
Naruto: Eye System

Mc got transmigrated into the Naruto world with the eye system, follow him on his adventure of becoming the strongest.

SarusakkuKM17 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Fuinjutsu Training Camp!

Sarusakku could be seen rushing through the trees away from the land of swamps,after completing his mission,while thinking about the plan he came up with.It had been a week since he left konoha.He had made many plans of how to takle this situation.He had to take every step he took with great caution,once his plan started.And if he succeeded then he will have the power of the zero tails without any risks!

He knows that the zero tails will likely try to control him if he even got close to it or lost his emotions while facing him.And that was with the fact that the zero tails was insanely strong.It shook of teen Naruto 4-tails attacks till Naruto calm downed.And it even had Powerful abilities!

Insane regeneration(Got its head and many hands cut off from 4-tails Naruto but reattached its head and regrew it's arms on its own), ability to produce dark chakra that lets it's user use high level jutsu's without handsigns(The villain used the 8 gates easily and said he will not die using the 8th gate,had a dark chakra armour like jutsu similar to lightning cloak of the 3rd raikage,had a jutsu similar to the rasengan,can send chakra blasts with a wave of his hand,etc),can attack by creating multiple hands from its body like the KCM Naruto or he can even make huge amounts of hands using chakra and silk made from its body.(Made a cocoon to let itself stay and power up the weapon while making huge amounts of hands using the silk of the cocoon and it's chakra.).

But if the plan he came up with worked,then he will have a strong force that will help him greatly in the future.And that was with taking into account what the mission he had gotten!

[Mission generated!It's a multistage mission!

Stage 1:Use any means to subdue the zero tails!

Reward:1 of the 3 parts of a weapon specifically for the host with a purpose host will find at the end of the multistage mission!

Spin pass x1, Evolution potion (a potion that will evolve the eyes the host chooses),Six eyes!]

He really wanted to see what that weapon was!And on top of that the first stage mission gave him a spin pass as well as a free dojutsu,As well as a potion that will help him evolve one of his eyes!That meant that he will have more power soon as he keeps completing this multistage mission!He shook himself of those thoughts while stopping to rest.He found a secluded spot and then activated dimension eyes.He appeared infront of his mansion.

Before he took a step,haku appeared infront of him with a body flicker while bowing,"Okaerinasaimase, goshujinsama".He really had to give it to haku,she always does this whenever he came back.He approached her and kissed her lightly while patting her head."How is your training going,haku."he asked,to which she smiled while saying,"It's going great master,I have made some new Ice jutsu and learned some water and wind jutsu's as well".Her expression looked like she wanted his Praise,so he did just that."Good job haku,i knew you could do it"She seemed happy to here his praise.They then went inside as haku went straight to the kitchen to make Mango juice{My favourite 😁}for her master. While sarusakku went to the library, activated stockpile and then made a cross handsigns.

Immediately 69 more Sarusakku appeared in the library,while The. Real sarusakku gave them instructions."40 of you will concentrate on finishing the fuinjutsu volume 3 and start volume 4 immediately.20 of you will learn new jutsu,and the 9 of you finish mastering the second stage of the rasengan while I train my body conditioning-"he stopped saying as haku came inside with mango juice,"after my brake is over"he said to his clones as they groaned.He had finished learning the shadow clone jutsu 4 days ago and is now spaming it to train.He went to the living room with haku while leaving the clones sulking.He sat on the sofa while drinking mango juice with haku.

After some rest,he went to the training room and trained his taijutsu with haku,as well as doing exercises with weights.After some time he went back to the library and sat on the floor in a mediating position,while letting his clones dispel one by one as he didn't want brain damage by dispelling all of them.He found out that the fuinjutsu squad had finished volume 3 and are on volume 4.

He needed to speed up that process as he had an idea for the safe use of zero tails,which requires him to be a level 5 fuinjutsu master.He again activated stockpile and made 100 shadow clones which made him almost faint,if not for haku supporting him.He gave them quick instructions,"You all,finish doing volume 4 and 5 as soon as possible.".He then went to the bedroom to rest.

----------------~Timeskip 1 week~------------------

Sarusakku could be seen with haku, hiding behind the trees with the camouflage jutsu,silently spying on a group of sky ninjas entering the ruined building.They looked at each other and sarusakku quickly gave her his orders,"Haku,your job will be to steal all the valuable's,be it money,jutsu scrools, equipment, anything of note.While I take care of these guys.We will meet each other at the entrance if the plan worked,but if it didn't then I will activate the dimension eyes and will teleport us to our home,to start the plan from scratch."

He had decided to go all guns blazing in the flying fortress,kill all the guys while haku loots them,take the secret regeneration jutsu that the leader has,find the seal for the zero tails and use his trump card he created.That sounded easy,but it will be really hard,as he was sure that even if he killed the leader,shinnou,he had to first fight the zero tails before subduing it and using his trump card.He also had to think of a way to send this flying fortress at his dimension and also search for that girl amaru,as this fortress and that girl could be a great asset for one of his main plans for the future.

He felt a hand on his cheek,he looked up and saw haku giving him a tender smile."You don't have to worry master,I know your plan will succeed,if not then don't worry,we will keep trying,and.."as she said that she got closer to his face and said,"and I will make sure that your plan works, because your happiness is mine.I will make sure that no one will disturb your plan."Her eyes had pink hearts and a threatening smile as she said that.OH.MY.GOD.This girl is turning into a yandera!But he threw any worries as she kissed him.'Man,why am I overreacting,this girl is my women by using the slave eyes,so she will not harm me like those other yanderas using knives to stab their lovers.'He just enjoyed the kiss.

After some strategie-cough makeout cough-Session.They infiltrated the ruins and....

(Find out next time on Naruto:eye system)