
Naruto: Chronicles of the Unseen.

What If Naruto is different from the original Naruto? What if Naruto is more mature than original Naruto? What if Naruto has the talent which surpasses Itachi, Kakashi and Minato? What if Naruto has Sharingan? What if Minato and Kushina did some arrangements for Naruto before they died? What if Naruto is a born genius like Kakashi, Itachi and Minato? Naruto does not belongs to me, he belongs to Hinata.

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Jutsu Discovery: Search and Learn.

"Naruto POV:"

Those bastard villagers, those insects blaming me for something which is out of my hands! I'll make them pay!

'Yes, make them pay. To do that, you need power. So take it from me, take more power, power to destroy everyone!'

What was that voice? Who is there? Ah, yes, power. I need power!

As Naruto began to desire for power, he unconsciously tapped into the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Yes, this is power! I need more!

Ah! My eyes! It's burning! What is happening?

Huh... it stopped! I can see again! No, now I can see more clearly than before! It's... it's like my vision has enhanced by several times than before.

And are those chains? And what are those? Wings?

Ahhhh, I see now. I must have inherited this from my mother.

Let's see how my Sharingan looks.

Beautiful! It looks beautiful. I love it!

It seems that at this moment I only have two tomoe. Well, no problem. I'll awaken the third one soon.

"Hehehe!! This is getting interesting!"

Wait! It's not me! It's not like me! This... this power, this power is making my emotions go haywire! I don't want it, not at least now!

Ha, it finally stopped. Good. Now my rage is under control. I don't need to think like that. It's not like me.

Well, they are wrong for treating me like this, but for that, I shouldn't think like this. Because if I were in their place, then I would have done the same, so it's not like they are wrong. But still, it's not like they are right either because from my perspective, they are wrong. So if I think from both sides, then no one is wrong in the first place. So I don't need to show any hostility towards anyone without any reason. But again, I don't need to show any kindness to anyone either. For me, whether they live or die doesn't matter because they hold no significance for me.

Yes, let them just be, and I will be what I want. There is no need to show any hostility towards anyone. It's not like they are assaulting me anyway; they are just ignoring me, avoiding me, and keeping their distance. But I have people like Tuchi and Aym, and friends like Shikamaru and Chozi, so I don't need to think about others.

But not that old man. He seems so suspicious. He never gives me any proper answers and often tries to persuade me to believe in thoughts as if trying to manipulate me or trying to put some other things inside of me. And now that he has hidden this much information from me, I can't trust him completely. I need to remain cautious around him.

Okay, now time to read the letter again. But before that, how should I take back my chains and wings? Let's try a few things; surely one will work, right?





Damn, that took longer than I expected. It took almost a full hour to learn how to retract and create and control my chains and wings, and one more hour to learn how to activate and deactivate my Sharingan. Well, now that's done, let's read the letter again.

'Son, I know that because of him being the jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, you must have suffered quite a lot, and I am truly sorry for that. Believe me, if there was another option for me, I would have chosen someone else to be the jinchuriki. But at that time, when the Nine Tails attacked the village, I was busy engaging in combat with that masked man, who I believe is Madara Uchiha, the legendary ninja. And I believe that in the future, he will return for the Nine Tails. At that time, I couldn't have anyone else to ensure the safety of the Nine Tails, so I chose you because what kind of father doesn't believe in his son? I believe that you can and will be able to control the power of the Nine Tails. But don't consider the Nine Tails to be just a tool of power, because even though they are beasts, they still have feelings. From my experience, I am telling you this. Keep in mind that everyone is right in their own eyes, so 'Don't judge people based solely on their appearance or your own preconceptions.' Because from their perspective, they are right, and from others' perspective, they are wrong.'

Yes, Father, I believe in you. I won't judge anyone just based on my thoughts and what people say about them.

'Well, it seems that the boss is in a tough spot, and in his last moments, which also means that I don't have much time either, so I will tell you the most important things that you should know. I had told Hiruzen to announce you as the Hero of the village, as you keep the Nine Tails in check and make sure that it doesn't go on a rampage. But I am not sure that he will keep that promise.'

Now, even Father is saying this. Now I am one hundred percent sure that this old man, no- Hiruzen, is not a very good person. Let's see what is written ahead.

