
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

The Day! II

"Hah? Tsuna's husband?" Hashirama's voice boomed, echoing through the silence that followed, as a sudden surge of chakra pressure emanated from him. Tobirama found himself simply staring at his brother, and ultimately, he could do nothing but sigh at Hashirama's dramatics.

"Haha, Tsuna's husband. Mito will be overjoyed to hear this. She often grumbled about me spoiling Tsuna, warning that it would make it hard for Tsuna to find a spouse, but it appears she was mistaken."

"It's good that---"

Before Hashirama could continue, he was punched away by Tsunade, and he flew away from the location. Tobirama didn't say anything and if Tsunade hadn't punched him, he would have.

"Now Now, Tsuna~! Just let him be happy, he must have been worried. Besides, isn't it good that you didn't get married? That's why I was able to get you," Kazutora said with a smile on his face to diffuse the situation. If Tobirama hadn't noticed his eye twitching, he would have thought that Tsunade had a fool as her husband.


He mentally sighed and turned around to look at others. The people of Konoha acted as if nothing happened since they were used to their Hokage punching everything away while the other in the opposition had strange looks on their faces.

Still, no one said anything as they knew that the ones who were talking were those who stood on top of the world in terms of strength.

Konan looked at Nagato with a worried look on her face, and she said, "Nagato, it's better to surrender. I don't think we can win the war. Besides, we want peace of the world and Konoha has more strength than us."

Nagato looked at Konan with a flicker in his eyes and he said, "You go and surrender, I will fight here and die."

"Nagato, you!" Konan shouted but before she could say anything, she was attacked by his Six Paths, who knocked her unconscious. Deva Path held Konan in her hand and moved towards the group.

"She won't be fighting. You can take her in since she is Jiraiya-Sensei's student. I also won't fight to kill but I want to know if Konoha can really maintain peace in the world."

Tobirama stared at the Deva Path with no expression on his face. He turned to look at Tsunade, who was the current Hokage since he didn't want to decrease her position.

If it had been anyone else, Tobirama might not have been concerned, but he couldn't help it given that his grandniece was the Hokage and current leader. He approached Kazutora and whispered, "Let's talk after this is over."

"Sure, Second Hokage," Kazutora said with a glint in his eyes and Tobirama nodded at him. He liked being called Second Hokage better, and it felt strange to be called granduncle with his face.

Tsunade stared at the puppet and then at Konan. A memory appeared in her mind about when she was in Amegakure and me three little kids. Looking at Deva Path and Konan in his hand, Tsunade remembered them, and she asked, "You are the little girl we met in Ame. Didn't you three die? I surely heard Jiraiya say that."

"Somethings happened and it's all in past. So, will you accept her surrender or should I take her away?"

"Leave her behind," Tsunade said with a flicker in her eyes, and she asked, "If Konoha was weaker, what would you have done?"


"Then you won't live too. Get lost," Tsunade said as she heard the words and Deva Path left Konan and moved from the place. Looking around, a solemn look appeared on her face, and she said, "Start the attack or you won't get any chance."

"Tsuna, they can't win and look at them, they had lost the will. Why force them?" Hashirama, who had appeared back to their location, said and he was met with Tsunade's cold eyes.

"What if Konoha was weaker? Everyone here would have been killed, and countless civilians would have died when they would pillage the village and kidnap people from different clans."

"Since they came to kill, they are prepared to be killed. Grandpa, you better not say anything again or I will send you back to Pure Land."

Tsunade said with no expression on her face and Hashirama lowered his gaze at her words. Since the things hadn't happened, he didn't think from that perspective and a sigh escaped his lips.

"Sighh! Why even fight wars? I don't really understand. If you need something, just ask. Or your pride and ego is bigger than the lives of people who will die? Suna needs Forest then it could have just asked me but not a single time they did."

"Kumo doesn't want mountains? You could just ask for help and Ninjas are strong enough to destroy mountains."

"Iwa needs forest? I can create a whole forest in a single attack, but you never asked. I wanted to help but Tobirama said that you all need to understand something and ask for help."

"But not a single one said anything. Instead, you started a war after I died. Now, because of your actions and Ego, you all will be buried here since even I alone am enough to kill you in this immortal body with infinite chakra."

Hashirama said while rubbing his head and he was really annoyed at the pointless bloodbath that was going to happen. To be honest, he didn't want this to continue but since Tsunade had said so and given the reason, he wouldn't stop her.

