
Naruto : Broadcasting The Future, Starting With Kaido ( Finished )

Traveling through the world of Naruto, Ken gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Ken creates a light curtain and begins to broadcast the future. Let the big guys in the shinobi world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: "Thanks to Gin, otherwise I wouldn't have known that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Impure World Reincarnation's Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ------- This is a Chinese fanfiction I am just translating it. ----- if You want to read Chapters in advance join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

chapter 17

Chapter 17 I Really Like The Words Of The Ninja Audience

Same as when Kaido appeared.

When Aokiji appeared on the light screen, everyone was asking who Aokiji was.

Onoki: "Here comes another newcomer whose name I have never heard of. It seems that I am really old!"

Fourth Raikage: "Look at this forehead protector, it should be Kirigakure's ninja, Terumi Mei, have you heard of this name?"

Terumi Mei: "I have a little impression of him."

Terumi Mei: "Looks like a new member of our Mist Shinobi ninja hunting force."

Rasa: "Newcomer?"

Kakashi: "In just three years, he was promoted from a rookie to the captain of the Mist Shinobi Ninja Pursuit Force. It seems that his strength is no less than that of Kaido!"

Maybe it was seeing Kakashi's message.

Kirigakure's Ao quickly turned his attention to the ninja world's combat power rankings and was overjoyed: "We've overtaken it! We in the Kingdom of Water have overtaken it! Great, we Kirigakure will also have our own Kaido!"


Rasa looked at the combat power rankings.

The Kingdom of Water, which was originally at the bottom of the five major kingdoms, quickly increased its combat power by 15,000 points after Aokiji's appearance, raising the Kingdom of Water's combat power to 454,600 points. It successfully counterattacked the Kingdom of Wind and came to fourth place.

Jiraiya: "Damn it, it rose 150 times just after it debuted!"

Orochimaru: "What's so surprising? It's just half of kaido."

Kaido: "???"

Roger: "It's so funny, after the Kingdom of Waves, will Kaido also become a unit of measurement for combat power?"

Aokiji: "I have a headache. If I become the captain, will I not be able to fish happily?"

Fourth Raikage: "A new person is here?"

Rasa: "Don't be afraid, you can fish better if you become the captain!"

Terumi Mei: "Hey, hey, hey! Don't let our Kirigakure's rising star get spoiled!"

Ao: "That's right!"

Most of the previous movie watching videos were Kaido's solo shows.

The other people in the Ninja Village could only watch helplessly as the Fire Country's combat power continued to increase, and it was impossible not to feel angry at all.

It's good now.

Finally a non-Konoha ninja appears.

Naturally, there are loud gongs and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and huge crowds of people.

[Creation point +1]

[Creation point +1]

[Creation point +1]

Compared with the lively chat, the prompt box in front of Ken seemed a little deserted.

Unlike Kaido's majestic appearance.

And Roger, the Pirate King, appears with a legendary aura.

Aokiji's appearance was uneventful. Naturally, unlike the two seniors, he had great influence and gained a lot of creative points as soon as he debuted.


It doesn't matter.

This is only temporary.

Ken believes that Aokiji's next performance will not disappoint him!

[ Kuzan has a lazy expression, but his eyes are extremely clear, creating an invisible pressure. ]

[Faced with the pressure brought by Aokiji, Haku did not give in at all and stood in front of Zabuza. He opened his arms like a hen protecting its chicks and asked Kuzan: "What are you doing here?"]

[ Aokiji narrows his eyes. ]

["Judging from your performance, you seem to already know the purpose of my trip."]

["That's right."]

["As the leader of the Mist Shinobi Ninja Pursuit Team, the purpose of my trip is to bring you two back to Kirigakure!"]

[Aokiji's voice is like a cold winter wind. ]

[There was silence. ]

[Everyone can feel a chill out of thin air. ]

[The corner of Kaido's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but said to Aokiji: "Did you eat Logia's Frozen Fruit just to secretly cool down air?"]


[Aokiji laughed dryly and scratched his head in embarrassment: "You discovered it."]

["I mainly want to create an atmosphere."]

Jiraiya: "Laughing to death!"

Onoki: "Aokiji is also a person with the ability of the fruit of the sacred tree?"

Rasa: "It seems so, and it's Logia's. Plus Paramecia's Zabuza and Zoan's Kaido, we've seen all three fruits."

Orochimaru: "Judging from the current performance, Kaido's Mythical Zoan: Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon is the strongest."

Fourth Raikage: "It's hard to say, after all, Aokiji hasn't done much yet!"

