
Naruto: Elemental Huntsman

In an alternate world of Naruto with the power to bend elements like the Avatar and summon a magical bow like the Quincy, follow Hyto Rasugi as he fights to make himself and his clan untouchable through the fires of war.

Lord_Bell · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

A week after Kushina's arrival to the class, Hyto finally graduated and earned his shinobi headband. Hyto was so excited, that he finally wore the full-fledged shinobi outfit that he's planned for a while.

Walking to his full-length mirror, Hyto was feeling giddy as he looked at himself in his new outfit. Hyto had shelled out a bit of money to upgrade his Neko Cloak with armor, giving him a bit more protection since shinobi aren't worth the extra armor expense for the village until they reach the Chunin rank. The cloak also had more of a kimono look to it when the hood was down now.

Hyto had also turned his growing afro into locs, that now reached down to the top of his ears. His headband which was made with black material, was worn loosely, but securely around his neck, since others wouldn't be able to see it with his hood up. The inside of the cloak was filled with different storage seals where he stored his gear. It also had some minor protection seals as well, but Hyto was still a novice when it came to ninjutsu that he learned from the Rasugi Clan scroll.

With that, his outfit was complete. Though there were no drastic changes, Hyto was positive that he cemented his unique style like all of the strongest characters in the show had.

But, his most distinctive feature was his golden cat eyes. Over the years since he's unlocked his chakra, Hyto didn't notice it at first, but his eyes are a dojutsu. At first, he attributed his high perception ability and fast reaction speed to him being a shinobi, but then he noticed that he had the ability to see in the dark.

Hyto also found that when he channels chakra to his eyes, they take on a golden, bioluminescent glow and the surroundings slow down slightly, allowing him to process things faster, he can see chakra signatures and track them for great distances, as well as the ability to see heat signatures, which helps even more for tracking his targets. He can even Mark a chakra signature, which helped with identifying someone and tracking them as well.

His eyes were practically made to make him an apex predator. And the clan ninjutsu mirrored that perfectly. Not only was there jutsu for his dojutsu, which was called, Nekogan, but God wasn't lying when he said that the Rasugi clan was like the exact opposite of the Inuzuka, as where their characteristics and techniques mirrored that of canines, Rasugi's mirrored that of felines.

Staring in the mirror, Hyto activated his Nekogan for the millionth time, just to marvel at them. 'I still can't believe I'm really in the Naruto world.' Hyto thought to himself as he stopped sending chakra to his eyes.

Quickly rushing out of his apartment, today was the day he'd finally be able to buy his compound! Though he was possibly the only Rasugi left alive, Hyto planned on rebuilding the Rasugi clan to at least the level of the other major clans by the time of the start of the main Naruto canon. He could potentially have a few kids by then since due to the low life expectancy of this world, shinobi married and had kids at very young ages. Teenage mothers were not an uncommon sight.

Reaching the market district, Hyto met with the realtor who showed him the plot of land he was approved to buy from the Hokage. The area was smaller and less appealing than that of the other clan compounds, but that was fine for now, as Hyto would be the only one living there for now.

The new Rasugi Clan compound was located at the back and the very edge of the village, even further than that of the ostracized Uchiha clan, but that was what appealed to Hyto even more. The entire compound at the moment was nothing but animal-filled forests, a river that flowed through the entire compound, and small mountains that didn't reach the height of the village walls, which marked the border of the compound.

"Are you sure that you wish to purchase all of this land, son? Not only are you far away from the rest of the village, but there is nothing but forests and mountains here which make building anything a needlessly expensive task." asked the realtor one last time. Though he was a businessman, he felt bad taking so much money from a kid for such horrible land.

"Yes, this land is perfect! Where do I sign?" Hyto asked, doing his best to keep the excitement from his voice.

Though the deal was expensive, since Hyto was buying so much land at once, Hyto knows that it would be far more expensive if the land was actually decent. But what the realtor doesn't know is, that it was actually Hyto who profited greatly from this deal. With Hyto's Avatar abilities, terraforming land is as easy as a flick of the wrist or taking a simple step.

So, as soon as he signed on the dotted line and the realtor left with barely a fraction of the money his mother left him, Hyto got to work on building his clan's future. A big thing for Hyto was privacy and making sure people like Danzo weren't spying on him willy-nilly, so the first thing he did was use Earthbending to build giant, thick walls that spanned the entire compound.

Next, Hyto used a fuinjutsu he studied hard specifically for this moment, which was a barrier seal that the other clans and even the whole village uses on their walls. This seal prevented others from spying and breaking into the compound easily. It was a difficult seal for a novice like Hyto, but due to him studying it in the Rasugi Clan Scroll for years, Hyto was able to pull it off.

