
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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470 Chs

He Did Not Mean To

"Not only Uchihas can use the Sharingan, but many of our ancestors also didn't have Bloodline Limit in the beginning. Later, they obtained them through some means. Who said that only an Uchiha could use the Sharingan in this world? Who said only they can obtain the Mangekyo?"

"In my opinion, Uchiha is just a waste of a family. With such an excellent Bloodline Limit, they couldn't do anything but get exterminated. I think it's clear now. In this world, strength is everything. You should have some kind of Bloodline Limit as well. Today, let me learn yours!"

Ryoha deliberately scared Mei. After all, while the information about his exploits back in Konoha might be hidden from the masses, as the Mizukage, she should know something.

Therefore, when he said that, Mei should have realized something about his so-called Bloodline Limit that can obtain various powers. In fact, Ryoha didn't have that kind of Bloodline Limit, but it was good to scare them.

"You really are more outstanding than I thought. I really want to fight you and see if you're the real deal."

Mei spoke very gently, but there was a cold light in the depths of her eyes. As a Mizukage, she had to have an explanation for what had happened today. Otherwise, if people knew about what had happened today, it would have a great impact on her reputation as a Kage. Therefore, it was exactly as Ryoha just said. They just needed to prove their strength in a battle.

It seemed that Ryoha had seen through Mei's thoughts. Everything depended on this battle. If Ryoha were strong enough to hold Mei's assault, then she would think of other ways to solve this matter. On the contrary, if Mei found out that she could kill him easily, then she wouldn't hesitate to eliminate him. It was better to kill such a potent ninja early in their teens anyway before they become a bigger threat later.

"A Kage could be regarded as a politician. Of course, they would be troubled by a bunch of chores. Not only they would find less time to improve their strength, but their hearts would also be corrupted by the hypocritical people around them. I really don't understand why so many ninjas want to be a Kage."

Ryoha said mockingly, but his unintentional words caused Mei's expression to change, and a trace of memories flashed through her eyes.

She was a very talented ninja to have two such powerful Bloodline Limit abilities. This was apparent when she had reached the level of Kage when she was very young. However, ever since she found out that an Uchiha messed up her village, she decided to fight as a Mizukage.

Although the starting point was good, she had lost a lot of things at the same time as she obtained something. For example, she was busy arguing with the elders of the village's prominent families and so on. She dealt with a bunch of affairs.

Her heart unconsciously became a little tired. As time went on, she got influenced by the rotten people around her, slowly turning into the very thing that she hated. She didn't even have time to improve her strength anymore. Her abilities and strength as a ninja might have improved over the past ten years, but the difference was negligible.

She was no longer her old self, who strived to become stronger to live a better life.

If Mei didn't become a Kage, she would have lived normally all these years. Even if her strength didn't surpass the level of Kage, she was definitely at the peak of the Kage level. Her strength was completely comparable to the Third Hokage, who was called the God of Shinobi in his youth.

Even dealing with Sasuke's Susanoo would be a child's play for her if that was the case. No matter what Sasuke threw at her, she would have an absolute advantage over him.

When the Third Hokage fought with Orochimaru, he was already sixty-nine years old, but his strength was not much worse than when he was young. Even Orochimaru himself said if the Third were still young, he wouldn't have the power to defeat him.

He also said that as long as the Third was five years younger, the 64-year-old ninja would be able to kill him easily.

Although this would also cost him his own life, it showed the importance of youth to Ninjas. The Third, at his peak, could be called the strongest Hokage. Although he had weakened a lot, it could still be seen how powerful he was. At the very least, he could fight Orochimaru and his two Hokages in his old age. The gap between his peak and his old age was really big.

Sometimes, it was like this. This world was full of variables. It was very different from the rigid original work.

Although Ryoha didn't mean anything by his words, Mei took them to her heart. It wasn't like she had not realized either, but every time she thought about it, she would be troubled by a lot of things.

Ryoha's unintentional words caused her to suddenly wake up. Thinking about her life in the past ten years, she finally realized that she had misunderstood something. Helping the Kirigakure wasn't just about her becoming a Mizukage.

The essence of this world was just like what Ryoha had said. Why was an outsider like Uchiha Madara able to control her village from the shadows? In the end, wasn't this just because his strength was superior to the village itself? She really was stupid. She had misunderstood a lot of things and wasted so many years in vain.

If she hadn't wasted all these years in the struggle for power, how strong would she be now? At that time, with her strength, everything in the Kirigakure would still be in her hands. Would she still need to waste so much time and effort fighting openly and secretly?

She had been too impatient back then. If she had been a little more mature, she would never have made such a mistake and wasted so much time. When she became stronger, she would definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort without any pressure.

"Phew, It was dangerous. If not for Ryoha's unintentional words that woke me up, maybe it would have been too late by the time I realize my mistake. Competing for power and profit was really dangerous."

"When I sat on the Mizukage's seat, I was too young and immature. I was almost corrupted by power. No, I was still only twenty-six years old now. I would be twenty-seven in a few months. There was still time for me to become stronger."

Countless thoughts flashed through Mei's mind, but on the surface, there was no change. She said so much, but all of this was just her inner thoughts. More than a second had passed in the outside world.

"Strange, why does it feel like she had changed greatly during these past seconds? Her strength clearly did not increase, but she gave me a feeling that she was much stronger than before."

Ryoha looked at Mei and thought in his heart. How could he know that his words would actually wake her up? Not only that, Mei, who had been in a power struggle for almost ten years, finally woke up. Her mental state had become more stable after being tempered all these years.

Improving one's mental strength was harder than physical strength. Nothing seemed to change from the outside, but the benefit she got was much greater inside.

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