
Naruto: Elemental Huntsman

In an alternate world of Naruto with the power to bend elements like the Avatar and summon a magical bow like the Quincy, follow Hyto Rasugi as he fights to make himself and his clan untouchable through the fires of war.

Lord_Bell · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

For the next year and a half, things continued with Hyto training his taijutsu, archery, and ninjutsu rigorously in the mornings, sparing with Minato and then hanging out somewhere, and ending his days training his chakra before he fell asleep. Boring, yes, but, there honestly wasn't much else for a small orphan child to do, and Hyto was developing a love for watching himself grow stronger.

Things would be different now though, as Hyto was finally 6 years old, which means he and Minato could finally join the ninja academy that was about to start a new semester in a few days. Since Hyto was joining the Academy, that meant he could finally stay in the government-provided shinobi apartments!

Hyto's progress was held back so much due to him being under the watchful eye of the matron and not wanting to expose himself yet. Now, there would be no one there to hover over him and stymie his progress.

Hyto had already passed the laughably easy entrance exams, but considering it was made for 6-year-olds with no education, that made sense. Being that he was officially going to be an Academy student and there was nobody who was going to question where he got his money now, Hyto decided that it was finally time for a much-needed wardrobe change.

Over the two years of Hyto officially being in this world, he's found that he does love his Avatar ability, but considered himself to be an archer more than anything. Odd in this world, considering everyone either uses shuriken or kunai, since they found carrying around a bow all the time to be conspicuous and cumbersome, but thanks to Hyto's Soul Bow ability, he didn't suffer from those issues.

Hyto's Soul Bow was a weapon completely formed from chakra, including the arrows he used. The ability somewhat reminded him of the Quincys from the anime, Bleach, but the Soul Bow was an actual chakra construct, which made it a tangible weapon that he could aim and strike with like any other weapon.

The best thing about the Soul Bow was that since it was soul-bound to him and was made from his chakra, Hyto could use his Avatar abilities with it and fire different elemental arrows as well! It was truly satisfying firing an arrow made of stone and watching it devastate the target in a fiery explosion on contact.

With his Archer identity settled in his mind, Hyto decided to dress accordingly. Hyto now wore a thin, black cloak with gold accents and cat ears on top of its hood that somewhat obscured part of his face that the half mask didn't already cover. The cloak also doubled as a robe for him, giving him a free rein of motion some armored outfits didn't provide.

Hyto didn't want to put in too much effort into the outfit, since he was only just starting the academy, but felt like he was finally heading in the right direction with his outfit.

The big day was finally there, so wearing what he likes to call his new, Cat Cloak, and stopped just as he came to the academy and watched all of the parents dropping off their kids, and wondered if his parents would've taken the time to see him of to his first day of school as well.

Pushing those troublesome and depressing thoughts to the back of his mind, Hyto made his way up to the group of students waiting to enter the Academy. As he walked closer, Hyto saw his good friend, Minato waving him over. As he got closer, Hyto saw that Minato was standing next to a shy-looking girl with light brown hair, round glasses, and an adorable round face you'd just want to cuddle for hours.

"Hyto, I want you to meet another friend of mine, Nono Yakushi. Nono, this is my best friend, Hyto Rasugi." Minato said with a proud smile as he gestured to the two of them.

"H-hi there, Rasugi-chan, it's nice to finally meet you." said as she bowed low to Hyto awkwardly, drawing attention from the other students.

"Please, get up. You're drawing too much attention. Also, just call me Hyto. If you're a friend of Minato's, then you're a friend of mine." Hyto said as he rubbed the back of his head bashfully, looking at all the awkward stares they were getting.

When she heard this, a light blush along with a small smile grew on her face. "Okay then... Hyto. In that case, you can call me, Nono!" Nono said in a small but excited voice, happy about making a new friend so easily.

Before anything else could be said, Hyto's shoulder gets knocked hard from behind, nearly sending him tumbling to the ground. After steadying himself quickly thanks to his high agility which has been rapidly developing throughout the years, Hyto looked up to see that it was a small, pale girl with spikey black hair and black eyes that had shoulder brushed him.

Now, Hyto knew that with his adult mind that he shouldn't be troubled by the antics of a 6-year-old, but let's be honest, what adult hasn't wanted to beat a bad kid they saw one day, but they didn't since they didn't want to go to jail. Well, Hyto was fortunate enough to now be a child as well, so could beat that little cunt all he wanted and still get away with it. Plus, it was something about that smug grin of hers that really rubbed Hyto the wrong way.

As his golden cat-like eyes grew slightly brighter, Hyto did his best to keep from squashing this bitch under a boulder and opted to take a far more subtle and petty approach to this situation. Using Earthbending, Hyto moved his foot slightly, sending a small rock into the back of her ankle, making the girl lose her smug grin and grimace as she clutched her ankle and hopped around in pain.

