
Naruto: Blind Hyuga

He was a transmigrant from Earth and was born in the Hyuga branch family. To avoid being controlled by anyone, he willingly became blind. But with his blindness came his cheat that is template of Fujitora from One Piece. Patreon Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY

Hkj · Anime & Comics
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208 Chs

Ch-98 Different Ideologies.

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After Sakura had concluded her part of the mission report, Tsunade took a deep breath and directed her attention to Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji. She asked them directly, "Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, you three had an opportunity to converse with Jiryoku, correct? Is there any significant information he may have shared with you?"

Shikamaru glanced at his comrades, Choji and Ino, before responding respectfully, "Lady Hokage, we did indeed have a conversation with Jiryoku. He did mention his eyes. According to him, his eyes resulted from the fusion of ten pairs of Sharingan and ten pairs of Byakugan. He referred to them as the 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.'"

Shikamaru went on, "However, he didn't divulge any specific details about the abilities of these eyes."

Tsunade acknowledged their report with a nod. She had a degree of trust in Shikamaru for most matters, but when it came to Jiryoku, she held reservations. Her intuition was correct; Shikamaru did possess knowledge about the abilities of Jiryoku's eyes but chose not to share it, focusing instead on information that wouldn't be detrimental to Jiryoku or raise suspicions.

Kakashi added another crucial observation to the discussion, "It's worth noting that despite having these eyes, Jiryoku doesn't keep them open continuously. He only activated them once during his battle with Sasori. For the rest of the time, he kept his eyes closed."

Jiraiya pondered Kakashi's observation and ventured an analysis. "It appears that he can't sustain the use of his eyes for an extended period. There may be a limit to how long he can keep them open."

Kakashi concurred, drawing a parallel to his own situation. "As Shikamaru mentioned, these eyes are a mutation resulting from the combination of Sharingan and Byakugan. It's probable that, much like how my Sharingan rejects my body and I need to keep them closed, Jiryoku's body may have a similar reaction. He keeps his eyes closed to prevent any adverse effects or consequences."

"Hokage-Sama and Jiraiya-Sama, ever since we arrived, it seems like you both have been preoccupied with something, particularly regarding Jiryoku. Did something happen while we were away?" Kakashi inquired, sensing an underlying tension.

Naruto, observing Jiraiya's demeanor, chimed in, "Yeah, 'Pervy Sage,' you've seemed quite uneasy since we got back."

It wasn't just Naruto; the expressions on the faces of all those who had returned from the mission clearly conveyed their curiosity and concern.

Tsunade decided to address their questions directly, her voice steady and grave. "Koharu and Homura have been killed."

Kakashi, like the others, was taken aback by the shocking revelation. "But how is that possible? Elder Koharu and Homura were under tight security."

"Jiryoku returned to Konoha two days ago after successfully completing his mission with you all," Tsunade explained, her tone heavy with regret. "Initially, I believed he had come to report the mission's success. However, it turns out he was here to assassinate Koharu and Homura. If that were the extent of it, I might have disregarded it as an unfortunate twist, to maintain a good relation with Jiryoku. However, the situation is far more dire. Most likely, Jiryoku is planning an attack on Mount Myoboku."

The news of Jiryoku's actions didn't come as a shock to anyone regarding his involvement in Koharu and Homura's deaths. They were well aware of the longstanding animosity between Jiryoku, Koharu, and Homura. None of them believed anyone could stop Jiryoku from exacting his revenge on those two, except for the Hokage.

However, the revelation of Jiryoku's potential attack on Mount Myoboku was an unexpected twist for Kakashi, Might Guy, and Sakura, who understood the significance of Mount Myoboku to Konoha.

Naruto, on the other hand, fell into deep thought. He muttered, "Mount Myoboku... I think I've heard of that place before."

Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes at his momentary lapse in memory. "You moron! It's the very place where you summon your toads!"

Naruto's eyes widened as he recollected. "Oh, right! I remember now."

His expression shifted from confusion to anger, his voice filled with frustration. "But seriously, what's wrong with this guy Jiryoku? I thought he might have changed over the years, and I was even grateful to him for helping us on this mission. But why would he want to attack Mount Myoboku? What kind of grudge does he have against the peaceful toads? First, he didn't save Grandpa Third Hokage, even though he had the strength to do it. Then he killed so many people in Konoha for revenge, and now he's targeting Mount Myoboku."

A heavy silence hung in the room after Naruto's passionate outburst. They all recognized Naruto's unwavering commitment to his unique brand of peace, one built upon forgiveness and understanding. However, they also understood that not everyone shared the same ideology, and Jiryoku's thirst for revenge for his parents' deaths was evidence of that divergence in beliefs.

Jiraiya stepped in to diffuse the tension, addressing Naruto calmly, "Naruto, I understand how you feel, but this is a matter we'll discuss on another occasion."

Turning his attention to Tsunade, Jiraiya proposed a course of action. "Tsunade, I'll summon Elder Fukasaku and immediately inform him about Jiryoku."

Tsunade nodded in agreement, and Jiraiya proceeded to use the 'Summoning Technique.' In a swirling cloud of smoke, Fukasaku materialized within Tsunade's office.

"Jiraiya, my boy, you've called me here, which suggests you've uncovered something new," Fukasaku observed, his sage-like demeanor exuding wisdom and curiosity.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)