'What I mean is he might try to manipulate you, making you believe that if you help the villagers and do good things, then they will accept you or try to manipulate you and make you think like you should put the village above everything else. And I am not saying that he is wrong because as a Hokage, I can agree that to save the thousands of people, one sacrifice is worth it. But as a father, I don't agree with you. As a father, I believe that you have your own will and you should do what you want, whether it be to save the village or destroy the village. And one thing, keep in mind that no matter what, we will always love you. So, even if you turn into evil, because you are our son, and what kind of parents would hate their child? So, do whatever you want and don't follow others' paths. Create your own path and stay true to yourself.'

Yes, Father, I will do just as you say. I will be true to myself and do what I want instead of entertaining others. I will create my own path.

'I am sure that in the future you will awaken the Sharingan and later the Mangekyo Sharingan, which is the next step of the Sharingan. All the knowledge about the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan I have written in one book and kept it here somewhere. So, if you ever find any problems, you can also look into it. Also, there is the next step called the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. In this stage, the user doesn't go blind because of the overuse of the Mangekyo Sharingan. When a person awakens the Mangekyo Sharingan and overuses it, eventually, the person will go blind. To cure this problem and attain the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, one must transplant the Mangekyo Sharingan of their relative or, to be exact, their brother. But because you have the Nine Tails inside you, you have extraordinary healing capabilities and a tremendous amount of chakra. Because of that, if you transplant my Mangekyo Sharingan into you, then you will awaken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and will be able to use the Sharingan to its fullest without going blind.

To awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan, one must experience a traumatic event, such as witnessing the death of a close friend or family member. This intense emotional experience triggers the evolution of the Sharingan into the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, it's not guaranteed, and it often requires a deep emotional connection and significant loss to awaken its power. But you are a different case because when you were little, at that time, a little amount of Nine Tails chakra mixed with your own, strengthening your genes and enhancing them. Because of that, your visual prowess will be the strongest in the entire Uchiha clan, even greater than the legendary Madara Uchiha. If you use Nine Tails chakra once again when you experience extreme emotions, then you can awaken your Mangekyo Sharingan. But I advise you to first master the normal Sharingan to its full capacity before attempting to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan.

As for the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, I had given my Mangekyo Sharingan to my student Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja, and I am sure that you can trust him with everything because I consider him as my son. He is not a very talkative person, but he is a good kid. It's just that during the war, he lost one of his friends, Uchiha Obito. In Obito's last moments, he gave one of his eyes to Kakashi, and that's how Kakashi received a Sharingan. Later, he lost his other teammate, Rin. Her death is a little tragic; you should ask him about her directly. I am sure you can find him at the grave of Obito.'

Kakashi, huh... I'll look for him later. Thanks, Father, for everything! Oh... there is still some part left of the letter.

'Also, I am sure that in the future you will awaken chakra chains just like your mother's-the chains which have the power to hold the Nine-Tails beast and keep it at bay. Kushina once told me that it depends on the person how they will manifest their chains, but sadly, I don't know more than this. However, there is a book on this subject, so if you ever awaken the chakra chains, make sure to read that book.

And son, for your information, you also have a Godfather who is a legendary Sannin known as the Toad Sage, Jiraiya. I am not sure if he will be able to take care of you because he is always on travels gathering intel for the village. So, if he doesn't take care of you when you are a child, then, for me, can you hit him in his balls just once?'

What are balls? I'll figure it out later, but Jiraiya, prepare yourself!!! But first, let's complete this.

'Also, your mother and I have saved some money for you. It's not much, but Kushina managed to save some money from her S-rank missions, and I saved three-fourths of my salary as the Hokage, along with some earnings from my S-rank missions. In total, it amounts to 80,000,000 ryo (80 million). It's stored in one of the sealing scrolls inside the drawer of this table.'

That's too much money!!! I've become super rich!!!

'Also, there are things that you should know. Such as when you awaken your Sharingan, don't copy every jutsu that you see. Instead of learning every jutsu, you should focus on mastering a few completely to the point where you don't need any hand signs to perform them. Hone your skills to their maximum potential and bring out your talent. I know that you have it in you, so don't waste your time learning various jutsu. Instead, master the few that you know. Also, I have left my jutsu in the library as well, such as my "Flying Thunder God Technique," my other jutsu "Rasengan," and some of my other techniques."

Yes, Father, I'll do just that. I'll follow your advice and focus on mastering every jutsu I learn to perfection instead of trying to learn a bunch of different ones.

'Also, we have put a lot of sealing techniques too, and as an Uzumaki, you have a natural talent in sealing arts, so you should also learn that jutsu along with other things. And here is a tip from your dad which will help you in your training: there is a jutsu called the 'Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu,' and since you have huge chakra reserves, this jutsu will be perfect for you. I am sure that you can make at least a thousand shadow clones. The main thing about shadow clones is they give their memories to the original after the jutsu is undone, so in this way, you have a way to learn so many things simultaneously.

