
Naruto: Elemental Huntsman

In an alternate world of Naruto with the power to bend elements like the Avatar and summon a magical bow like the Quincy, follow Hyto Rasugi as he fights to make himself and his clan untouchable through the fires of war.

Lord_Bell · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

"Did you truly think we didn't already know? Your eyes themselves were the biggest tell that you were from the Rasugi clan, as just like an Uchiha has the Sharingan, or a Hyuga possesses the Byakugan, the Rasugi are known for their Nekogan."

"Plus, your parents were quite the important figures in the shinobi world, your mother being the head of the branch family to the Daimyo of the Land of Frost is immensely important. Especially since the Daimyo's son was just killed by a group of Iwa-nin who held him hostage."

"With you being the last known, living member of the beach family, that makes you next-in-line to inherit the throne of the Daimyo. And that's just on your mother's side of the family." Hiruzen said, completely shattering Hyto's worldview.

"Now, your father is Bato, the once dangerous and feared brother of the 3rd Raikage. The issue was, his older brother, Ay, felt threatened by Bato, especially since he was the one to inherit their father's unnatural durability and was somewhat of a genius. So, Ay tried to get rid of his brother a presented a plan to A, the nd Raikage, to use him as a pawn to acquire the Land of Frost by marrying Bato to Kaiko, but A was betrayed when the two fell in love and ran away together, ruining his plans." Hiruzen said, taking a puff from his pipe.

"Your father...bravely fought off a large portion of the Kumo army by himself to give you and your mother a chance to live, but was killed when both his brother came to deal the finishing blow. He was once known as the Walking Calamity, but since his death, Ay has been working hard to erase his image and any mention of him is met with extreme aggression." said Hiruzen as he wrapped up his story, completely stunning Hyto as that was almost exactly what his mother wrote in her letter, only with far more details than what Hyto could've learned before.

"So, if you knew all of this, why did you bother taking me in? Wouldn't my very existence cause trouble for the Hidden Leaf?" asked Hyto, confused on how Hiruzen could make such a reckless decision.

"Exactly! Hiruzen, even this boy understands that he is a threat to this village!" yelled Danzo as he pointed at Hyto, making him grimace slightly.

"I never said that I was a threat, you damn, Cyclops!" Hyto grumbled under his breath, but everyone in the room heard it clearly, making Hiruzen snicker lightly.

"What the hell did you say to me you damn brat?! If it was up to me, you'd be in Kumo dead along with your whore of a mother and idiot of a father!" yelled Danzo as he pointed his cane at Hyto.

In anger, Hyto's eyes flashed golden, as he contemplated Earthbending the entire building around the old bastard, as even in the anime Hyto hated Danzo, but before Hyto got a chance to destroy such a historic building, Hiruzen knocked against the desk, nearly destroying it.

"That is enough! Danzo, have you no shame arguing with and insulting a child like that?! You and the others leave while I finish speaking with Hyto!" commanded Hiruzen as he glared at Danzo.

After they all glared at Hiruzen for using his position to command them, the elders eventually left the room, leaving only Hiruzen and Hyto in the room.

"Now, let me apologize for their rude behavior. I assure you that is nothing against you, they just always try to think with the village's next interest at heart, and tend to forget how people feel when it comes to their words and actions." said Hiruzen in an a apologetic tone.

Hyto had a whole lot that he would like to say, but none of it would be good and could only cause him trouble, so he chose to remain silent and merely nod his head in response. Luckily, Hiruzen chose to accept it as a response and moved on.

"As I was going to say before, though your background may be complicated, at the end of the day, you are still an innocent child, a child that has grown up inside this village by himself since he was a newborn and knows of nothing outside if this village. No matter what people think or say when they see you or learn of your background, you will forever be apart of the Hidden Leaf." Hiruzen said with a tone of finality.

When Hyto heard these words, he felt deep relief, as ever since he came to this world and read that letter, he's felt on edge and not entirely a part of the village. Now, the God Of Shinobi himself was telling him that he was as much of a citizen of Konoha as any other, and that was a huge weight off of Hyto's shoulders.

"Well, now that the heavy stuff has been dealt with, let me just wrap up my point. I want the Rasugi to become a main clan within the Hidden Leaf. With you being the only Rasugi alive, it is up to you to rebuild it, but you are too young to marry and have children. You won't be able to do this until you are at least 16 years old, the legal age of adult in the shinobi world." Hiruzen said, putting a lot of pressure on Hyto.

Sure, he already planned to rebuild the Rasugi clan as his mothers dying wish, but he had planned to take his time initially, have fun, see the world. You know, live his life to the fullest. Now, the Hokage himself is saying that he must start thinking about marriage at 16 and putting in the work to rebuild the clan as soon as possible. That only left him with six to five and a half years before he has to be locked down by a ball and chain. That's a lot of pressure to put on a 10 year old.

"I know it's a lot of pressure, but don't worry, you have plenty of time as 16 will be here before you know it." Hiruzen said reassuringly.

"That doesn't really make me feel better." Hyto said, depressed about being locked down so soon.

Letting out a hearty laughter at Hyto's funny expression, Hiruzen took a puff of his cigarette and continued talking. "Since you will become the head of a main clan, you will need some major accomplishments to help back your clans social standing. And so, I have assigned you to a team. They recently lost a member during a mission and we need to fill the spot. The Jounin for the team is one of our most competent shinobi, so you'll be in good hands. Come on in!" Hiruzen said letting out a puff of smoke.

