
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 29: Tuanzang's miscommand and the intense situation of the war.

Kushina made a secret compartment in the room where she slept.

Dig a passage downward from the secret compartment to make a lounge, and come here to sleep every night, and leave a shadow clone in the bedroom to pretend to be sleeping.

In the Land of Rain, the heavy rain still keeps falling.

Konoha and the Amegakure ninjas are in a fierce battle.

Danzo is so worried that he has lost a lot of hair.

Because he found that under the leadership of Hanzo, the Amegakure is simply a tough nut to crack.

The situation of a sweeping victory did not appear, and the Amegakure ninjas managed to hold up the Konoha ninja army.

This is something that Danzo dare not think about.

But unexpectedly, the Amegakure did it.

After the Konoha army invaded the territory of the Land of Rain, the battle situation became deadlocked.

What troubles Danzo the most is Hanzo's poison.

Whenever he appears, there are always a large number of Konoha ninjas being poisoned to death alive.

Fortunately, Konoha has Tsunade. As Tsunade continuously prepares the antidote, the casualties of Konoha begin to slowly decrease.

Even so, Konoha cannot take down the Amegakure in a short time.

The one-sided battle in the plan failed to happen, and instead Konoha was dragged into a quagmire.

"How's the situation?"

"Not ideal."

Orochimaru frowned, looking at the rain curtain, thinking about how to break the current situation.

Damn it!!

What kind of command is this old thing Danzo doing? Just messing around.

Under his leadership, Konoha ninjas have gloriously sacrificed batch after batch.

But he is the overall commander. No matter how many complaints Orochimaru has in his heart, he can only hold it back.

"I never thought that the strength of the Amegakure would be so powerful. It seems that the old man's words are right. Letting the Amegakure develop like this will always be a threat."

Jiraiya no longer has the glory when he first came to the battlefield. Not only does he look slovenly, but the whole person is so tired that he lies on the ground and doesn't want to move lazily.

Giving him a disdainful look, Tsunade questioned:

"But the information you collected has a big gap from the strength shown by the Amegakure."

"That can't be blamed on me."

Sitting up from the ground, Jiraiya gave a simple and honest smile, scratching his hair that was stuck with a lot of mud, and said depressedly:

"You have to ask our overall commander, this matter is not under my control."

"But is it appropriate for you to leave the camp and enter the battlefield?"

"What's not appropriate?"

Giving him a sideways glance, Tsunade folded her arms and frowned:

"I don't want to see that old guy's stinky face. The antidote exactly for the highly toxic sanshoyu has been prepared, and the rest can be left to the medical ninjas in the camp."

Tsunade would rather fight on the battlefield than stay in the camp and face Danzo's stinky face all day.

It was a completely wrong decision for the Third Hokage to choose Danzo as the battlefield commander.

Letting Danzo play intrigue and carry out assassinations is his forte.

But letting him command the battle is completely messing around.

Well, Orochimaru is not happy, and neither is Tsunade.

Only Jiraiya just smiles and lets it pass.

Even if he has thoughts in his heart, he won't say them out. After all, he doesn't have Tsunade's big temper and of course not that high status.

"It is said that you left your disciple in the village?"

Orochimaru suddenly turned around and looked at Jiraiya. The smile on Jiraiya's face gradually solidified and he jumped up from the ground and shouted:

"What right do you have to say me? Wasn't Hashirama also left in the camp?"


Orochimaru's laughter was a little hoarse, and the look in his eyes looking at Jiraiya was gloating.

"You laugh your ass, I..."

Why does it feel chilly behind.

Jiraiya is cursing,Suddenly feeling something was not right, a chilly feeling ran down his back, and he immediately realized something. Slowly turning his head, he saw Tsunade looking at him expressionlessly, and her fist was slowly being raised.


With a shrill cry, a human-shaped mark directly appeared on the rock, and Jiraiya was deeply embedded in it, impossible to take out even if one tried.

Jiraiya was still being beaten, while Minato joined the team where Kisaragi and Uchiha Mikoto were, and the efficiency of the team's mission execution improved a lot.

With the coming of the war, a large number of ninjas went to the front line, and the unrest caused by the war in various places made the village's commissions and missions increase a lot.

Many ninja teams were extremely busy, but only Kisaragi's team was still the same.

Occasionally taking a mission, and in other times either resting or training, not as busy as other teams.

"Lord Hokage, this is the application form for the Chunin examination."

Because of the war, the standard of the Chunin examination in Konoha was reduced a lot, not as cumbersome and strict as in peaceful times.

At this time, the Chunin examination only had two steps. As long as the theoretical assessment and the practical examination were passed, the ninja rank could be smoothly promoted.

"Put it down."

Since the outbreak of the war, the Third Hokage has been extremely busy every day, with all kinds of messy things piled up, and all need him to deal with in person.

The Hokage office directly became the home of the Third Hokage, and even eating and living were all in the Hokage office.

After approving the documents on the table, the Third Hokage heaved a sigh of relief and picked up the Chunin application form to look at it.

Checking one by one and confirming that there was no problem, he stamped it.

"Jiraiya went to the front line, and it seems that Minato that child remained in the village."

At this time, the Third Hokage suddenly remembered that Jiraiya specifically told him to take more care of Minato.

So he pulled out Minato's information.

At this time, the Third Hokage found that Minato had joined the two-person team of Kisaragi and Uchiha Mikoto, turning the two-person team into a standard three-person Genin team.


Looking at the number of missions completed by the team, the Third Hokage frowned.

For this number of missions, did it miss one or two digits?

Kisaragi's team, carried out thirteen D-class missions and twenty-eight C-class missions.

Sure there wasn't a digit missing?

The students of Kisaragi's generation had graduated for almost a year. Among the ninja teams of the same period, the D-class missions were at least hundreds, and there were also many C-class missions. As a result, the team he was in only carried out so few missions, which was obviously not right.

"Go and investigate the number of missions carried out by Kisaragi's team, I need the accurate number."


A ninja from the Anbu flashed past in the Hokage office and went to look for the information.

In a short while, the information was sent to the Third Hokage from the mission department.

"These three children."

After comparing, the Third Hokage immediately laughed. It wasn't that it was written wrong. It was correct on the information. The reason why the number of missions executed was too small was that the number of trips of Kisaragi's team was also small.