As the girl hopped around on one foot, Hyto moved his foot again, positioning a small, slightly sharp rock right where she was going to step next, which made the girl cry out loud in pain from the rock roughly digging into her skin.

"Now, I think that's enough young man, don't you?" said an old yet familiar voice as Hyto felt a hand clasp his shoulder from behind.

Though the hand did use any force on his shoulder, just the pressure from the persons aura and the sound of their voice was enough to tell Hyto exactly who it was behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Hyto saw the 3rd Hokage standing there with a disapproving look as he peered down at Hyto.

Realizing that he probably went to far, Hyto knew that he had to make things right quickly before his image git even worse in the Hokage's eyes. Though Hyto didn't necessarily care what anyone thought about him, right now, the Hidden Leaf was the only thing keeping him from being hunted down, so he didn't want to risk his safety until he was strong enough to defend himself.

When the black-haired girl finally sat down on the ground so she could get off her pained feet, Hyto unclasped the flask of water he keeps at his hip and walked over to her. When she saw Hyto walk over to her, she said nothing, but glared at him. She didn't quite know how, but she knew that what happened to her was definitely his fault.

"Yeah, yeah, you know you deserved it for what you did, but I may have gone too far. So just sit there let me heal you so we can be done with this." Hyto said, upset that he had to be the responsible one when the bitch clearly started it.

Waterbending some water out of his flask, everyone was amazed watching Hyto effortlessly manipulate water with just a slight gesture of his hands. Then they were even more surprised to see the water wrap around the girls feet and take on a deep green glow as Hyto healed her injuries.

A few seconds later, the glow died down and Hyto released the water to an empty area on the side. He didn't want to put water that's been on this cunt's dirty feet back with the water he drank out of.

"M-My feet are healed." the black-haired girl said plainly, but Hyto figured she was just in shock from seeing this form of healing for the first time.

Healing with Waterbending was nowhere near as effective as the healing that the medic-nin use, but it was no less flashy and was effective at healing minor injuries.

Not wanting to deal with the bitch anymore, Hyto stood and gave a questioning look to Hiruzen, who merely nodded his head in response. Happy that the drama was somewhat over, Hyto walked back over to Minato and Nono who still wore stunned expressions.

"Hyto, I didn't know you could heal! More importantly, do you not know who that was?" Minato asked with a mix of shock and worry.

"A bitch?" Hyto said plainly, he didn't really care who the little cunt was, but something about her did seem awfully familiar.

Now that he thought about it, Nono's last name was starting to seem very familiar as well, but he can't recall ever seeing her in the show.

"Hyto! You should really be careful about cursing so much! You wouldn't want to get in trouble in the academy for foul language. Anyway, that's Ayumi Uchiha, the niece of the current head of the Uchiha Clan!" Minato exclaimed after he reprimanded Hyto for cursing.

Normally Hyto would question his life when he starts to get lectured by 6-year-olds, but he was currently going through a personal dilemma. This bitch, Ayumi, isn't necessarily a problem herself, but if the Uchiha clan decides to make him a target for putting her in her place, his daily life could become hell. The Uchiha were basically the police in the Hidden Leaf after all.

Deciding to store those worries away for a different time, Hyto decided to refocus on Hiruzen, as it seemed he was going to give another of his long-winded speeches again.

After what felt like hours later, the class was finally in session. Much to Hyto's surprise, they actually taught general studies such as history, math, literature, etc. Then after those general studies, then there would be the true shinobi training, but to Hyto's dismay, the lessons were unbearably scaled down.

Still, thanks to him being an adult who was somewhat competent when it came to school in his past life, Hyto, blazed through all of the subjects except one, history. There was an unbelievable amount of history in this world that the show barely scratched. So, unlike the other subjects, Hyto had to actively focus when it came to history.

School went on like that until the third week when the teacher started implementing sparring matches as part of a weekly curriculum. Nono was surprisingly skilled when it came to taijutsu and shurikenjutsu, placing her easily as one of the top kunoichi in the class. Minato was naturally a monster, and a person Hyto completely forgot existed at this time, Shikaku, Shikamaru's father, was highly skilled as well, but he was nowhere near Minato's or Hyto's skills.

Hyto and Minato constantly battled each week for the top shinobi spot, as even though Hyto was improving quickly, Minato was right on his heels when it came to his rapid progress. Hyto secretly wondered if his presence has made Minato even more of a menace than he was in canon, but was thankful for Minato's presence nonetheless.

Hyto was positive that if Minato wasn't around, either he'd become far too confident and grow egotistical, or he wouldn't be able to find someone to push him as hard to improve, which meant his skills would've stagnated.