It seems that my time has come, so here are a few things that your mother and I would like you to know. This is from me: "Listen, Naruto. Be strong. You can't cry yet. Remember what I'm about to say. This is important. You are our son, and Kushina and I have always loved you. It's because we love you so much that we have to do this. Naruto, there will come a time when you'll face difficult decisions. Trust in your heart and make choices that you can live with. Your mother and I will be watching over you, always"

And this is from your mother: "Naruto, my sweet, sweet Naruto. Always, always, remember that your mother loves you. Always. Naruto, my little whiskered-faced warrior, I know you will face hardships, but always remember your strength lies in your kind heart. You have the power to change the world for the better. Naruto, my brave little sunshine, always cherish your bonds with others. Your connections will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle. We believe in you, now and always. Naruto.... Don't be a picky eater. Just eat alot so you can grow up big and strong. And make sure that you bathe everyday and you stay warm too also.. don't stay up too late! Make sure you get plenty of sleep also don't forget to make sure tj make a friends it doesn't need to be too many just few is fine as long as they're the once that you can really love. Oh, Naruto, there's so much... oh, so much more...! There are so many things I wish I had time to pass onto you... so much more I wanna tell you! I wish I could stay with you longer!"

That's it, Naruto. Be safe and stay strong.

Your loving father,

Minato Namikaze!'

Father, Mother, I love you too!!

After reading the letter Naruto started to cry in memories of his parents, he cried for almost hour and eventually fell asleep.

After almost five hours he slowly started to wake up from his slumber.

"Naruto POV:"

That's enough crying for now! Mother didn't want me to cry! Okay, now that I'm done reading the letter, it's time to see what else there is. Father said that there is a jutsu called Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu. It should be here somewhere.

Let's find out!!





Found it! But damn, this place is huge and how many books and scrolls are here exactly? It took me almost an hour to find this scroll.

Well, now that I've found it, it's time to learn it.

The title says "Shadow Clone & Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu," so let's see what's inside!"

"Shadow Clone Justu!"

Huh... Shadow Clone Jutsu. I guess there are two types in this jutsu. Let's continue.

"The Shadow Clone Jutsu is a technique. It creates physical copies of the user that are indistinguishable from the original. Unlike other clone techniques that create illusions, shadow clones are tangible and can interact with the environment. They have their own consciousness and can perform tasks independently.

The theory behind this jutsu is that it divides the user's chakra into equal parts among the clones created, so each clone possesses a portion of the user's strength and abilities. However, unlike the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, which creates multiple clones, this technique typically creates fewer clones, usually one or a few at a time.

The shadow clones can be used for various purposes, such as distraction, reconnaissance, or combat. They can also be used to accelerate training by allowing the user to experience multiple scenarios simultaneously. However, like the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating too many clones can exhaust the user's chakra and potentially cause harm.

Overall, the Shadow Clone Jutsu is a versatile and fundamental technique often used by ninja for both practical and strategic purposes."

Wow! Literally, wow! This jutsu... this jutsu is so powerful! It has so much potential! And it also allows the user to experience multiple scenarios at once, allowing them to train multiple times and multiple things at once. It can also help increase the speed of learning!

This jutsu is specially made for me! I can see why father said that this jutsu is perfect for me!

But how does it work exactly? Let's see.

"The creation of Shadow Clones involves a complex interplay of chakra manipulation and mental focus, reflecting the intricacies of ninja techniques. Here's a detailed theory of how Shadow Clones are created:

1. Chakra Control: The foundation of creating Shadow Clones lies in the ninja's mastery of chakra control. Chakra is the energy that fuels all ninja techniques, and precise control over its flow is essential for performing advanced jutsu like the Shadow Clone technique.

2. Chakra Division: To initiate the Shadow Clone Jutsu, the ninja must mentally divide their chakra into multiple equal parts. This division process requires a deep understanding of one's own chakra reserves and the ability to partition it effectively without disrupting the overall balance.

3. Molded Intent: With the chakra divided, the ninja then imbues each portion with their own individual intent or consciousness. This mental imprinting is crucial for giving each clone a sense of autonomy and independent thought, allowing them to act and react to their surroundings accordingly.

4. Hand Seals: As with many jutsu in the Naruto universe, hand seals serve as a catalyst for channeling chakra and shaping its manifestation. The specific sequence of hand seals required for the Shadow Clone Jutsu varies, but it serves to focus the ninja's concentration and solidify the mental image of the clones they wish to create.

