
Naruto: Chronicles of the Unseen.

What If Naruto is different from the original Naruto? What if Naruto is more mature than original Naruto? What if Naruto has the talent which surpasses Itachi, Kakashi and Minato? What if Naruto has Sharingan? What if Minato and Kushina did some arrangements for Naruto before they died? What if Naruto is a born genius like Kakashi, Itachi and Minato? Naruto does not belongs to me, he belongs to Hinata.

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: The Awakening.

"Third Person POV:"

As Naruto headed towards the mysterious house, he soon entered it.

The house was a normal one, lacking any fancy embellishments. Originally, it wasn't designed for habitation; rather, it was intended for Kushina to safely give birth to her child while being outside of the house.

Luckily, Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't think much of the house since no one lived there. Consequently, he left it untouched, not bothering to investigate further.

However, he was utterly mistaken. This house held everything: letters and information that Minato and Kushina had written for Naruto, as well as the belongings they had prepared and stored for him. Originally, Minato had intended to entrust these items to Jiraiya or Kakashi. However, due to his depleted chakra and impending death, his clone was unable to fulfill that task. Thus, the clone decided to safeguard the items here, hoping that Naruto might discover them in the future.

As Naruto entered the house, he started to explore. In one chamber, he found nothing but a bed. In another, he discovered expired food supplies.

As he continued to explore the house, he eventually encountered a chamber blocked by a barrier. This barrier was created by Minato using one of the sealing jutsu taught to him by Kushina. It was one of the Uzumaki's sealing techniques, designed in a way that only those whose chakra is familiar with sealing could enter. Before using this jutsu, Minato had taken some of Naruto's chakra and infused it into the seal, ensuring that Naruto could someday undo the jutsu and enter the chamber.

To undo the jutsu, one must expose the seal to the chakra infused within it.

Frustrated by the barrier, Naruto started to beat on the chamber door. Despite his maturity for his age and understanding of everything, he still retained a childishness inherited from his mother, which sometimes made him act impulsively.

"Naruto POV:"

Aww man, why won't it open? Finally, I found something entertaining and interesting!!!

Should I beat this door and enter? Will I be able to get through? Let's try it, it's not like anyone is going to stop me.

Damn it, why won't this stupid thing open! I've been beating on it for almost half an hour. Wait, does it have some kind of seal on it?

I've read the book that was in the trash can, which mentioned something about seals being used to prevent people from entering certain places. Will my chakra work on it? It's not going to harm me in any way, so why not try?

Yeah, let's do it!

Wait, first I need to unlock my chakra. How do I do that? I've heard people say that to unlock chakra, we need to focus and meditate for some time, find the chakra inside us, and then grab it and pull it out.

Okay, let's try it!

Inner peace! Inner peace!

Found the fire inside you! Found the fire inside you! And then Grab it!

Haa! Found it now grab it!

"Third Person POV:"

As Naruto sat down, folding his legs into a cross-legged position, he formed the RAM sign and began to meditate, focusing inward to find his chakra.

After almost 20 minutes, Naruto finally managed to locate his chakra, grasping it and pulling it out, thus unlocking his chakra.

Most people wouldn't even be able to see their chakra, let alone unlock it on their first try. This is because they don't have enough chakra reserves to unlock it in their first try. However, Naruto is a different case; being an Uzumaki, he naturally possesses a vast amount of chakra compared to others, even surpassing the Senjus.

On average, a 16-year-old Uzumaki shinobi possesses more than fifty times the chakra of an average Jonin. And in Naruto's case, being an Uzumaki, a Jinchuriki, and having a seal that purifies the Nine-Tails' chakra, and adding in his chakra reserves, which makes his chakra reserves even greater than those of the average Uzumaki. Even without being a Jinchuriki, he would still have more chakra than an average Uzumaki.

As Naruto unlocked his chakra, it exploded from his body as if breaking through its container. However, thanks to the chakra suppression seal that Minato had placed on the house when Kushina was giving birth, hoping to prevent any leakage of the Nine-Tails' chakra, Naruto's chakra remained contained within the house, undetectable from the outside.

