms from the silk on the ground and sent them to capture sarusakku.Sarusakku, infusing galaxy chakra on his sword,Slashed at the incoming hands while quickly maneuvering through the sea of hands.Some hands merged together to form a bigger hands that also attacked him!He jumped in the air as one came from the ground!"Shadow clone jutsu!"He shouted as 10 shadow clones appeared and kept the hands away from sarusakku,while sarusakku went towards the zero tails.

The zero tails body vibrated a little before hands came out of its body as well!As sarusakku pushed his blade to block,he was sent flying and hit a wall from the amount of hands punching him!He quickly body flickered and appeared some distance away from the zero tails as it roared and dark chakra appeared around its mouth.'This is new!This did not happen in the movie!',he thought as the zero tails gathered the dark chakra inside his mouth.Sarusakku watched as a purple ,Godzilla like,beam came out of zero tails mouth!He quickly activated stockpile and absorbed all the chakra from the beam!

He then saw the zero tails snarl in anger, probably because I was not dead yet.It opened its mouth again,and a new attack which he did not see in the movie, appeared again!Purple flames were spat at him!He activated stockpile again to absorb the attack again while doing a body flicker and appearing near the zero tails before slashing at its body with the galaxy chakra coated Kubikiribōchō!

The zero tails was cut in half before sarusakku was punched again and sent flying while the zero tails attached itself back.Sarusakku was getting exhausted fast,as the galaxy chakra was slowly running out!He used the mythical palm Jutsu to heal his injuries while his shadow clones distracted the zero tails.As he was 70% healed,the shadow clones were destroyed by the zero tails.

It looked at sarusakku before roaring and slithering towards him as it's mouth glowed with an orange light.'Again with the new attack,what was the movie doing not showing its special attacks!' sarusakku shouted in his mind as his grip on Kubikiribōchō increased.He saw purple bullets with an orange aura around them, raining at him!

"Stockpile!",he shouted as he absorbed the attack and quickly made some shadow clones to distract the zero tails again as he needed to prepare for the final showdown!He body flickered away and quickly made another shadow clone while concentrating on his hand, slowly a rasengan started to form on his hand as the clone helped him keep it stable.He then used all the stockpiled chakra he had as the rasengan took a purple colour with star like particles.He activated the shuriken ability as well,as the shuriken appeared.He placed the rasengan in the middle of the shuriken hole as his own signature jutsu,Galaxy-rasenshuriken,was born!

He looked at the zero tails who was still distracted,and shouted,"Galaxy-Rasenshuriken!".He launched the Galaxy-rasenshuriken at the zero tails,which tore through the air at breakneck speed before it hit the zero tails and detonated!The detonation made a big dome of galaxy coloured chakra,while sarusakku got his clones memory and found out that all the star particles were cutting the zero tails!

After the dome exploded,he looked at the crater and saw the zero tails,lay unconscious on the ground while most of its body was gone,he saw its body slowly regenerating,but he knew it will take probably an hour.He took a chakra pill to get some chakra,then pulled out a pot from a scrool,before placing a seal,his trump card on it.He watched as chains appeared out of the pot and quickly tied around the zero tails Before slowly extracting it's chakra.As the chakra was getting extracted,the zero tails was getting lifted off the ground by the chains before,in front of sarusakku's eyes,the zero tails was pulled in the pot as the chains kept making the zero tails smaller.After sometime the zero tails was fully submerged inside the pot,as the seal closed and sarusakku put a lead with a seal tag on it.

He had created this seal by using the components of other seals.He got the sealing method of the 4 symbol seal,the chain binding seal,the evil sealing method,and some other seals which absorbed it's chakra and gave it to the anyone who places their hand on the pot.This was a temporary method as sarusakku knew that he could not keep the zero tails long,as the seal will weaken soon, probably in a month.Till then he had to find the method to safely seal it and use it's power.

He sighed and then quickly left the fortress.Then he made a sign and saw how the fortress exploded from a distance away.He did not need the fortress anymore as he got the blueprints,which will help him make a flying ship of his own.He was also a little excited to see shinnou's expression.He shook those thoughts away as his system reminded him of his rewards.He looked.....

(Find out next time on Naruto:eye system)