
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

Tremble, Kumogakure!! II

"I guess this is the real face of Ninja world where power can be used to do anything, literally."

Kazutora said with a sigh, and he looked at Samui with some pity in his eyes. He had helped many ROOT Ninjas to get their emotions back and now looking at Samui, he felt the same as he felt for them.

Manipulating memories related to family and living in a false family, he didn't know if he could live like her because Kazutora has a big family that loves him wholeheartedly, and he loves them the same way.

Even though he knew that the world is fucked up with a twisted sense of reasoning, the more Kazutora looked around, the more fucked up the world got.

A sigh escaped Kazutora's lips, and he rubbed his head. He sent the soul back into her body and recovered the chakra before she died of exhaustion.

Kazutora made Samui sit on the sofa, and he sat in front of her with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Mm, let's see how she reacts to the letters," Kazutora muttered while sitting on the sofa and he released the Genjutsu on Samui.

"Ah! Who?" Samui exclaimed as soon as she got out from the Genjutsu and then she looked at Kazutora sitting in front of her with wide eyes.

"Why? How? When did you come here?" She said making Kazutora chuckle and Samui frowned at his chuckle.

"Well, since you are a descendant of the Senju clan, how could I, Senju Clan Head not visit you, Samui Senju?"

Kazutora said with a smile on his face and her expression changed at his words.

"What nonsense are you?" She shouted while having a bad feeling in her heart and Kazutora asked, "Your grandmother's name is Shiruko? Right?"

"Here is her letter for Kumogakure and the other one is written for Konoha. You should be able to check if it is fake or real, right?"

Kazutora said while giving the letters to Samui and her eyes dulled for a second. He gave her an order to not tear the letters off after reading them, and Samui looked at the letters with her hands trembling. She didn't think he would lie to her as Samui could easily find if the letters are fake, and it hadn't been even a day since Kazutora arrived at Kumogakure.

She didn't think he could prepare these letters in just some hours and because of this, she picked the letter for Kumogakure and read it first.

When she started to read it, a strange look appeared on Samui's face, and her face turned red at various curses written on it.

Even if she is a ninja who has been trained to control her words, Samui couldn't hide the embarrassment she felt because of the letter, and the feeling worsened as she remembered that Kazutora had read the letter before.

The writing in the letter was the same as the one in her memories and she was sure that the letter was written by her maternal grandma.

"I-Is this t-true?" She asked with her voice trembling even though she knew that everything was true. Kazutora just gave a nod, and he didn't say much. Her body trembled at his nod and Samui looked down with her hand clenched.

Because of the intense emotions, the memory seal that had been weakened by Kazutora broke down and the sealed memories appeared in her mind.

As Samui learned about the sealed memories, a look of horror appeared on her face with some fear and anger in her eyes.

Kazutora noticed the change in her emotion and he inwardly smirked. He could feel her anger, and he understood that it is at the memories she had gained. Samui would never know that it was Kazutora who restored her memories and the fact that he had read her memories without her knowing anything.

'She must be thinking that she unlocked the memories on her own because of intense emotions, right?'

Kazutora thought in his mind, and he waited for Samui to sort her emotions. A few minutes later, Samui calmed down and she looked at Kazutora with some fear in her eyes.

She hadn't forgotten that he appeared at her house without anyone knowing and she knew that if she made a wrong move, something might happen to her and her brother.

If Kazutora knew her thoughts, he would say that she was thinking too much, and he didn't plan on doing anything even if she decided to explain the matter to Raikage.

"Well, before I say what I want, do you accept your identity as Samui Senju?"

Kazutora asked and Samui froze at her words. She bit her lips as she thought of the decision and Kazutora chimed in between.

"Know that Karui is the same as you, but her mother or father should be Uzumaki. I will check about her too and Tsuna-Nee will talk about the matter with Raikage A."

"If you accept your identity, then she will welcome you as a member of the Senju clan in Konoha, but if you won't, she will let you stay here."

"The same question will be asked to Karui, your brother Atsui and maybe others too, but your children in future will be part of Konoha, not Kumo. This is non-negotiable and I hope that you will choose to accept your identity"

"After all, I can see that your trust in Kumogakure has broken and in future, they might send you on a suicide mission to clear you off from Kumogakure and wash their hands."

"I heard that you are friends with Yugito and she also had her memory sealed off of the torturous training they forced on her, and her hatred for Kumogakure has reached an extreme level."

"If I or Tsuna-Nee didn't want many people to die, I would have let her take revenge against Kumo and snapped the necks of A and B when I had them know their places and suppressed them."