As his chakra exploded from him, it was exposed to the seal present on the chamber, and because of this, the seal unlocked, and the chamber opened.

"Naruto POV:"

Yeah!! I unlocked it!! I unlocked my chakra!!

But I am somehow feeling sleepy? No, now is not the time to think about that. It's time to see if it worked or not!

Let's see if the seal is opened or not.

Yeah!! It worked, that's Uzumaki Naruto for ya! I can do anything! But first, let's check what is inside here.

Hm... Nothing much, just some old books and some other stuff. But still how the heck there are so many books here? Who managed to bring this books here? Anyway, let's see what is on that table; those seem like some important papers.

Good thing that old man taught me how to read, or else it would have been a waste of time.

"Third Person POV:"

As Naruto began to explore the newly unlocked chamber, he stumbled upon the books that Minato had prepared for him. There were so many books, enough to fill a huge library. They covered all kinds of topics, such as startup shinobi training guides, how to master your chakra, mastering chakra natures, taijutsu styles, sealing scrolls, and many more. These books held valuable knowledge for a ninja's training.

Most notably, there was a separate compartment containing scrolls crafted by Minato himself. These scrolls contained a wealth of knowledge gleaned from his experiences and training. They held his unique techniques, combat strategies, and the knowledge he gained from the Uchiha compound.

In addition to Minato's scrolls, there were scrolls detailing sealing techniques passed down through the Uzumaki lineage, which Kushina had brought from Uzushiogakure. She had carried these scrolls with her when she arrived, and there were even more scrolls about sealing made by Mito Uzumaki. These were given to Kushina as she neared her end, and she entrusted them to another Uzumaki, instead of the Senju, to ensure their safety. Recognizing the significance of this knowledge, Kushina chose to safeguard, entrusting it to Naruto's care.

There were also books unrelated to ninja matters, covering topics such as literature, philosophy, human nature, stories, wars, romance, history, and many more.

Thus, within the sanctuary of this chamber, Naruto discovered not only the tools to further his ninja training but also a treasure trove of knowledge spanning various aspects of life and society.

But Naruto disregarded those books and started to head towards the table, which had the letters that Minato had written for him. As he went near the table, he picked up a letter and opened it, starting to read.

"Naruto POV:"

Well, there are too many books here, but they'll come in handy for me in the future, so let's leave this matter and see what is there.

Hmm... letters? Why are they here? Let's see what is in these letters.

'Dear Naruto,

If you are reading this, then it means that you have become big enough to read. I don't know how old you are, but I assume that you are at least 14 years old.'

W... what is it? What does it mean by "Dear Naruto"? Who wrote this? Why does it have my name? What is going on here?

'Sorry, my son, for leaving you behind. I know that you have endured hardships in your life, and I am truly sorry for that. But I can't do anything about it. It's because the Nine-Tails has already started to destroy the village, and my original, or you could say "boss," is fighting with the Nine-Tails along with your mom. But there is one thing that you should know, and that is we loved you more than our own lives!'

What? My dad fought the Nine-Tails? And my mom too? But what happened to them? Who are they? And they loved me? They really loved me!! I am not abandoned!!

'Hahaha! I still haven't told you my name yet. I think Kushina's goofiness is rubbing off on me. Well, prepare to be surprised, son, because I am your father, the one and only Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash of the Leaf and the Fourth Hokage of the Konohagakure. And your mom is Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero of the Leaf'

M... my father was the Fourth Hokage? And my mother, her name was Kushina Uzumaki. I have my mother's name! Why didn't that old man tell me before? That bastard, what ulterior intentions does he have? I should read this more; it will surely give me more answers!

'Well, I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but let me tell you, on the day you were born, the day the Nine-Tails attacked the village, it didn't escape from your mother!'