With the walls up and the barrier seals in place, Hyto scanned the compound a few times to make sure nobody snuck through, and when he deemed it was safe, it was finally time to get to work.

Pulling out the blueprints that he drew up and marking different areas with his Firebending, Hyto got busy Earthbending the layout and foundation of the compound first, making sure to build the residential area, the market, and even a massive training ground, which was pretty much all of the forests and mountains.

Thanks to him having Earthbending, Hyto also built a series of deep underground tunnels that ran throughout the village at different landmarks, and even an emergency tunnel leading outside of the village just in case he wished to leave privately.

Lastly, Hyto built a massive mansion for him and his future family, and then several smaller homes for his future clan members. He only built a few "shells" for the market area, just to have something there for now, but would build proper stores once he had more people.

'Maybe I should start a construction company? With as much damage as this village constantly faces, I'd make a killing!' Hyto thought to himself.

Was it a lot for a single 10-year-old shinobi, perhaps? But, Hyto planned to use his time outside of the village on his future missions, to find the remnants of the Rasugi clan, and invite them to Konoha under his leadership.

And if he didn't find lost clan members, as the leader of the clan, Hyto had the right to invite anyone to become members of his clan, which is how the bigger clans pumped their numbers up back in the day, before they had to, "Keep it in the family".

One thing Hyto couldn't build with his abilities was comfortable furniture. Nobody wanted to sleep or sit on a bed of stone. So, Hyto journeyed out from his newly made gates and began his long trek to the market.

What Hyto didn't know was, several interested parties were already eyeing the new, massive gates of his compound, searching for a way to infiltrate inside. A few of these interested parties were currently having a heated discussion in the Hokage's office.

"Hiruzen, you fool! I told you that black little boy was dangerous, and now look! Who else but one of the other villages, probably Kumo, could be funding this little boy to build a whole compound by himself! And don't even get me started on how he built everything or where he learned fuinjutsu to do what he accomplished!" Danzo yelled at his old friend.

On the side, Homura and Koharu were nodding their head in agreement.

"Honestly, even the way the boy was left at our gates without our highly trained guards seeing anyone is even more suspicious. Who knows what ploys this boy could be involved in to bring down our great village!" said Homura.

"And the wealth this boy must be hoarding somewhere should rightfully belong to the village! He is not part of a noble clan with their annoying backing, nor is he a powerful shinobi who could threaten our village. So I say we force him to donate all of this wealth to the village and we keep close tabs on him to ensure that he won't become a threat to the village in the future!" said Koharu with greedy little eyes.

"Enough! Hyto Rasugi has done no wrong, and if our information is correct, has bought the land legally. Thanks to your nagging years ago, I had the boy tailed by a team of shinobi since he was a baby, and he has not once had contact with anyone outside of the village or with any shady individuals."

"Hyto has been nothing but one of our most hardworking students, which is why he was offered the chance to graduate from the Academy early! I have great hopes for this young man, and refuse to villainize him any further." Hiruzen said as he smacked the desk in anger.

"Then let him join me in Root! With his skills and my guidance, I can mold him into the perfect tool for the village!" Danzo suggested.

"I said enough! I have already assigned Hyto to his future post, and that's, that! If you all are truly worried about the safety of the village, how about finding a way to end this damn war before it begins!" Hiruzen said, ending the discussion on Hyto.

~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, Hyto heads to the Hokage's office where he was told he'd get his future assignment. As he was invited inside of the Hokage's office, Hyto hurried inside and dropped to his knee before the Hokage's desk immediately.

Looking around the room to see the Hokage behind his desk and his elders, including Danzo, standing at different areas of the room, Hyto was busy mentally preparing himself for the onslaught of questions about his compound.

Hyto had no intention of keeping the compound a secret obviously, especially since he was nearly to a strength that he felt he could protect himself, but he was also going to openly look for new members to join the clan. The biggest reason being, the main occupation for shinobi is information gathering and infiltration. So Hyto had no doubt that for someone weak like him, that if they truly wanted his information, they would get it.

"Hyto Rasugi, please stand so that I may look at you." said Hiruzen in a grandfatherly tone.

Doing as he was told, Hyto stood and saw Hiruzen with a soft smile as he smoked from his pipe. As Hiruzen looked at Hyto, he slowly nodded his head and had a sense of recognition.

"It is as I thought all of those years ago. You truly do bear a close resemblance to your parents, Kaiko and Bato Rasugi." Hiruzen said without an ounce of doubt in his words.

Hyto was completely stunned, as he was positive that nobody was near him whenever he opened any scroll relating to the Rasugi clan. If his secret of being the last living member of the Rasugi clan was out, wouldn't that mean his life was now in danger?