5. Release of Chakra: Upon completing the hand seals and concentrating their intent, the ninja releases the divided chakra from their body, causing it to coalesce into physical form. Each portion of chakra takes on the shape and appearance of the original ninja, resulting in the creation of multiple identical clones.

6. Physical Manifestation: Unlike mere illusions, Shadow Clones possess tangible bodies composed of chakra-infused matter. These clones are indistinguishable from the original in appearance and possess all of the ninja's physical attributes, skills, and abilities.

7. Autonomy and Consciousness: Once created, each Shadow Clone gains its own consciousness, allowing it to think, act, and make decisions independently of the original ninja. This autonomy is a hallmark feature of the jutsu, enabling the clones to perform tasks, engage in combat, or carry out missions with a degree of intelligence and awareness.

8. Chakra Feedback: As the Shadow Clones operate, they draw upon the chakra reserves allocated to them by the original ninja. If a clone sustains damage or is dispelled, the chakra invested in it returns to the original user. This feedback mechanism ensures that the ninja maintains control over their chakra distribution and prevents excessive depletion or exhaustion.

In summary, the creation of Shadow Clones is a multifaceted process that combines precise chakra control, mental focus, and hand seal techniques. By dividing their chakra and imbuing it with intent, a ninja can manifest tangible duplicates of themselves, each possessing autonomous consciousness and the ability to act independently. This intricate process underscores the depth and complexity of ninja techniques, highlighting the skill and mastery required to wield them effectively."

Father sure writes everything in detail. After understanding this, making shadow clones will be like walking in the park.

Now let's see what this Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is.

"The Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is a powerful technique, it's an advanced form of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, where instead of creating just one clone, the user creates multiple clones, often numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. These clones are physical manifestations with their own consciousness and can perform tasks independently.

The theory behind this jutsu is that it divides the user's chakra evenly among all the clones created, ensuring that each clone has a portion of the original user's strength and abilities. This allows for rapid and efficient completion of tasks, as well as overwhelming opponents with sheer numbers and tactics.

However, because the chakra is divided among so many clones, the technique can be physically and mentally taxing on the user, especially if they create a large number of clones. Additionally, if a clone is injured or dispelled, the chakra returns to the original user, potentially causing exhaustion or injury.

Overall, the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is a high-risk, high-reward technique that requires precise chakra control and strategic planning to master effectively."

Well, now that I see both techniques are similar, just the first is for a few clones and the second is for more clones, and "more" means thousands of clones.

But I am sure that the theory behind both techniques will be different. If not, then what's the point of making two different techniques and giving them different names?

Let's see what the difference is.

"The Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is an advanced and powerful variation of the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Here's a detailed theory of how the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu works:

1. Chakra Distribution: Similar to the Shadow Clone Jutsu, the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu begins with the user dividing their chakra into multiple equal parts. However, in this technique, the user distributes their chakra among a significantly larger number of clones.

2. Mental Focus and Intent: The user imbues each portion of divided chakra with their own consciousness and intent, just like in the standard Shadow Clone Jutsu. This mental imprinting is crucial for giving each clone its autonomy and individuality.

3. Hand Seals: As with many jutsu, hand seals are employed to channel and shape chakra. The specific sequence of hand seals required for the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is likely more complex than that of the standard Shadow Clone Jutsu, reflecting the increased intricacy of creating multiple clones simultaneously.

4. Chakra Release: With the hand seals completed and mental focus maintained, the user releases the divided chakra from their body. The chakra manifests into physical clones, each bearing the likeness and abilities of the original user.

5. Autonomy and Consciousness: Each clone created through the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu possesses its own consciousness and autonomy, enabling it to act and think independently. This allows for highly coordinated group tactics or the execution of complex maneuvers with a large-scale clone army.

6. Chakra Feedback and Exhaustion: As with the Shadow Clone Jutsu, the chakra invested in the clones is linked back to the original user. If a clone is dispelled or sustains damage, the chakra returns to the user. However, due to the larger number of clones created, the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu can be significantly more taxing on the user's chakra reserves, potentially leading to exhaustion or injury if overused.

In summary, the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu is an advanced technique that allows the user to create a massive army of clones through precise chakra control and distribution. Its ability to overwhelm opponents with sheer numbers and execute intricate battle strategies makes it a formidable tool in the arsenal of skilled ninja."

Hmm, between both techniques, a few things are similar and a few things are different, like Chakra Distribution/Division, Hand Seals, and Release of Chakra, and things like that.