Hyto was still mind blown that even though he had literal blessings from God, Minato was still talented enough to match, or sometimes even surpass his skills. That was until a few years went by, and Hyto started gradually pulling ahead of Minato, to the point that he was offered the chance to graduate early for the fifth time, and he took it in a heartbeat due to boredom.

Hyto initially kept refusing as he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself by graduating early as a "genius", but he couldn't stand being around these snot-nosed kids any longer. He was still a grown man after all, and all of the attention and love confessions he got from little girls was starting to get uncomfortable.

Plus, Hyto was now ten and a half years old, which meant that Minato who was the same age would be graduating soon as well. Unfortunately, that also meant that the 2nd Shinobi World War wouldn't be long after that.

But, as Hyto was enjoying his last days of the Academy before he graduated early, he got a surprise that he didn't even think about. Joining the class as a "late transfer student", stood a cute red-haired girl with round chubby cheeks that Hyto easily recognized as the mother of Naruto.

"Hey, my name is Kushina Uzumaki! And I'm going to be the first female Hokage, believe it!" Kushina said as she stood the class before they burst out laughing just a few seconds later. Some kids were already calling her 'Tomato' due to her round face and red hair.

Seeing the students laughing at her, Kushina flipped, and her red hair began wildly flying around her as she beat the students who laughed at her in a rage. In her rage, she even threw a punch at Hyto who was just minding his business, and he caught her fist with ease. Before she could pull her fist back, Hyto spun her into his arms while he held her, his bigger size allowing him to easily restrain the fiery girl.

"Whoa, slow down there, Pepper, it's okay. I'm sure you'll be the best Hokage there ever was. Plus, I think your red hair is pretty cute." Hyto said casually in hopes to calm the girl down, but on the inside he was wincing in pain. Though he was a top shinobi blessed by God, this little girl's punch still hurt is hand a lot, leaving it almost numb.

'Fuck! No wonder Naruto became so fucking strong! Both of his parents are absolute fucking monsters!' Hyto thought as he fought to keep the pain off of his face.

"P-Pepper?! No one has ever called me that or said the liked my hair.... W-whatever, just let me go!" Kushina said as she struggled futilely to get out of Hyto's arms.

"Tut, tut, tut, not until you say you'll be a good girl and stop hitting." Hyto said as he playfully booped Kushina's little nose with the index finger on his other hand.

"A G-good girl?! I'll never say that!" Kushina said as she began to struggle even harder, but still not having any luck.

"Hyto, stop being mean and let her go. I think she's learned her lesson." Minato said as he shook his head at his troublesome friends antics.

"Learned her lesson? I'm pretty sure I just heard her cuss me out and swear she'd bite something off under her breath. You're far too nice, Minato. That's how I know that you're going to end up with a troublesome woman who's going to run all over you in the future. Me, I love women who are far more obedient to their men." Hyto said as a matter of fact.

Hyto knew that Minato was going to have to deal with this fiery little redhead in the future, so he thought that he'd give his best friend some early tips.

"Hyto likes his women to be obedient? I-I'm obedient, right Hyto?" Nono asked with a small voice and a heavy blush on her face as she stared down at her feet.

"Of course! Little Nono has always been a good girl!" Hyto said as he affectionately rubbed the top of Nono's head as she wore a satisfied grin.

Surprisingly, Hyto stopped feeling resistance from Kushina the very next second.

She then mumbled something under her breath that was hardly audible.

"I'm sorry, Pepper, I couldn't hear what you said." Hyto responded in a coy tone.

She then mumbled a little more aggressively, but it was still inaudible.

"I'm sorry, I just can't hear you when you mumble like that. Say it clearly for me." Hyto said, but this time it sounded more like a command.

"I said I promise I'll be a good girl!" Kushina yelled, which genuinely surprised everyone, as they were sure this little angry girl wouldn't buckle.

Smiling and saying nothing else, Hyto let Kushina gently on the ground, as she quickly straightened her outfit and turned to glare at him. What surprised him next was after she glared at him for a few seconds, as if to imply something.

Hyto wasn't daft and knew exactly what this little girl wanted, but he wasn't about to reward her unless she said what she wanted clearly.

Seeing that Hyto still wasn't budging, Kushina grew more frustrated. "I was a good girl, so rub my hair too!" Kushina said, as she aggressively pushed her head even more towards Hyto.

Letting out a hearty laugh at this silly little girl, Hyto relented and rubbed her head as well, Kushina blushing and wearing a small gleeful smile..

'Wait....uh oh, did I actually manage to tame this fiery redhead before Minato did?! Holy shit... fuck me and my Dominant urge to tame people! I very well just fucked any chance of Naruto even being born!' Hyto thought in internal panic.