Samui's expression changed at his words about Yugito. She knew that Yugito was on a mission, but she didn't know that Yugito had been sent to Konoha. Her words about Raikage A and Lord B made her shiver because of pressure she felt, and Samui looked down while hiding the fear on her face.

Kazutora noticed her expression and a surprised look appeared on his face. He understood that she didn't know about Yugito's mission, and she felt fear and maybe some anger at his words.

"Hmm? Did you not about Yugito's mission and what Kumo planned with the 'Peace Envoys' they sent?"

Kazutora asked and Samui subconsciously nodded at his words. A chuckle escaped his lips, and he showed the video in which A and B apologized for their behavior and explained what they were planning to do.

Her eyes widened at the video, and she felt fear in her heart rising as she thought of Eight Tails and Two Tails going berserk in the middle of the village. Only now did she understand what Kazutora meant when he said he and Fifth Hokage didn't want to cause much bloodshed.

'Raikage did too much, and Hokage-Sama is far more generous.'

This thought appeared in her mind and Samui's eyes widened at the thought. She could feel the respect she had for Raikage decreasing and the respect for Hokage increasing.

"I will give you time to think about your answer. But can you call Karui here? She is near the Raikage Building and it would be a pain to pull everyone there in Genjutsu."

Kazutora said with a slight frown on his face, and he wanted to see what decision Samui would make. In both cases, Kazutora would meet Karui so he didn't have to worry about anything.

But the situation is strange for Samui. If she calls Karui, it means she has intentionally or unintentionally accepted Kazutora's words and she wants Karui to know about the truth. This means that she has betrayed Kumogakure in her mind, even if it was a 'small' or he should say, unavoidable situation as even if she didn't call Karui, Karui would know the truth from Kazutora.

And, if she didn't call Karui, it means that the position of Kumogakure is high in Samui's mind, and even after knowing the truth and reading the letter from her grandmother that said about her last wish, she didn't agree with her and chose Kumogakure instead.

Samui froze at Kazutora's words, and she thought a lot about his words.

'In both cases, he will meet Karui and explain the situation to her. If I choose to call her, it means that the position of Kumogakure is lesser in my mind than the truth about the matter, and if I don't choose to call Karui, I can't guess his reaction, but I feel that something bad will happen.'

'Since Karui will know anyway, it would be better to choose the decision that he likes as it's him who is sitting in front of me, not Raikage.'

'If both were here, it would have been difficult for me to make a decision. The only reason why I am calling Karui is because he is here, nothing else.'

Samui thought in her mind and tried to sub-consciously avoid the matter. A moment later, Samui got up and she said, "I will go and call Karui here. Till then, can you remain here and not leave? It would be bad if someone got to know about you."

"Go ahead and call her. Also, it will be better if you call her early as the meeting won't continue for long and I am sure A must have gotten to know about the questions Tsuna-Nee asked to you by Mabui."

"He will surely question you and at that time, you might have to make your decision as I or even Tsuna-Nee don't like fence-sitters."

Samui flinched at Kazutora's words, and she wondered if he knew about her thoughts. Shaking her head, she shelved the thought in her mind, and Samui left the house with a complex look on her face.

"Little guy, you can come out now. Your sister has left already, and I had hidden your position."

Kazutora said while glancing in the corner of the room and he looked at Atsui who had been listening to their talks from the start. Kazutora had hidden his position so that Samui wouldn't notice him, and Atsui walked from his place and sat on the sofa with a sad look on his face.

He picked the two letters on the table and started to read first. Atsui's actions made Kazutora raise his brows in interest, and he saw his hands trembling while holding the letter.

Atsui read the two letters with his body trembling and only now he understood why his sister never talked much about their parents and relatives even though they sounded like 'loving' parents in a few stories he had been told. She must have received orders or have been brainwashed to avoid the matter, and this made Atsui angry at Raikage.

His sister had told him that their parents died on a mission, and he understood that this was what the higher-ups in the village told her. But there was a secret that he was hiding from Samui.

Just like their grandmother, their mother also left a letter and no one besides Atsui knows about the letter.

He has always been trying to look for a way to open the letter, but he couldn't find anything and now that he has gotten the opportunity, Atsui rushed back to his room and took out the letter from a secret place.

Rushing back, he gave the letter to Kazutora while panting and he asked with a pleading tone.

"C-Can y-you open this letter too?"

Kazutora examined the letter, noticing the familiar seal. He effortlessly opened it and handed it to Atsui without reading. As Atsui took the letter, he read the opening lines—words from his mother he had never seen before—and they moved him to tears, streaming down his face like a river.

"Hello, my little Atsui, My lovely son!"


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