Just as Hyto was wondering who his Jounin was going to be, the door opened up to reveal one of the last people he expected to see. Sauntering into the office and standing before Hiruzen with her arms crossed under her massive breasts, not bowing, was the only person in the whole village who could possibly get away with what is tantamount to disrespect to the Hokage.

Tsunade fucking Senju, in the flesh! Tsunade was even sexier in person than she was in the anime, as she was in her early 20s at this time. Hyto was positive that if his dick worked like it used to and he wasn't agonizingly stuck in the body of a 10-year-old boy, he'd be using every trick in the book just to spend one night with this bombshell.

Alas, he is still a child who's balls have yet to even drop, he was free from the irresistible temptations that older men must face. But, that didn't mean he still couldn't appreciate those perfect set of tits that swung proudly with even the slightest movement.

"So, who's the kid? Where is the shinobi you promised me?" Tsunade asked in a tense tone. She still hadn't forgiven Hiruzen, as he stopped her from bashing Jiraiya's skull in when he peeped on her bathing not too long ago..

"This is the shinobi joining your team. Meet Hyto Rasugi. The young man, who if he doesn't purposely hold back his skills, can easily defeat most Chunin out there." Hiruzen said with a knowing smile as he looked at Hyto's shocked expression.

Hyto tried really hard to be unassuming in the academy, so he wouldn't easily get found out, but that was proven to be a pointless endeavor.

"This kid?! He looks like he's still drinking milk from his mother's tits!" Tsunade said in a tone of disbelief.

"Well, I never had a mother to have tits to suck from, but I'd gladly take yours if you're offering!" Hyto said subconsciously under his breath, then quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

He did not mean to say that out loud, and hoped they didn't hear, but, judging from the hearty laughter coming from Hiruzen and Tsunade visibly getting angrier by the second, Hyto knew that he was screwed.

"What the hell did you just say you cheeky brat!" Tsunade yelled as she threw a punch at Hyto, who narrowly dodged the attack with his cat-like reflexes.

The spot where Hyto stood turned to rubble as the entire building shook, sending a cold chill down his spine, as he was sure even with his healing factor, he'd be at death's door if that attack landed. Knowing from the show that Tsunade had some serious anger issues and wouldn't stop with just that, Hyto flashed to the window and leaped outside before running away.

"Get back here you bastard!" Tsunade yelled as she jumped through the same window, disappearing from. the room in the blink of an eye.

As if nothing happened, Hiruzen let out a puff of smoke as an anbu agent appeared next to him.

"Sir, do you want us to go stop her? I fear when she catches him, that kid is dead. At best, the city gets ruined in her rampage." said the anbu as he looked outside of the window.

"No, let them.work out their differences. Though Tsunade can be brash and violent, she always has to village's best interest at heart. Just observe from afar for now, but only interfere if things get too violent." commanded Hiruzen as the Anbu nodded, several of them flashing away at the same time.

Back with Hyto, he was currently running for his life, thankful that Tsunade seemed to be all brawn and somewhat lacking in the speed department. But, she threw giant boulders at him, which would just barely miss him and land right in front of his path, forcing him to turn a certain way.

At first, in his state of panic, Hyto was confused by these actions, but soon realized her intent and where she was trying to lead him.

'Okay gorgeous, it seems as though you have some purpose behind all of this craziness, so let's play along for now.' Hyto thought to himself, speeding ahead to where he suspected Tsunade was trying to lead him, not noticing the slight smirk she grew as she sped after him.

Passing the gates to the Forest Of Death, Hyto kept speeding well into the forest, until he summoned two clones and sent them out in different directions. As the clones ran away, Hyto performed a technique he's practiced for year's, which is a shrouding his own chakra signature until it became undetectable.

Another technique he's been practicing is Camouflage, which is a stealth technique that allows him to blend into his environment and become essentially invisible. Whenever Hyto pairs Camouflage with Shroud, he doubts even the best trackers in the world will have a hard time finding him, let alone a brute like Tsunade.

And speak of the devil, Hyto could hear and feel a loud boom in the distance followed by one of his clones being destroyed. Since it wasn't a shadow clone, Hyto didn't get the memories of the clone, but he can already imagine what transpired.

With only one clone left, Hyto took a deep breath and summoned his Soul Bow, pulling the string back as a dull, but powerful arrow of water with a thin shell of ice formed in it's place. Aiming the bow towards where he knew his last clone was, Hyto held his breath, as he knew he wouldn't have to wait long.

As he activated his nekogan to get his increased perception, the second he felt the disconnection with his clone, he slowly released his breath and swiftly shot the arrow. The water arrow soared through the air and almost impossibly swerved around every tree and branch by even the slightest margin.

As the seconds ticked by, Hyto slightly wondered if the shot was too hard, causing him to miss, but then his enhanced hearing picked up the slightest splash quickly followed by a loud shriek that spooked every animal in the forest.

"ITS COLD!!!!! You're dead, you little bastard!" Hyto heard Tsunade scream before the World started shaking and trees started being torn down in his direction at a rapid pace.

'Fuck!" Hyto screamed in his head as a whole tree appeared before him, smashing his body into the tree he was on, before even that tree snapped in half.

Tsunade appeared a second later, huffing mad, but was still able to notice the puff of smoke from Hyto using substitution jutsu at the last second. Though she didn't aim to kill him, seeing that a 10-year-old little genin slipped her grasp yet again infuriated her to no end.

"Fine, if you want to be cheeky and play with grown women, let's play!" Tsunade growled as a mad look entered her eyes.