And it seems that before learning the Shadow Clone technique, I need to at least have a basic level of Chakra control. So I need to find a book about chakra control. What a pain! Can't Father just write everything in one scroll?!

I guess I don't have any choice, so let's find a book about chakra control.





I swear, after I get this Shadow Clone technique done, I will arrange all these books in order! Only for that one book, I have to search through four bookshelves! And worst of all, it wastes my time! It took more than two hours just to find this one book!

I get it that Father arranged all this in their last moment, but still, they could have at least kept everything organized so I don't need to search through every single shelf just to find one book!

Anyway, now that I found this book, let's see what's inside!

"Chakra and Chakra Control For Beginners!"

Well, the title seems interesting.

"What is chakra?

Chakra is a fundamental concept in the Naruto series, representing the energy source that powers all ninja techniques and abilities. In the series, chakra is described as the combination of physical energy (stamina) and spiritual energy (mental energy or consciousness). It is believed to flow through the body along specific pathways known as chakra points or tenketsu.

Here are key aspects of chakra:

1. Energy Source: Chakra serves as the primary energy source for performing jutsu, which are the various techniques and abilities used by ninja in combat and everyday life. By harnessing and manipulating their chakra, ninja can execute a wide range of techniques, from elemental jutsu to illusionary genjutsu and physical taijutsu.

2. Physical and Spiritual Components: Chakra is composed of both physical and spiritual components. Physical.....

5. Chakra Control: Mastery of chakra control is essential for every ninja, as it allows them to manipulate their chakra with precision and efficiency. Chakra control techniques enable ninja to regulate the flow of chakra, perform delicate maneuvers, and execute complex jutsu with accuracy. Through rigorous training and practice, ninja can refine their chakra control skills and unlock new levels of power and mastery.

Overall, chakra is a central concept in serving as the foundation for ninja abilities and techniques. Its intricate nature and the mastery of its manipulation form the basis of ninja training and development, shaping the world of ninjutsu and shinobi warfare."

I see, so basically, chakra is our life force, and it exists everywhere in everything. No one, without chakra, can survive. Even civilians who are not ninjas have chakra, albeit in a minuscule amount.

Basically, there are five basic things that everyone should know, and they are: Energy Source, Physical and Spiritual Components, Chakra Pathways, Elemental Affinities, and Chakra Control.

Now, let's see what the method of chakra control for beginners is.

"Chakra control training methods for beginners-

For beginners in chakra control, it's essential to start with foundational exercises and techniques to develop a solid understanding of chakra manipulation. Here's a beginner-friendly chakra control training regimen:

1. Basic Meditation: Begin with simple meditation exercises to calm the mind and focus your attention inward. Find a quiet and comfortable space, sit or lie down in a relaxed position, and close your eyes. Take slow, deep breaths, and visualize your chakra as a glowing energy within your body. Focus on feeling the flow of chakra and gradually increase your awareness of its presence.

2. Balancing Exercises: Practice balancing objects with chakra to develop finer control over your chakra flow. Start....

7. Consistent Practice: Chakra control is a skill that improves with practice and repetition. Set aside time each day to practice your chakra control exercises, starting with short sessions and gradually increasing the duration as you progress. Stay patient and persistent, and don't be discouraged by setbacks or slow progress.

By following these beginner-friendly chakra control training techniques, you can lay a strong foundation for mastering chakra manipulation and unlocking your full potential as a ninja."

I see. So, to master chakra control, I need to do these things: Basic Meditation, Chakra Sensing Practice, Control Exercises, Hand Seal Practice, Balancing Exercises, Visualization Techniques, and Consistent Practice.

So, where should I start? Should I read the book first? Yes, that would be good. It will give me an idea where to start.

"Beginners should start with the leaf training exercise. The Leaf Balancing Training is a foundational exercise in chakra control for beginners. It involves balancing a leaf on the tip of one's finger using chakra manipulation.

Here's how you can practice Leaf Balancing Training:

1. Select a Leaf: Choose a small, lightweight leaf from a nearby tree. The leaf should be relatively flat and free from tears or damage, making it easier to balance.

2. Find a Quiet Location: Locate a quiet...

9. Reflect on Your Progress: Take time to reflect on your progress and improvements throughout your training. Celebrate your successes and identify areas for further growth, setting new goals to continue advancing your chakra control abilities.

By practicing Leaf Balancing Training consistently and diligently, you can develop sharper chakra control skills and lay a solid foundation for mastering more advanced techniques."

So, leaf training, huh.....

Okay, then let's start with it!


And that's end. That's all for this chapter.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 4.8k