Now what? It didn't escape from my mother? What does he mean by that? Why is the Nine-Tails connected with my mother?

'It was a masked man, a masked man who unsealed the Nine-Tails from your mother, controlled it, and made it rampage in the village. I don't know if you are familiar with the term Jinchuriki or not, but I will tell you. A "Jinchuriki" is the term used to refer to individuals who have a Tailed Beast sealed within them. The Tailed Beasts, also known as Biju, are powerful creatures with immense chakra and unique abilities. Each Tailed Beast is sealed within a human host known as a Jinchuriki, who acts as a container for the beast's power. The Jinchuriki gain access to the Tailed Beast's chakra and abilities but also bear the burden of its presence, often facing discrimination and hardship due to their status. And your mother is also a Jinchuriki; she was the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails.'

My mother, what!! What is written here? Why my mother? And why did that masked man take the Nine-Tails from my mother?

'I don't know what the motives of that masked man were, but he clearly wanted to destroy the Leaf Village. And he was able to control the Nine-Tails because he has the Mangekyo Sharingan, and using that Sharingan, he was able to control the Nine-Tails. I had already defeated him and made him retreat, but I am sure that in the future, he might return, and for that, you need to become strong! So make sure to awaken your Sharingan because it will make you stronger.'

What? My Sharingan? Isn't that those cool eyes that those people with cool black hair have? Are they the ones who controlled the Nine-Tails? And what does my father mean by I need to become strong? Could it be...

Oh, no! Please don't! Please let it remain my imagination!!

'I am telling you to be strong because you are the next Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails!'

"Third Person POV:"

As Naruto started to read the letter, he was overwhelmed by several emotions such as joy, happiness, regret, anxiety, anger, and fear.

He felt happy because he was now aware of his parents' existence, joyful that he knew his parents loved him and didn't abandon him, regretful that he was unable to meet his parents because they are dead, anxious because his parents were fighting a beast, angry because a masked man caused his parents to die, and fearful that he might be the next Jinchuriki because if he is, the mistreatment he had received from the village would be justified.

Amidst this mix of emotions, a new emotion was born: rage and hate.

He felt rage because he was being blamed for something out of his control, and he felt hate for the villagers because, despite having done nothing wrong, the village treated him poorly.

In the intensity of these emotions, unknowingly, he closed his eyes and started to release an extreme amount of chakra, enough that it surpassed that of any Chunin. While doing so, he unconsciously drew some of the Nine-Tails' chakra and channeled it into his eyes.

Due to his extreme emotions, which were haywire because of reading the letter, he awakened the Sharingan, an ability inherited from his father. At the same time, small chakra chains emerged from his back and attacked the wall behind him, destroying it completely. Along the chains, small wings made of pure chakra also sprouted from his back. They had a mixture of blue and red colors, with traces of gold.

After five minutes, as his emotions finally calmed down, Naruto slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of two tomoe Sharingan spinning wildly in Naruto's eyes.

Naruto awakened his Sharingan because of his emotions and the chakra that he drew from the Nine-Tails. The Sharingan is typically awakened when a person with Uchiha blood experiences intense emotional trauma, such as the loss of a loved one or witnessing a significant event. This activation can be triggered by strong emotions like anger, fear, or sadness.

Right now, Naruto is experiencing similar emotions. He is saddened by the death of his parents and his inability to meet them. Moreover, he is angered by the villagers' mistreatment, which is beyond his control. The Nine-Tails' chakra only intensifies these emotions, leading Naruto to directly awaken a pair of two-tomoe Sharingan instead of the normal one-tomoe Sharingan.

As he opened his eyes, he looked at the piece of glass, which was shattered when the chains from his back attacked the wall and destroyed it.

As he looked at his pair of Sharingan and the chakra chains and chakra wings behind him, a happy yet cruel, ruthless smile formed on his face, and a dark chuckle escaped from his mouth along with the lines,

"Hehehe!! This is getting intresting!"


And that's end. That's all for this chapter.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 2.4k