Immediately afterwards.

The light curtain enters the memory screen.

From Aokiji's memories, the audience learned that Haku was born in a small village where it always snowed in the Land of Water. The people in the village were afraid of the war and hated the blood inheritance boundary. (blood inheritance boundary = Kekkei-genkai = Bloodline Limit )

However, Haku's mother is the owner of the blood inheritance boundary.

She hid this secret well, and the family lived a quiet and peaceful life.

Until one day.

The blood succession boundary in Haku's body awakened. This scene was discovered by Haku's father. He led a group of villagers and beat Haku's mother to death. Just when he was about to attack Haku, Aokiji, who had arrived late, activated the ice release blood succession boundary and killed Haku's mother and everyone present.

Kuzan lost his parents when he was young, and it was his sister, Haku's mother, who raised him.

In terms of seniority.

Kuzan is Haku's uncle.

Due to his status as a Mist Shinobi Anbu ninja, he cannot directly contact Haku, so he can only take care of him secretly.

From Haku begging all the way to meeting Zabuza.

Become Zabuza's weapon.

Over the years, Kuzan has been silently paying attention to Haku's whereabouts.

After the death of One Piece Roger, Zabuza, who was the deputy captain of One Piece, established a base in the Land of Waves not far from Kirigakure, but did not alert Kirigakure. Kuzan, the captain of the Mist Shinobi Ninja Pursuit Team, was indispensable for his secret efforts.

Terumi Mei: "What a poor kid."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "It seems that you Kirigakure are not very good at treating children!"

When Naruto's life experience was exposed.

Terumi Mei sarcastically said that Konoha was harsh on children.

It's good now.

Things have turned around and it's his turn to take revenge.

Jiraiya: "Aokiji is Haku's uncle? He doesn't look alike! Could it be a mistake?"

Onoki: "That's right, one is so tall and the other is so short."

Tsunade: "From a genetic point of view, the niece's height is not directly related to her uncle's."

Haku: "I'm a man!!"

I really like a saying from the ninja audience: "Huh?"

The moment Haku's message was sent out, the entire chat room was flooded with question marks.

at the same time.

In the light curtain, back to the real scene, because Aokiji was caught secretly releasing air conditioning, the originally solemn atmosphere at the scene relaxed instantly.


[Aokiji straightened his expression and tried to regain his dignity as the leader of the Kirigakure ninja hunting team: "Momochi Zabuza and Haku, you two are the most wanted criminals that Kirigakure has been chasing for many years. I hope you can cooperate and come back to Kirigakure with me. "]


[Kuzan didn't say the rest. ]

[But everyone present understood that the air at the scene was condensed again. ]

["Uncle, can you stop turning on the air conditioner!"]

[ Naruto complained while rubbing his hands. ]

[Aokiji turned his head and showed a half-smiling expression to Naruto: "This time, I didn't turn on the air conditioner."]

[Air. ]

[Suddenly froze. ]

[This time, it was Haku who released the ability of Blood Succession Limit, created several ice mirrors, protected Zabuza inside, and said solemnly: "I will not let you hurt Zabuza-sama!"]


[Kaido picked his ears and said impatiently: "Is it interesting to scare a few children?"]


["How did you find out?"]

[ Aokiji looked stunned, a little surprised, he thought his acting skills should be pretty good. ]

["There was No murderous intention in what you said now!"]

[ Kaido looks at Aokiji with disdain. ]

["I see."]

["It seems that I have to pay attention to some details next time."]

[Aokiji crossed his arms and nodded: "I'm not lying about one thing. My mission this time is indeed to bring Zabuza and Haku back to Kirigakure."]

[Haku's body trembled slightly. ]


[Aokiji changed the topic and said with a smile: "It is not to take him back for trial and torture, but to restore your identity as Mist Shinobi ninja."]

["Restore our identity as Mist Shinobi ninja?"]

[Zabuza suddenly grinned with a crazy smile: "Hahaha, you guys just want to trick me back into Kirigakure, close the door and beat the dog. Do you think I will fall for such a simple trap?"]


["Is this persecutory paranoia?"]

[ Aokiji slapped his forehead and glanced at Kaido and Team 7 led by him. ]

[A moment of silence. ]

[He slowly said: "It's about our Kirigakure's secrets. There are Konoha ninjas present. Originally I didn't want to tell you, but since you don't believe me, I might as well just show it off."]

["Based on the clues provided by Roger, the Pirate King."]

["We investigated and found out that Fourth Mizukage Yagura was controlled by someone using Sharingan's genjutsu."]