
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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469 Chs

Fighting The Mizukage

"Thank you very much, Ryoha." Mei nodded at Ryoha to express her gratitude, then changed the topic: "However, you still killed one of my two bodyguards, Ao. You have to give me an explanation. Come, let me see how powerful you, who left Konoha helpless, are."

"I am also looking forward to it. All the higher-ups of the Land of Water who are extremely against Bloodline Limit actually let you, the user of Bloodline Limit, become a Mizukage. I am also looking forward to what you can do." Ryoha put away his special knife and clenched his fist.

"Why are you so sure that I have a Bloodline Limit?" Mei looked at Ryoha in surprise. Ryoha was from an ordinary family. Even in the Land of Water, there were very few people who knew that she had a Bloodline Limit.

"I just guessed." As Ryoha spoke, he released his Water Dragon Bullet to test Mei.

"Since you don't want to tell me, I also don't want to force you. This is your secret, right? However, using the Water Release to deal with me, a Mizukage seems to be a mistake, Water Release - Water Formation Pillar!" A wall of water launched from Mei's cherry-like mouth. The water dragon collided with the wall of water and canceled each other out.

"I'll return it to you. Water Release - Water Dragon Bullet!" While other people used their hands to release the famous water dragon jutsu, Mei just needed to spit them out of her mouth. Damn, who would dare to ask for her molten kiss? Ryoha was sure that Mei would immediately spit out some water dragons, high-temperature steam, magma, and various things to melt those who dared to ask.

"Her mouth is really powerful. Now, this is the real Mouth Release! Damn it, it looks like she could launch any ninjutsu from her mouth. Her power is not comparable to Naruto's Mouth Release."

Ryoha turned over and dodged the water dragon's rampage, but this water dragon seemed to be sentient. After being dodged, it turned around and rushed towards Ryoha, who was still floating.

"I caught you." Mei smiled and closed her jade-like hand. The water dragon suddenly accelerated and hit Ryoha, sending him flying.

"Well, the warm-up is over. You don't need to pretend. Come out!" Mei turned around and looked at the dark corner. Ryoha came out from that place.

"The potential of your Mangekyo Sharingan is the most terrifying I have ever seen. No wonder you look down on the people of the Uchiha clan so much. With such a powerful Bloodline Limit, they can only walk the path of destruction. Also, your use of Sharingan is indeed not comparable to theirs. The hidden power of your eyes is really frightening."

"That's right. I could defeat Itachi's Tsukuyomi only using my 3-tomoe. Now that I have awakened the Mangekyo, I think his jutsu won't have an effect on me anymore."

In fact, if not for the timely appearance of Wood Release's power, it would really be very difficult to crack Itachi's Tsukuyomi with his 3-tomoe Sharingan. However, Ryoha was really good at tricking people, giving the enemy huge psychological pressure in battle. "You are really amazing. It seems that the information about you defeating Itachi is not false. However, as far as I know, the power of Mangekyo should vary from person to person. But they do have some similar jutsus at some point.

"Everything else will be based on the domain that the user is good at. Now, come at me and let me see how powerful your visual jutsu is!"

Mei made a series of hand seals, and a surging stream of water gushed out from her side. She was really a prodigy. Let alone her two terrifying Bloodline Limits. Her Water Release was already powerful.

"Water Release, Water Gun!" Mei raised her right hand and aimed at Ryoha. Her index finger pointed straight at him. With a bang, she shot a water bullet from her hand like a gun. It was really fast and powerful. Ryoha barely dodged, thanks to his Mangekyo's predictive abilities.

The water bullet flew past Ryoha's ear, exploding right behind him. He turned his head and saw a bullet hole in the wall. The water bullet did not stop and continued to pierce through all the obstacles it encountered. It only disappeared when the chakra had finally weakened. Its penetrating power was terrifying, and it was comparable to Raikiri.

"The secret technique of the Hozuki clan!" Ryoha's Mangekyo spun once, and he realized that it could not be replicated. The secret Water Release technique had appeared in the manga before, but even the Mangekyo could not replicate it.

"Do you want to learn it? This lady can teach you." Mei seemed to have already known that Ryoha couldn't replicate her jutsu and said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Well, it's not about how much ninjutsu you could learn anyway, but whether it suits you or not. Water Release - Water Whip! Lightning Release - Earth Flash!."

Ryoha's hands formed different seals at the same time. Obviously, he was using two different ninjutsu at the same time. Lightning was released from Ryoha's hands and directly flowed to Mei through the water whip. At the same time, Ryoha's Mangekyo slowly rotated.

"Hngh!" Mei stood still in a daze. Her eyes were empty. She had been hit by the genjutsu released by the Inverted Cross Mangekyo. She could only stand still in a daze, tied up by the water whip. Then, lightning flowed into her body.


Mei, who was hit by the electric current, suddenly trembled and turned into a piece of wood with a pop. At the same time, Her's voice appeared from Ryoha's left.

"You are really amazing. Your genjutsu became so powerful with the help of the Mangekyo. Just for a little more, this Lady might be in trouble. You are really cruel. You treated me like that. Then I will send you a big gift. Water Release - Water Gun Barrage!"


A series of explosive sounds pierced through the air and came from behind. Ryoha was pierced through by several water bullets. Unfortunately, Ryoha's body turned into thin air and disappeared.

"Genjutsu!?" Mei's expression changed, and she quickly undid the illusion. She didn't expect Ryoha's genjutsu to be so powerful. Ryoha was only an Elite Jonin now. Even with the Mangekyo, there was no way he could be this powerful. He could put her, who was one of the top Kage-level ninjas, under multiple genjutsu before she even realized it.

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