
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Class and God realm

We walk to a building near the village center, the wooden plaque says school it looks new. So they should have renamed it tomorrow or today, I go in and see there are about ten kids. About four six year olds, three seven year olds, and three eight year old.

they were all talking until they saw me they all gone silent.

Lin- Good morning, I am your teacher and call me Mr Qi.

class- Okay Mr Qi

Lin- tell me your names one by one, after we will do some physical tests and mind tests to see how I am going to teach you guys and no need to be stiff.

six year old 1- kon

six year old 2- naru

six year old 3- shiro

six year old 4- tyri

seven year old 1- ria

seven year old 2- sai

seven year old 3- hari

eight year old 1- fan

eight year old 2- kanimi

eight year old 3- kinomaru

Lin- good let's go outside.


Lin- we will do some push ups, sit up, running, and ect.

-After an hour-

physical test results-

six year old- shiro, kon, tyri, and naru.

seven yaer old- hari, ria and sai.

eight year old- kinomaru, kanimi and fan.

mental test results-

six year old- naru, tyri, kon and shiro.

seven year old- sai, hari and ria.

eight year old- knimi, fan and kinomaru.

Lin- I will be teaching math, language, writing, self defence and meditation.

- four year later-

Lin- Now bye, I won't be coming back but that does not mean you are allowed to slack off.

It's been four years and they all have grown well if I may say so myself then they are comparable to genin even without chakra controling methods.

Now they can tech others and this village will prosper more than ever, the just need a push and I will be the push by leaving so they can have a strong heart aswell.

They are still emotionaly undeveloped as they are still kids, so they still have lots of potencial and they will have more after ferm heart.

-In space bead-

I appear and start to cultivate I speed up the time here so hundred years here is one hour outside.

-after one year inside-

My chakra has become immortal chakra, now no one can sense it, read my emotion, read my intent, feel my power level unless they have immortal chakra or have very good instinct or they have some kind of mutated kagura's third eye.

I have reached the earth immortal realm, and the earth have started to form under my nescent soul, it's weak and not in much quantity.

-Hundred years later-

I have been expanding, compressing and getting rid of impurities. now it's expanding itself and getting rid off it's impurities its even condensing itself slowly but surely , and lastly i have entered sky immortal realm.

-Hundred years later-

I have been expanding and making my sky more higher aswell as making more gases in the atmosphere. I reach Ocean immortal realm little to no water have started to condence from all the gases in the atmosphere.

-Hundred years later-

I been expanding and getting rid off the impurities of the water this all refining, condencing, expanding, gettingg rid off imurities and reaching newrealm is helping my body, soul, and mind to become way stronger, and because of all the time it took to cultivate my patience have improved dramatically. I have entered nether immortal realm. Another world have formed this is where all the souls after death goes and get reincarnated after punishment.

-Hundred years later-

I have been expanding, and refining the core of nether world and finally entered reincarnation immortal realm. In this realm you make the six paths of reincarnations you chose seven types of cretures and I chose demigod, human, animal, devil, goul, spirit and asura. After that I just have to supply it with energy until it can generate it's own.

-Hundred years later-

It finaly formed it's on energy generator ; I have reached space immortal realm, and space have formed between dantian inner walls and the inner world. I just have to expand it to reach next realm then it will expand on it's own.

-Hundred years later-

It finaly reached the size of the universe ; I also entered next rels and last immortal realm chaos immortal realm. chaos have been created and it's like a wall between my dantian and the inner universe, with this univese will be protected from outside influnces other than me. Now to go to next realm I just have to make chaos stronger, and expand it so the universe is more safe. aswell as expande it enough to make a multiverse.

-Hundred years later-

Finally it's size has reached the size of an universe, Now it will expand itself this means it is self sustained now unless I die this universe won't die after all it's made out of my energy, it can never be independant as it is my own energy. Next only ft is to make life, it is easy just make some fish, animals, bird, insects, plants and humanoid beings, such as humans, spirits and demigods rest will come when creatures go into reincarnation cycle. It made me a God realm but I still can't use divine chakra or faith energy I need a divine spark or the so caled dao seed for it

I made it so they all can cultivate they don't cultivate chakra like me but only nature energy or qi, they can also strenthen bodies and use life force or ki, they also can use spirutual energy or mana by strenthening minds and lastly they can try to create chakra by mixing ki and mana and cultivate like me but for every new energy the cultivation gets ten times harder.

-Hundred years later-

My spark started to form it will probably will take thousand years to form as It uses faith energy automatecally ; I heve another idea but not sure if it will work, I started to fasten the time by thousand times in the inner universe it will make the process thousand times faster.

-one year later-

my divine sark or dao seed have been made and I have been broken through the low true god realm. My power is so great that if I don't supress it to 0.000000001 persent it will destroy the multiverse while at 0.000000001 it only shakes the universe so I have to keep it supressed at 0.000000000001 the elemental nations will be destroyed, even if I ca just reverse time it does not mean it's okey to destroy the planet. I have gotten divinity of everything meaning of infinity, nothingnes, time, space, elements, sword, weapons, games, and ect. Litteraly I am god of everything.

And finaly I created great tao the manager of my first and main multiverse, only it will know of me and other beings will know it as tao created the multiverse tehy also will not know of other multiverses, even I say it's a multiverse it only has one planet, I still need to cultivate to get to higher realm for crettion of universe. So you could say all the spare space is the foundatio for the multiverse.

I can only say this that I am overpowered espacialy with my third eye abilities as they use energy, and because of the universe I have unlimited energy to spare. So you can guess what I can do. Now it's time to make my own tailed beast.


A/N I won't be able to write or update any chapter tomorrow so I wrote this chapter extra long about thousand words.