
Naruto: Dimensional Template System

Does Life Truly End After Death? Or Is It That Death Is A New Beginning? Watch As Adrian Attempts To Discover The Answer Himself! No Harem!!! 1st Novel

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 3: Dimensional Template System

Ding! [The Dimensional Template System is now activated]

Adrian immediately looked up to see a blue screen with those words on it.

'Thank God or whatever being brought me here that they at least gave me something to survive with. At the minimum it should be able to help me protect myself.' Thought Adrian.

Ding! [Congratulations on successfully gaining your 1st template "Gildarts Clive" from the world of Fairy Tail]

Hearing this, Adrian was shocked.

Gildarts was one of the most powerful mages in the entire series. With his crash magic being one of the most powerful forms of magic that even allowed him to crush the ethernano itself and the magic of others. He was so powerful that he once fought against Acnologia, and while he didn't win, simply being able to survive shows how strong he is. Simply thinking of having that type of power gave him a high hope.

"While I might not be able to fight on par with Madara and Hashirama, simply have crash magic can at least allow me to hold my own even against them."

Ding! [Start Fusing Template? Yes/No]


He immediately fainted due to the raw power inserted into his body.

45 minutes later

"Uhh. What happened."

"Thank goodness Mom and Dad aren't here." Both his parents were gone on to a meeting with the Uchihas and their allies and he had already informed his aids not to bother him while training. He was glad because if anyone caught him passed out he may be banned from training unless he was being supervised.

"Wait, this level already!!"

He finally felt the power he gained from the fusion was much more than even the years worth of training he had done. He could feel that even as a 3 year old his body would be at least on a genin's level if this was during the village era.

"System open the attribute panel"

Host: Adrian Hagoromo

Age: 3

Template(s): Gildarts (5%)


Crash Magic (Primary)

Disassembly Magic (Primary)

After viewing the panel he immediately wanted to test his new powers. He had primary knowledge on how to use them as they came with the template.

First he tried Disassembly magic on a boulder and he watched as it turned into small blocks. He also felt his chakra pool go down slightly. He then thought about something and then tried the magic on water and noticed his chakra pool decreased more than on the rock.

"I see. The magic drains my chakra pool since I have no mana and the amount depends upon what I'm attempting to disassemble. This means I have to be careful on what I use it on since I could drain myself too much." He said too himself after figuring out the cost of this magic.

He then decided to use his crash magic on the rocks he had just disassembled. He watched as the small cubes simply turned into pebbles as most were crushed into almost nothing. He saw his chakra reserve plummet as he felt the aftermath of using crash magic.

"Crash magic practically empties me, the only time I would even think of using it in battle is if I had no other choice since it weakens me greatly. I also need to practice with it more it seems."

But he was now happy, he had a path for the future and if he stayed to his goal he could definitely survive.

He trained his Disassemble magic for a few more hours while also figuring out what to tell his parents about it.

He finally returned to his room after eating dinner alone due to his parents still being out. He finally fell asleep due to how tired he was from training.

I think Gildarts is an underutilized character and i think he could fight on par with heavy hitters like the 3rd Raikage or Hanzo while he could hold his own against Hashirama or Madara but he wouldn't win but definetly wouln't win, especially against Hashirama.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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