Their expressions changed when they heard the words, and Tsunade rolled her eyes at his words. Tobirama had a frown on his face, and he noticed that his brother didn't seem to be as naive and foolish as he had seen when he was in Kage conference.

"You noticed the behaviour change, Na? Let me show you." Kazutora said and he pulled Tobirama in illusion. In the illusion, he showed the truth of the world and when Tobirama came out of the illusion, the first thing he said was, "Impossible! Innately Evil Uchihas can't be my relatives. Madara and Izuna can never be my brothers."

The Uchihas, who were in the group, were stunned by his words and they collectively snorted in response.

"Hah? Tobirama? What did you say?" Hashirama said as he heard Tobirama's words and Kazutora was amused at the family drama going on, on the eve of war.


They heard a shout and saw a masked man with Sharingan appearing in the middle of the place.

"Nagato, summon the Statue. All Jinchuurikis, use Tailed Beasts forms. Others, Attack!"

Obito shouted and in response, a Kunai flew in his direction. He dodged the Kunai, and his expression changed when he noticed the familiar Kunai.


Behind Obito, a blond man and a red-haired woman appeared, and they heard a shout from the woman.

Obito disappeared from his location with a puff, and it was just a Shadow Clone.

"Fourth Hokage?"

Looking at the blond man, everyone was stunned as all the people here knew about Fourth Hokage.

"Hmm? Fourth Hokage? Tsuna, aren't you the fourth one?" Hashirama asked with a curious look on his face, and Tsunade shook her head.

"Minato, what are you doing here and using chakra like this? Kushina, didn't I ask you to stay back?"

"B-But, Sister. That damned Obito! How could I just stay away?" Kushina's angered look changed to a pleading one, and Tsunade snorted at her words.

"Fourth Hokage, Kushina! How are you two alive?" A few hundred meters away, Obito appeared, and he stared at the group.

"Since even you can live, how could we die? You damned fucker, did I do something wrong when I raised you like my son? Yet you fucking bitch released Nine Tails in Village."

"Rin would be very disappointed in you, and I will make sure that she knows every evil deed you have done."

Kushina shouted to Obito, who froze at her words. A killing intent appeared in his eyes, and he said, "Kushina, you are still a loudmouth as ever. Besides, you don't have the right to call Rin's names since the Fastest Man in the world arrived late and neither he could save me nor Rin."

"Oh! A Typical Extreme Idiot with Zero Sense Uchiha! See, Brother! This is why I am afraid of this stupid clan." Tobirama said as he pointed at Obito, and the other Uchiha were embarrassed at his words.

"Shut it, Tobirama! You, who hasn't loved anyone, don't know what it feels to love someone and lose them."

"Hah? You little shit, I never loved anyone? I am a Senju and I know what it feels to love. Anyways, why am I even answering to a lost Uchiha? You won't get anything in your brain since all of it is used on your extremely stupid desires and thoughts."

Tobirama replied back and then he waved his hand since he was too old to deal with these shits.

"Obito, shut up," Kazutora said with a cold look on his face and a terrifying pressure was released from him. Not only Obito, but everyone in the place felt the chakra pressure from him, and they could feel their body shivering in fear.

"Minato, Kushina! Leave. I won't give you anymore chakra since it seems that meeting Obito and talking with him is more important to you two than spending time with Naruto."

"When he is dead, you can chat with him in Pure Land and for now, leave. The talk can be done later, and it's time to deal with them since other enemies would arrive anytime."

Kazutora said with a flicker in his eyes, and he had received response from Kaguya. Hearing him, those who knew about Otsutsuki, had change in their expression and they got read to attack.

Minato and Kushina looked at Kazutora for a moment and in the end, they nodded and disappeared.

"You all can get ready and attack or you won't get the chance. You fight or not, you all will be buried here so you better fight since it wouldn't be a coward's death."

Tsunade said as she stared at the group and at her words, Konoha shinobi became serious. They understood that the fight was going to start, and they all remembered the last orders to given to them.

"Don't die! I can heal you anytime and anything but just don't die."

They all had full confidence in Tsunade, and they saw Tsunade slamming her feet on ground. With a burst of smoke, a huge body of Katsuyu appeared and she split into a large amount of number and went to all Konoha Shinobi.

Seeing the sight, the opposition knew that they had to fight, and gritting their teeth, they got ready for the attack.


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